看美劇練口語 摩登家庭(ModernFamily) S01E06 Part6

Scene 14 Phil & Claire

  • I'm cranking one of my mash-ups. 我在享受混搭專輯.
  • How was the first day back in school? 重回監獄第一天感覺如何?
  • Soon as I'm done kicking a little Mom butt here,
    -kick ones butt: 打敗.
  • Not really. 沒興趣.
  • [/s/ vs. /θ/; /ð/]
  • I didn't say anything.
  • There they are.
  • Your mom and I are racing to the mailbox on Sequoia and back. 從這到紅杉樹那兒的信箱往返一圈.
    -sequoia /sɪ'kwɔɪə/ n. 紅杉(產於美國加州).
  • I came outta the womb wearing tiny little golden wings. -我打孃胎就長着小金翅膀
    -womb /wum/ n. 子宮;發源地; vt. 容納.

What? 什麼
I didn't say anything. 我什麼都沒說
Couldn't hear ya. I'm cranking one of my mash-ups. 我聽不到你講話 我在享受混搭專輯
There they are. 他們回來了
How was the first day back in prison? 重回監獄第一天感覺如何
-Fine. -Yep -還不錯 -嗯
What are you guys doing? 你們倆在搞什麼啊
Your mom and I are racing 你媽和我要賽跑呢
to the mailbox on Sequoia and back. 從這到紅杉樹那兒的信箱往返一圈
-Why? -I don't know. -爲什麼 -我也不懂
Oh, she knows. 她當然懂的
Hey, buddy. Soon as I'm done kicking a little Mom butt here, 老弟 等我大獲全勝之後
how about I school you in some Mario Kart? 我陪你練練馬里奧賽車如何
Can't. Gotta work on my journal. 不行 還得趕日記呢
Lame! 真沒勁
Hey, uh, Alex. You? 艾麗克斯 你呢
Uh, I have a history paper. 我要做歷史卷子
Well, if you wanna see a little history being made right here- 好吧 如果你想小小見證一下歷史誕生
-Not really. -Okay. -沒興趣 -好吧
-Ready? -Are you? -準備好了嗎 -你呢
I was born ready. 我生來就準備好了
-I came outta the womb wearing tiny little golden wings--go! -我打孃胎就長着小金翅膀 -開始

Scene 15 All

  • please tell your wife to relax. 請讓你夫人冷靜。
  • You feeling cocky? 你現在特驕傲是吧?
  • But it just seemed like he could use a win today. 但在今天 他需要這一場勝利.
  • Pull over right here. I'll get out the registration. 就停在這兒吧 我來拿證件.
  • No can do! 你可以不停.
  • I got priors. -我有先例
  • I'm speeding up. 我在加速了.
  • Dad's with me.
    I am with you.
  • I have a resting heart rate of 48. 我的靜止心率每分鐘48次.
  • drafting off of you. 準備來個一舉攻堅.
  • Afterburners engaged! 內燃機啓動啦. 我要加速了。
    -afterburner /'ɑːftə,bɜːnə/ /'æftɚbɝnɚ/ n. 噴射引擎等的加力燃燒室.

