看美劇練口語 摩登家庭(ModernFamily) S01E04 Part1

Scene 1 Begin

  • I just want him to fit in. 我只是想他融入集體。
  • Do you care to join me? 你有興趣一起嗎
  • I'm gonna go check on Lily. 我去看看莉莉。 check on sb.
  • That hurt, jerk! 很痛啊 混蛋。
  • garage /'gærɑː(d)ʒ/ /ɡə'rɑʒ/ 1 注意英音、美音的差別。2 末尾的ʒ,不濁化,發音有點類似ʃ(shi)。
  • It was a slumber party, not a gang fight. 他是去睡衣派對 又不是黑幫火拼
    -a slumber party 睡衣派對。
    -gang 注意是æ,/gæŋ/
  • Now, that is a scone. 絕對正宗的鬆餅啊。
    -scone n. (英)烤餅;司康餅。司康餅又稱英國茶餅、英國鬆餅。 司康餅與美式餅乾極其類似,美國人把那種餅乾叫做“曲奇”(cookie)。司康餅要比美國的餅乾粘,通常包括甜葡萄乾、無核小葡萄乾、奶酪或棗。

Jay, I'm home. 傑 我回來了
Did Manny call? 曼尼打電話回來了嗎
No, because he's fine. 沒 因爲他啥事也沒有
It was a slumber party, not a gang fight. 他是去睡衣派對 又不是黑幫火拼
I just want him to fit in. 我只是想他融入集體
I'm gonna take a shower. Do you care to join me? 我要去衝個澡 你要一起來嗎
You know, honey, there's a gun in the footlocker in the garage. 寶貝 車庫的小提箱裏有一杆槍
If I ever say no to that question, 要是我哪天腦袋發昏拒絕和你共浴
I want you to use it on me. 你直接一槍打死我吧
Miss Mary Mack, Mack, Mack. 瑪麗·馬克小姐 馬克馬克
-All dressed in black, black, black. -Shh, shh. -穿成黑色 黑色黑色 -噓 別出聲
-What's wrong? -With silver buttons, buttons, buttons. -怎麼了 -銀色釦子 釦子釦子
All down her back, back, back. 在她背上 背上背上
Why aren't they trying to hurt each other? 他們怎麼不打架了
I don't know, but I'm afraid to move. 我也不知道 我震驚得都不敢動
-You're really good at this. -Thanks. -你玩得真好 -謝謝
What is happening, Claire? 克萊爾 這是怎麼一回事啊
What do you think? 味道如何
Now, that is a scone. 絕對正宗的鬆餅啊
No butter. Nonfat. 零黃油 無脂肪
Shut up. 得瑟
I'm gonna go check on Lily. 我去看看莉莉
-Surprise! -Mom! -驚喜哦 -媽
What's that? 怎麼回事
Sounds like a bird hit the window. 聽起來像是有鳥撞上玻璃了。
Oh, God. That's a bad sign. 天吶 這是個凶兆
Ow! That hurt, jerk! 很痛啊 混蛋
Ow! I'm gonna kill you, stupid! 我要殺了你 你個白癡
What happened? 劇情峯迴路轉嗎
Now I'm sad. 現在我鬱悶了
-Hi, honey. Mmm! -Hi. I, uh- -你好 寶貝 -你好 我...
I-I didn't know you were in town. You didn't call. 我不知道你要來 你之前沒給我打電話啊
Well, I couldn't wait to see your new baby. Where is she? 我等不及要見我的小孫女了 她在哪兒
-Mitchell, who was that? -It's my mom. -米奇爾 是誰啊 -是我媽
Oh, yeah, right, 你就使勁兒忽悠吧
'cause the last time she was here, 上回她來的時候
the refrigerator magnets rearranged themselves into a penta... 冰箱門上的磁鐵被擺成了五邊...
Grandma! 真是奶奶啊

Scene 2 Mitchell & Cameron

It's most about Mitchell's mom, whose behavior in Jay's second wedding.

  • to recap 回報,回顧。
  • Yikes. 真棒。 /jaɪks/ int. <口>(表示驚訝)呀!
  • did you take your Claire pill? 你吃了Claire藥了嗎?(也變得跟克萊爾一樣了嗎)
  • she gave me a hint. 美語中很多時間把a讀作/eɪ/.
  • a Vortex meditation site... 冥想集會.
  • vortex /'vɔːteks/ /'vɔrtɛks/ n. [航][流]渦流;漩渦;(動亂,爭論等的)中心;旋風。 [複數 vortexes或vortices]
    -healing vortexes 能量漩渦治療法。
  • he couldn't wait 10 minutes to run off with Charo. 他見到小騷貨10分鐘不到就跟着跑了
    -Charo 人名,這裏隱意爲風騷的。
  • when I saw his wallet and her boobs.
    -boob n. 蠢材,笨蛋;[俚]女人的乳房; vi. [英國口語]犯愚蠢可笑的錯誤.
  • drug dealers burst in and assassinated the judge. 幾個毒販子衝了進來 暗殺了法官。
    -burst in 衝進來

