看美劇練口語 摩登家庭(ModernFamily) S01E07 Part2

Scene 2 All

  • I wanna thank you guys for coming by and supporting the kid. 謝謝你們過來支持我兒子.
    -come by ...

Bravo! 厲害
How about a nice round of applause for our winner, Manny Delgado. 請爲我們的勝利者曼尼·迪爾加多鼓掌
Manny now moves on to the championship, 曼尼晉級了總冠軍爭奪賽
where he'll be competing against Caroline Markum. 他將對陣卡羅琳·馬可
We'll see you all back here at 4:30. 請在四點半準時到場觀看比賽
-All right. -Bravo. -太好了 -兒子你真棒
What she said. 我想說的和她一樣
Wow. This means more to Dad than it does to Manny. 老爸比曼尼還激動啊
Yeah, it's his chance to be father of a champion. 是啊 這可是他成爲冠軍之父的機會
Well, second chance. 其實 以前也有過機會
We all know how the first time went. 我們都知道那次是怎麼錯過了
Did I say something wrong? 我說錯什麼了嗎
No, no. I'm-I'm very happy for Manny.That's all. 沒 纔沒呢 我只是太爲曼尼高興了
Everything's always about Claire. Geez. 什麼事都能扯到她身上 神啊
I wanna thank you guys for coming by and supporting the kid. 謝謝你們過來支持我兒子
You guys are the best! 你們是最棒的家人
Why, Claire? 爲什麼受傷的總是我 克萊爾
Really? 不是吧你.

Scene 3 Mitchell & Cameron


  • That took a while. 你怎麼去了那麼久.
    -It took me two weeks to finish reading the book.
  • what's up with sb.?
    -What's up with you and your sister? 你和你姐之間到底怎麼了.
    -Nothing is up. 沒有什麼事。
  • A have something to do with B. A事情和B事情有關。
    -could this have something to do with... ice skating? 是不是和滑冰那事有關?
  • I might still be holding a little resentment, 我或許仍有些不滿。
[sake] 用法總結:

-for God's sakes. 天!
1 for the sake of sb/sth. for sb's/sth's sake 爲了……
eg. He left for the sake of his health. He accepts this job just for his family's sake.
2 for God's/Christ's/goodness'/Heaven's etc sake 感嘆語。強調某事的必要性or表達氣憤或無奈。
eg. For goodness sake, don't be late!
Oh, for God's sakes, I'll tell the story. 算了, 還是換我來說吧.
3 for the sake of it 沒有特定原由的做某事
eg. She likes spending money just for the sake of it.
4 for sth/sb's own sake 爲了其本身的好處,價值或經驗
eg. I hope he's done for his own sake (=because it will be good for him) .
5 for the sake of argument 爲了討論做假設
eg. Let's say, just for the sake of argument, that you've got a million.


  • ice skating 滑冰。
  • Figure skaters 花樣滑冰。

That took a while. 你怎麼去了那麼久
She's been asleep for 20 minutes. 她20分鐘前就睡着了
It just took me some time to sneak out without waking her up. 爲了不弄醒她 我不得不悄悄溜走
Kind of like the first time you slept over here. 就像你第一次在這裏過夜那樣
I had a meeting. 我那是要溜出去開會
All right. Let's talk about why you got your panties in a bunch. 好吧 我們來談談讓你心煩意亂的原因
What's up with you and your sister? 你和你姐之間到底怎麼了
-Nothing is up. -Mm-hmm. -什麼都沒有 -是嗎
Or could this have something to do with... ice skating? 是不是和滑冰那事有關呀
When Mitchell and Claire were kids. 米奇爾和克萊爾小時候
This is interesting to no one. 沒人想聽這個故事
Excuse, please. Let me finish. Thank you. 拜託 讓我講完 謝謝
-When Mitchell was 10 -Eleven. -在米奇爾10歲時 -11歲
And Claire was 13, they 克萊爾13歲時 他們是
-were competitive ice dancers. -Figure skaters! -一對實力雄厚的冰舞小將 -是花樣滑冰
Oh, for God's sakes, I'll tell the story. Yes, 算了 還是換我來說吧 是的
my sister and I were actually a very good team. 我姐和我真心是一對完美搭檔
We were called "Fire and Nice." 我們的組合叫"柔情似火"
I was Fire, because of the red hair, and Claire was Nice, 我的紅髮象徵火焰 克萊爾代表柔情
because it was ironic and she wasn't. 那是爲了諷刺她一點不溫柔
And Mitchell is still upset 米奇爾到現在還耿耿於懷
because Claire quit the team right before some meet. 因爲克萊爾在某場比賽前臨陣脫逃了
"Some meet." The 13-and-under regional championships. 什麼某場 那是13歲以下地區總決賽
Just the Emerald City at the end of my yellow brick road. 那是我人生黃磚路盡頭輝煌的翡翠城
-Wow. You did it. -What? -哇 你成功了 -什麼
You made figure skating sound even gayer. 成功地把滑冰描述得更基情了
So, seeing your dad so proud of Manny... 看到你老爸那麼爲曼尼驕傲
didn't stir up any resentment? 你都沒有不爽嗎
-Mm-mmm. -Oh. -纔沒有 -好吧
Okay, fine. You always do this. 好吧 你總是這樣
Instead of letting your feelings out, you bury them, 不斷壓抑自己的情感
and then they bubble up later in hurtful ways. 等到某一刻再傷人地爆發
Okay, you know what? Yes. All right, listen. 好啦 你說對了 聽着
I might still be holding a little resentment, 我或許仍有些不滿
but that's... embarrassing and petty 可那很丟人 又顯得心胸狹隘
and it's not a good color on me. 我再那樣也不合適了
It's kind of like you and yellow. 就像你不適合黃顏色
You love me in my yellow shirt. 你不是很喜歡我穿黃色衣服嗎
It makes you look like the sun. 黃色讓你看起來像個太陽
Bubbling. Hurtful bubbling. 爆發了 傷人地爆發了
Now you know why I left early that morning. 現在你知道我那早爲何溜走了
I knew you didn't have a meeting, Cam. I knew it. 我就知道你不是開會 小卡 我就知道.

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