看美劇練口語 摩登家庭(ModernFamily) S01E04 Part2

Scene 3 Phil & Claire

// 待完成。抽到2萬借鑽的影響,就是要抓緊時間先發文……

Everybody is going to be there, Mom! 媽 所有人都會去的
I don't care. 我不管
Your father and I are not about to let you 你爸爸和我都不會允許你
drive two hours to go to a concert... 開兩小時的車去看一個演唱會
and then spend the night with a bunch of boys, 然後跟一幫男孩子混一晚上
especially that 17-year-old hormone you're dating. 尤其是和你那個17歲的性衝動男友
It's totally supervised. 全程都有人監護的
Oh, really? By whom? 是嗎 誰監護
By Spencer Patine's uncle. 斯賓塞·潘丁的叔叔
Who's Spencer Patine? 斯賓塞·潘丁是誰
You know Spencer-the guy with the arm. 你認得斯賓塞的 就是手裏帶傢伙的那個
Wait. What kind of arm? 等會兒 抄什麼"傢伙"
What is that even mean? 你說的"傢伙"是什麼意思啊
His uncle is Uncle Toby. 他叔叔就是託比叔叔
Oh, Uncle Toby. I'll be sure to include that in my Amber Alert. 託比叔叔啊 我會把他加入"安珀警報"名單的
[安珀警報 出現兒童丟失或綁架案時 通過媒體向社會發布的警報]
-Oh, my God! -Okay. Can I step in here? -我的天啊 -我能插句話嗎
I think I can help. 我覺得我能幫上忙
Haley, what your mom is worried about... 海莉 你媽媽擔心的是
is you getting your heart broken 你的心會被傷透
when Dylan goes off to college next year. 因爲迪蘭明年就要上大學去了
-He's not going to college. -That's not what I'm- -他不上大學 -我擔心的不是...
He's not going to college? 他不上大學
He's in a band, okay? They're going on tour. 他是混樂隊的好吧 他們要去巡演呢
Oh, this just gets better and better. 事情發展的真是越來越"好"了
Why are you always on me about everything? 爲什麼你們每件事都要替我做主
-Because you need to understand... -Okay. Everybody, calm down! -因爲你必須明白 -好啦 大家冷靜一下
Let's start from the beginning. 我們從頭來說一說
What's wrong with Spencer's arm? 斯賓塞手裏帶什麼傢伙了

Scene 4 Jay & Gloria

Mom, I'm home! 媽 我回來了
Ay, baby! Did you have fun at the slumber party? 寶貝 睡衣派對好玩嗎
You must be exhausted. 你肯定累壞了
No, I'm not tired at all. 不 我一點兒也不累
I was the first one to fall asleep. 我是第一個睡着的
What's on your face? 你臉上是什麼
A smile from having such a good time with my friends. 是與朋友歡聚後的幸福笑容
No. Come here. 不是的 過來
Look. 看
That's why they were laughing. 原來他們是笑這個啊
I thought it was my funny take on current events. 我還以爲是我對時事的評論很逗呢
Why would they do something like that? 他們爲什麼要幹這種事
Don't worry about it. 沒什麼好擔心的
Guys pull pranks like that all the time. 小孩子們成天就搞這種惡作劇
You just gotta prank 'em back. 你也捉弄他們一下唄
You just gotta show 'em 要讓他們知道
you're willing to give as good as you get. 你是會以牙還牙的
What do you think? 你想什麼呢
Revenge. 報仇
I like it. 我還挺喜歡的