I'm breaking the window! 我來打碎玻璃
Emergency assistance. This is Trina. 緊急援助中心 我叫崔娜
Help! We I-We locked our baby in the car 幫幫忙 我們把寶寶鎖在車裏了
and people are judging us! 人們正對着我們唧唧歪歪呢
I swear to God, I'm gonna break it! 我對天發誓 一定要砸碎它
Do not break the window! You'll get glass on her! 別把玻璃砸碎 玻璃會扎到她的
Sir, please tell your wife to relax. 先生 請讓你夫人冷靜
-Everything is going to be okay. -That's a man. -一切都會好的 -他是個男的
Really? 真的嗎
Don't worry, Lily! Daddy's coming for you! 別怕 莉莉 爹地來救你了
Sir, we just sent the signal. 先生 我們剛發送了信號
-The door should be unlocked now. -Check-Check the door. -車門應該已經解鎖了 -試試車門
-Check the door. Check the door. -It's not unlocked! -試試車門 試試車門 -沒有開啊
Okay. 好了
That is amazing. How did they do that? 真不可思議 他們怎麼做到的
I don't know. It's just-We got it. 不知道 我們搞定了
-Thank you. -Did that come from space? -謝謝 -難不成是天外來客.
I run five miles a day. 我每天跑5英里
I have a resting heart rate of 48. 我的靜止心率每分鐘48次
There is no way I'm going to lose 就2英里的賽跑 我沒可能會輸給
a two-mile race to Johnny Ski Pole. 這個天天撐着約翰尼滑雪杆競走的傢伙
Saving my energy, drafting off of you. 我這是節省體力 準備來個一舉攻堅
You feeling cocky? 你現在特驕傲是吧
Yeah, I am. 對啊 我就是
Love it. 正中下懷
But after seeing that T-shirt, I realized something. 但當我看到那件T恤後 我突然明白了
The first day of school is tough on all my kids, 開學第一天對我的孩子們來說都不好過
especially the one I married. 尤其是我嫁的這個男人
Afterburners engaged! 內燃機啓動啦
Whoo! Don't choke on my smoke! 別被尾煙嗆到哦
And down the stretch he goes. 我要完成衝刺了
I don't believe it! 難以置信啊
Daddy wins! Do you believe in miracles? 老爸贏了 相信奇蹟嗎
U.S.A., u.S. - 美利堅萬歲 美利
-Oh, no! -Oh, Jesus! -噢 不 -噢 上帝啊
Oh, my-What was that? 天吶 剛剛那是什麼
-Was that a person? -I'm good! -是個人嗎 -我沒事
-Dad? -I'm good. -爸爸 -我沒事
-Honey, are you okay? -I'm good. Whoo! -親愛的 你還好嗎 -我沒事
You're getting better, sweetheart. 你有進步哦 寶貝
Did I lose the race to make him feel better? 我是故意輸掉讓他開心點的嗎
Maybe. 也許吧
But it just seemed like he could use a win today. 但在今天 他需要這一場勝利
We do strange things for the people we love. 我們常常爲了深愛的人做些稀奇古怪的事
We lie to them, we lie for them. 我們對他們撒謊 我們爲他們撒謊
There may be some bumps along the way, 或許生活中難免坎坷顛簸
but we never stop wanting the best for them. 但我們總希望他們過得盡善盡美
That's what makes it such a tough job. 就像是肩負着最沉重的負擔
Kind of the best job in the world. 但卻是世上最甜蜜的負擔
-What are you doing? -Turn your eyes on the road! -你在幹嘛 -好好看路
-Oh, my God! -Oh, my God! -天吶 -天吶
-Okay. -Okay. -好吧 -好吧
All right, sweetie, this happens. 沒事 寶貝 這很正常
Remain calm. That's the first thing. 保持冷靜 這是首要的
Pull over right here. I'll get out the registration. 就停在這兒吧 我來拿證件
Mom, I don't like cops. 媽媽 我不喜歡警察
Ok, pull over right there. 沒事兒 停下來
I don't like cops. 我不喜歡警察
All right, there's a space right here... 沒事兒 這兒有個空位
-I can't pull over. No, I can't. -You need to pull over! -我不停下來 就不 -你必須停下
-No can do. No can do! -Phil! -你可以不停 我贊成 -菲爾
-I got priors. -I'm speeding up. -我有先例 -我在加速了
Phil, you- 菲爾 你
Parking ticket from the mall. 剛剛那商場要收停車費
I never paid the parking ticket. 我從不交停車費的
Keep moving, sweetheart. 繼續開 寶貝
Dad's with me, I can speed up and- 老爸支持我 我可以加速了
It's not a movie, Hayley, and pull over! 你以爲拍電影啊海莉 停車.

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