看美劇練口語 摩登家庭(ModernFamily) S01E05 Part3

Scene 6 Phil & Claire and Jay & Gloria

  • Huddle up. 聚過來。
  • Now in light of what happened at school today, 鑑於今天在學校裏發生的事情.
    -in light of 鑑於,根據;
  • I'II be in the den. 我進屋去了.
    -den /dɛn/ 小房間。

How ya doin'? 你們好嗎
-Hey, Gramps. -Hi, beautiful. -外公好 -小美女好
Hi, Phil. Good to see ya. 你好 菲爾 見到你真好
Let me guess. Game's on? 讓我猜猜 比賽開始了嗎
Just started. 剛開始
Hey. For you. 送給你的
It's nice to see you, Gloria. 很高興見到你 歌洛莉亞
Ah! Two times today. 今天兩次哦
-Okay, well... -Uh, Phil? -抱兩次好啊 -菲爾
She means we've seen them two times today. 她的意思是我們今天見了兩次
Okay, everybody, the food's in there. The drinks are in there. 大家聽着 吃的在那邊 喝的在那邊
-I'll be in here. -Hold on, Jay. -我進屋去了 -等等 傑
I think we should address the elephant in the room. 我覺得我們不該忽視明顯存在的一個問題
Uh, Luke, Manny. Bring it in. 盧克 曼尼 都過來
Come on. Huddle up. 快點 聚在一起
Football. 像打橄欖球一樣
Now in light of what happened at school today, 鑑於今天在學校裏發生的事情
do you have any feelings you'd like to express? 你們有什麼想說的嗎
I think this is the proper forum... 我覺得現在是個合適的表達機會
For god's sakes. All right, both of you. 老天啊 得了吧 你們兩個
Now, in this family, do we kick and punch each other, 在這個家裏 我們是欺負彼此
or do we love each other? 還是關愛彼此
Love each other. That's right. 關愛彼此 這就對了
I'II be in the den. 我進屋去了
So, I brought dessert. 我帶了些甜點
Okay. Thank you. 好的 謝謝你
I make pie too. 我也做了派
You can never have too many pies, right? 派再多也不嫌多 對吧
Okay, whoa. Whoa. 行了
Everybody take a deep breath. 大家深呼吸
Let's think about getting real. 我們面對現實吧
Phil, no. 菲爾 別這樣
Why "Phil, no"? 爲什麼說"菲爾 別這樣"
What is Phil doing? 菲爾要幹嘛
I'm just gonna say it. 我只是想說出來
There's tension between you two. 你們倆之間的緊張氣氛
Bam. It's out there. 已經彌漫出來了
I'm gonna kill you. 我要宰了你
I think he's right, and I think we should talk about it. 我想他是對的 而且我們應該談談
That's what I'm talkin' about... 我就是想說這個
you two talking... about it. 你們談談 這個事兒
I like football. 我喜歡橄欖球
Haley hates it, which is weird 海莉很討厭 這很奇怪
because it's all boys... and there's no reading required. 因爲裏面全是男孩 也不必看書
Do you know that she spends 你知道嗎 她每天早上
at least 45 minutes every morning doing her hair? 至少花45分鐘弄她的頭髮
And then sometimes... 而且有的時候。

Scene 7 Jay and Mitchell & Cameron

  • homophobic adj. 害怕同性戀的。
  • musical theater 音樂劇.
  • [football 橄欖球]
  • Double tight end, 雙側邊鋒
  • linebacker 後衛。
  • a quarterback roll-out to the left 四分衛要衝到左邊。
  • He's got the slot. 他搶到位置了。
  • In the end zone! Touchdown! 到達陣區了 觸地得分。
  • Blitzing 閃電戰。