Scene 5 Mitchell & Cameron

Well, Mom, instead of dredging up the whole incident, 媽媽 也許我們不該舊事重提
maybe we should just try and repress it, 就直接全部忘掉好了
like a-like a normal family. 就像一般家庭那樣
I can't. I need closure. 我不行 我得來個了斷
I'm about to embark on a new journey. 我的人生即將開始新的旅程了
I met a man. 我認識了個男人
Really? 是嗎
His name is Chas, 他叫查斯
and he's asked me to come live with him in his foreign land. 而且他讓我搬到國外和他雙宿雙飛
Wow. Where? 去哪兒呢
Canada. 加拿大
You're moving to-to Canada? 你要搬到加拿大去嗎
French Canada. 加拿大法語區
That's wonderful. 真棒呀
It is wonderful. 確實很棒
It's just that when I think of all the awful things... 只是我一想到自己對歌洛莉亞和傑
that I said to Gloria and Jay and you and Claire, 以及對你和克萊爾說過的那些惡言
I feel such guilt. 我就有罪惡感
Give it time, and see Banff. 往事隨風去吧 班夫公園再見
Cam, please. 小卡 別這樣
I just can't give myself to him sexually. 我就是沒法對他以身相許
-Okay. Mom. -Did not see that coming. -別說這 媽 -沒想到你突然說如此勁爆的
[Coming另意爲高潮 整句偏意爲 沒有高潮]
Oh, oh. Don't get me wrong. 不不 別誤會
We satisfy each other down there- 我們"下半身"非常性福
-Oh! Can't.. -Don't wanna- -受不了了 -聽不下去了
That's why I need everyone's forgiveness. 所以我需要大家原諒我
I need your help, Mitchell. 米奇爾 我需要你幫忙
Did you hear that, Mitchell? 米奇爾 你聽見了嗎
Your mom needs your help to make love to her new man, Chas. 你媽需要你的幫助 才能跟她的新男友查斯做愛
That's not weird at all. 完全"不"奇怪啊
Mom, I- 媽 我...
I'm just not really sure what you're asking me to do, Mom. 我不是很明白你到底想我做什麼
Well, everyone's mad at me. 大家都生我的氣
Maybe you could pave the way so that I can apologize. 或許你能幫我安排一下 我好道歉
Well, um, you know, 這樣啊
we are actually all supposed to have Sunday dinner tonight, 其實我們今晚要搞週日聚餐
so maybe I could go around and ask everyone 所以或許我可以問問大家
if it's okay for you to join us. 看看你能不能也來
Oh! I knew I could count on you. 我就知道你靠譜
Oh, my beautiful boy. Mmm. 我的帥小夥兒
I love you so much. 我愛死你了
There's a fish in nature 世上有一種魚
that swims around with its babies in its mouth. 會一直把小魚含在嘴裏
That fish would look at Mitchell's relationship with his mother... 要是這種魚看見米奇爾和他母親的關係
and say, "that's messed up." 準會說 "亂得不堪入目啊"

Scene 6 Phil & Claire

Boy- 天啊
Things with your mom got pretty intense down there, huh? 和你媽媽鬧僵了對吧
All like East Coast-West Coast. You feelin' me? 好比是水火不容 你明白我的意思嗎
Act like a parent, talk like a peer. 父親般的威嚴 朋友般的關愛
I call it "Peerenting." 我稱之爲"友父"
I learned it from my own dad, who used to walk into my room... 我從我老爸那兒學來的 當年他走進我房裏
and say, "what's up, sweathog?" 他會說 "怎麼了 小老弟"
Honey, I would love to let you go to the concert. 寶貝 我很願意讓你去看演唱會
Are you kidding me? I think concerts are rad. 開什麼玩笑 演唱會多勁爆啊
Hello? I was a Hall-Raiser. 我當年可是個"霍粉"呢
A what? 什麼
I followed Hall & Oates around the country one summer. 有一年夏天我追着霍爾&奧茲走遍了全國
"Rich Girl" Just spoke to me. 《千金小姐》唱出了我的心聲
2F2F2F&}[《千金小姐》爲Hall & Oates名曲之一]
I was dating this girl. Not-Not dating. 我當年正和一個千金小姐戀愛 也不算戀愛啦
I guess I was following her too, kind of- 我猜自己也只是在追着她而已
Okay, Mom just doesn't trust me, and it's not fair. 媽媽就是不相信我 這不公平
She trusts you. It's just that weird stuff happens at concerts. 她相信你 只是演唱會很容易就讓人亂來
-Boys get urges. -Ew. -男生們會一柱擎天 -真噁心
Dad, is there something you want? 爸 你進來有什麼事嗎
Yes, there is-to connect with this girl right here. 有 就這個事 來跟你這妹子溝通
Now, come on. Pretend I'm not your dad. 拜託 假裝我不是你爸爸
We're just a couple of friends kickin' it in a juice bar. 我們只是兩個好朋友在果汁吧閒聊
What's a juice bar? 果汁吧是什麼東西
Okay, a malt shop. Whatever. 好吧 那就茶餐廳吧 隨便
-Dad, I don't... -No. Who's Dad? -爸 我不... -別 誰是你爸啊
Who's Dad? I'm-I'm Marcus from Biology. 誰是你爸啊 我是生物系的馬庫斯
Hey, Haley. How's it going with you and Dylan? 海莉你好 你和迪蘭發展得如何啊
Has he tried anything inappropriate with you? 他有沒對你圖謀不軌啊
Girl. 妹子
Hey. 喂
-What are you doing? -I don't know. Nothing. -在幹嘛呢 -不知道 沒啥
Just talking to some dork I met in a malt shop. 在和茶餐廳裏碰到的一個傻子聊天呢

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