


SELECT [DISTINCT] *或者{column1,column2...} FROM table_name;
select * from student;

select name,english from student;

select distinct * from student;

select name,math+10,english+10,chinese+10 from student;

select name,math+english+chinese from student;

select name as 姓名,math+english+chinese as 總成績 from student;--注:as可省略


比較運算符 <, >, <=, >= ,=,<> 大於,小於,小於等於,大於等於,等於,不等於
between...and... 顯示在某一區間內的值
in(set) 顯示在in列表中的值,如:in(100,200)
like '張pattern' 模糊查詢%_
is null 判斷是否爲空
邏輯運算符 and 多個條件同時成立
or 多個條件任一成立
not 不成立,如:where not(salary>100);
注意:lke中,%代表零個或多個任意字符,_代表一個字符,例如:first_name like '_a%';
SELECT * from student where name = 'zs';

select * from student where english>90;

select * from student where math+english+chinese>230;

select * from student where english between 80 and 100;

select * from student where math in(75,76,77);

select * from student where name like '張%';

select * from student where math>70 and chinese>80;




SELECT couint(*)或者count(列名) FROM table_name [WHERE where_definition];
select count(*) from student;

select count(*) from student where math>80;

select count(*) from student where math+english+chinese>230;

<2>sum 聚合函數,求符合條件的某列的和值

SELECT sum(列名) [,sum(列名)...] FROM table_name [WHERE where_definition];
select sum(math) from student;

select sum(math),sum(english),sum(chinese) from student;

select sum(math+english+chinese) from student;

select sum(chinese)/count(*) from student;


SELECT avg(列名)[,avg(列名)...] FROM table_name [WHERE where_definition];
select avg(math) from student;

select avg(math+english+chinese) from student;


SELECT max(列名) FROM table_name [WHERE where_definition];
select max(math+english+chinese) from student;select min(math+english+chinese) from student;

排序查詢(order by)

SELECT column1,column2... FROM table_name order by column asc或者desc;
elect name,english from student order by english;--默認升序,若需要降序則使用desc

select name 姓名, math+english+chinese 總分 from student order by 總分 desc;

select name 姓名, math+english+chinese 總分 from student where name like '張%' order by 總分;注意:order by在語句結尾。

分組查詢(group by)

SELECT column1,column2,... FROM table_name GROUP BY column HAVING ...

select product,sum(price) from orders group by product;--分組後可使聚合函數,計算每組price的總和

select product,sum(price) from orders group by product having sum(price)>100;

select product,sum(price) from orders where price<100 group by product having sum(price)>100;


SELECT 字段名1,字段名2,... FROM 表名 LIMIT [OFFSET,] 記錄數;
select * from student limit 0,5;



函數名稱 作用
ABS(x) 返回x 的絕對值
SQRT(x) 返回x的非負2次方根
MOD(x,y) 返回x被y除後的餘數
CEILING(x) 返回不小於x的最小 整數
FLOOR(x) 返回不大於x的最大整數
ROUND(x,y) 對x進行四捨五入操作,小數點後保留y位
TRUNCATE(x,y) 舍取x中小數點y位後面的數
SIGN(x) 返回x的符號,-1,0,1


函數名稱 作用
LENGTH(str) 返回字符串str的長度
CONCAT(s1,s2,…) 返回一個或者多個字符串連接產生的新的字符串
TRIM(str) 刪除字符串兩側的空格
REPLACE(str,s1,s2) 使用字符串s2替換字符串str中所有的字符串s1
SUBSTRING(str,n,len) 返回字符串str的子串,起始位置爲n,長度爲len
REVERSE(str) 返回字符串反轉後的效果
LOCATE(s1,str) 返回字符串s1在字符串str中的起始位置


函數名稱 作用
CURDATE() 獲取系統當前日期
CURTIME() 獲取系統當前日期
SYSDATE() 獲取當前系統日期和時間
TIME_TO_SEC() 返回將時間轉換成秒的結果
ADDDATE() 執行日期的加運算
SBUDATE() 執行日期的減運算
DATE_FORMAT() 格式化輸出日期和時間


函數名稱 作用
IF(expr,v1,v2) 如果expr表達式爲true返回v1,否則返回v2
IFNULL(v1,v2) 如果v1不爲NULL返回v1,否則返回v2
CASE expr WHEN v1 THEN r1 [WHEN v2 THEN r2…] [ELSE m] END 如果expr的值等於v1,v2


函數名稱 作用
MD5(str) 對字符串進行MD5加密
ENCODE(str,pwd_str) 使用pwd作爲密碼加密字符串
DECODE(str,pwd_str) 使用pwd作爲密碼解密字符串



SELECT * FROM 表名 [AS] 別名;

例如:select * from student as s where s.grade > 80;


SELECT 字段名 [AS] 別名 [,字段名 [AS]...] FROM 表名;
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