Let's go, Illini! 衝啊 伊利諾伊隊
Let's go! Right now! 衝啊 快衝
Looks like I gotta watch the game with Dick Butkus. 看來我要和迪克·布特庫斯一起看比賽了
[音同Dick Butt-kiss意思爲雞雞-屁股相親 米奇以爲是諷刺同性戀的做愛方式]
Dad! Dad, come on. That's offensive. 老爸 別這樣 太冒犯人了
Mitchell, he's one of the greatest linebackers 米奇爾 那人是伊利諾斯州
to ever play at Illinois... 最棒的中後衛球員之一
and one of my personal heroes. 也是我自己的偶像之一
And his name is "Butt-kiss"? 難道他的名字真是"親屁股"嗎
We're just choosing to... 我們只是想要
Okay. All right. 好吧 沒什麼
Dad, I thought you were being homophobic. I'm sorry. 老爸 我以爲你恐同呢 抱歉
-We got all night. -Yes, we do. -我們有一整晚要相處呢 -好吧
-Are you joining us here? -Yeah. -你要和我們一起看嗎 -是的
Jay, you know what? He's been studying up. 傑 你知道嗎 他正在鑽研呢
I gotta tell ya, I'm a little worried about C.J. Hightower. 跟你說 我有點擔心C·J·海託
Right? With the bad ankle? 沒錯吧 他腳踝受傷了
I'm wondering how he's gonna run his corner routes. 我很好奇他怎麼能完成三角線路
-Hightower's out. -What? -海託不上場 -什麼
Oh. Then who is gonna run the corner routes? 那誰來跑三角線路
I'll tell you who it won't be-Billings. 我來告訴你誰不會上吧 比林斯
That's low. He's in jail. 太明顯了 他在坐牢
Oh, wow. Yeah. Then no. 是啊 他不會上
Double tight end, 雙側邊鋒
it's gonna be a quarterback roll-out to the left. 四分衛要衝到左邊了
-They're gonna run it. -No, trust me. -他們要成功了 -不可能 相信我
He's got the slot. 他搶到位置了
In the end zone! Touchdown! 到達陣區了 觸地得分
Lucky call. Maybe they, uh, should've considered blitzing. 真幸運 也許 他們該考慮下閃電戰
Blitzing wouldn't have helped them. Get outta here. 閃電戰沒用的 一邊兒涼快去吧
Oh, gosh. Blitzing. 天吶 閃電戰
So, my interest in football ended as suddenly and dramatically... 於是 我對橄欖球的興趣突然消失殆盡
as the climax of West Side Story. 就像《西區故事》在高潮時戛然而止
I'm a musical theater fan. 我是個音樂劇迷
Surprise. 驚訝吧

Scene 8 Phil & Claire and Gloria and Mitchell

  • I do not make a face like that. 我沒做過那種表情.
  • I am sorry if you feel that way. 如果你那麼想 我很抱歉.
  • you don't have to be so defensive. 你用不着這麼有戒心.

Okay. The truth? 好吧 說實話嗎
I sometimes feel like you don't like me. 有時候我覺得你不喜歡我
Powerful, powerful stuff. 開門見山 重磅出擊
Claire? Tell us how that makes you feel. 克萊爾 告訴我們你怎麼想
Right now, I'm feeling a lot of anger. 此時此刻 我感到怒火中燒啊
No, don't tell me. Tell her. 別 別跟我說 跟她說
Gloria, right now, I'm really angry at Phil. 歌洛莉亞 我現在很生菲爾的氣
Let's respect the process. 別跑題了
Gloria, I don't know 歌洛莉亞 我不知道
why you think I don't like you. 爲什麼你覺得我不喜歡你
Sometimes when you see me, you make that face. 有時 你在我面前會擺出那種表情
What face? 什麼表情
Like this. 就像這樣
-I do not make a face like that. -Oh, my God. -我纔沒做過那種表情呢 -我的天啊
-That is so Claire. -Mitchell! -那可是克萊爾的招牌表情 -米奇爾
See? She does that with everyone. 看見沒 她對誰都那副表情
It's just her face. 已經習慣成自然了
No, it's not just the face. 不僅僅是那種表情
From the beginning, 從最開始到現在
I feel like Manny and I are not welcome in this family. 我覺得我和曼尼在這個家不受歡迎
That is so crazy. 這也太瘋狂了吧
No, it's not so crazy. It's how I feel. 不 一點都不瘋狂 是我的真實感受
I am sorry if you feel that way. 如果你那麼想 我很抱歉
I really am, because from the moment I met you, 真的很抱歉 從我見到你的那一刻起
I have tried to make you feel comfortable with us. 我就想讓你融入到我們當中來
You think it's all in my head? 你覺得這只是我自己胡思亂想
No. Kind-I don't know. 沒 有點 我不知道
I mean, we really love having you and Manny in our family. 我是說 我們很歡迎你和曼尼加入我們家.
-Really? -Really. -真的 -真的
So, you don't have to be so defensive. 所以 你用不着這麼有戒心
I do that, don't I? 我是有戒心 是吧
Well, a bit. 有一點吧
I'm feeling a hug. 我覺得應該擁抱了
I was thinking group hug, 我是想說三人羣抱
-But this is nice. -I'd be there if I could. -但這也不錯 -我要能去的話就去了
Oh, my God. There's hugging. 天啊 這還有人摟摟抱抱呢
Haley, get off the phone already. 海莉 不打電話會死啊

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