Mom. Mom, what are you doing to her legs? 媽 你拽着她的腳幹嘛呢
Tai chi. I did it every day in Sedona. 打太極 我在塞多納時每天都打
Cameron, you should try it. 卡梅隆 你也該試試
Mitchell's mother has a problem... 米奇爾的媽媽對我...
with me. 有成見
Last Christmas, for example, 比如去年聖誕節
she gave me a piece of exercise equipment and a lettuce dryer. 她送了我一臺健身器材和生菜烘乾機
So, to recap, 問題的重點是
I gave her a gorgeous pair of diamond earrings, 我送給她的是一副華麗的鑽石耳環
and she gave me a hint. 她送的禮物卻暗示我很肥
And living in Sedona has been transformational. 住在塞多納讓我改變了許多
I get up every morning, and I go to a Vortex meditation site... 我每天早上起牀後 去參加冥想集會
and work with a shaman to 在高僧的指導下
finally understand how to live my spirituality. 終於參透精神世界的奧祕了
Yikes. 真棒
And I've learned that 我領悟到
the only way I can move to the next level of my awakening... 讓我的修行更上一層樓的唯一方法...
is if we all can somehow... 就是要想辦法...
get past... 克服...
the incident. 那件事的陰影
Oh, no. 完了
The incident. "那件事"
Oh, boy. 不堪回首啊
I would like to congratulate Jay and the lovely Gloria. 我想恭喜傑和可愛的歌洛莉亞
I'm very happy for them. 我爲他們感到高興
I wanted a big, beautiful wedding with Jay... 我想和傑舉辦一次盛大的婚禮
because my ex-husband and I got married... 因爲我和我前夫的婚禮是在
in a tiny little office of a judge in Colombia. 哥倫比亞一間很小的法官辦公室裏舉辦的
My mother wanted to go to the wedding 我媽媽想去參加婚禮
to show everyone how okay she was with all of it, 以顯示自己對前夫再婚一事十分大度
so I convinced Dad and Gloria to invite her. 所以我說服我爸和歌洛莉亞邀請她
Who warned you that that was the worst idea ever? 當時是誰警告你 那是史上最爛的主意
Anyone? 是誰
Anyone? 是誰啊
Of course, I've-I've moved on. 當然 我已經開始新生活了
I was supposed to come with a date, 我本來要帶男朋友來的
but he just hurt his back, 但他閃到腰了
which is very ironic because he's young and-and healthy. 真有點諷刺啊 因爲他可是又年輕又健康
My mom started drinking... 我媽媽在婚宴上...
these cocktails called "Horny Colombians"... 狂飲一種叫做"哥倫比亞淫棍"的雞尾酒
with some of Gloria's uncles, 和歌洛莉亞的叔叔們大拼酒量
whom apparently the drink was named after. 那酒名顯然說的就是那幫傢伙
Oh, come on. They were funny. 拜託 他們很好玩
They kept patting my butt. 他們一直摸我屁股
Somebody's full of herself. 有人自戀了哦
It's a-It's a Colombian wedding tradition, they said. 他們說 那是哥倫比亞婚禮的傳統習俗
I would like to make a toast. 我來祝個酒
Yeah. Nanna got totally wasted. 是啊 外婆醉得不行了
Uh, it was really funny. 真的很好玩
Then it was gross. 然後就烏七八糟的了
To the bride and the groom-my ex. 敬新娘 以及新郎 也就是我的前夫
Thirty-five years we were together, 我們一起生活了35年
and he couldn't wait 10 minutes to run off with Charo. 而他見到小騷貨10分鐘不到就跟着跑了
That's a joke. 開個玩笑而已
Seriously, I knew they were perfect for each other... 說真的 我知道他們是天生一對
when I saw his wallet and her boobs. 因爲新郎"財大"氣粗 而新娘"胸大"乳挺
Take your hands off me! 把你的髒手拿開
-Mom. Mom. -Oh, relax, Mitchell. -媽 媽 -米奇爾 放鬆
What, did you take your Claire pill? 怎麼 你今天也變得跟克萊爾一樣了嗎
-No, no. -Let's just go get a little fresh air, okay? -別別 -我們去呼吸一下新鮮空氣 好嗎
And then it got weird. 然後就變得詭異了
-I'm Gloria! I'm Gloria! -I got her. -我是歌洛莉亞 我是歌洛莉亞 -我抓住她了
Kiss me! Oh, hey, kiss me! 吻我吧 吻我吧
No! Oh, geez. 不 天吶
Nanna is really strong. 外婆力大如金剛
Ayayayayay! Ooh! Ayayayayay! 哎呀呦 哎呀喲 啊嘶嘚啊嘶哆
During my vows to my first husband, 當我對前夫說出婚誓時
drug dealers burst in and assassinated the judge. 幾個毒販子衝了進來 暗殺了法官
This was way worse. 沒想到二婚的情形更可怕
What can I say? I drive women crazy. 說什麼好呢 我就是能讓女人如癡如"狂"
It's too soon, I guess. 可能有點太快了

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