看美劇練口語 摩登家庭(ModernFamily) S01E07 Part3

Scene 4 Phil & Claire

  • It sounded a lot less lame in my head. 這話說出口來就弱掉了.
  • I've said a lot of things I wish I could take back.
  • I run this down. 我去撿。
  • Toss me your glove. 把手套扔給我。
  • I ain't gonna quit you. 我不會放棄你的。
    -ain't /eɪnt/= am not; Used also as a contraction forare not, is not, has not, and have not.

There must be something wrong with this phone. 這手機肯定出了什麼毛病
I've rubbed it on my head for, like, an hour. 我都在頭上蹭一個鐘頭了
What? Alex. 什麼 艾麗克斯
Oh, you're such a geek. 天啊 你真是個怪胎
At least I didn't give myself a bald spot. 至少我沒把頭皮磨禿
Oh, my God! Mom! 天啊 媽媽
Alex, don't be mean. 艾麗克斯 別這麼刻薄
Haley, stop making yourself such an easy target. 海莉 你也別那麼容易掉入陷阱
This feels right, buddy. I'm telling you, this feels right. 就是這樣 老弟 就是這樣
-What are you guys doing? -Pursuing excellence. -你們要去哪 -去創造天才
We make a list of areas the boy might excel at 我們幫盧克列了個成功潛力表
-and... baseball. -Love it. -然後選擇了棒球 -不錯
Yeah. I read it only takes 10,000 hours to achieve excellence. 是啊 書上說一萬小時的訓練就能練成天才
You've already got, what, how many hours playing ball? 你已經練了 你大概練多久了
Well, I played, like, one season, so, like, 6,000 hours? 我練一個賽季了 得有六千小時吧
Yeah. I can see why you ruled out math. 怪不得你們沒選數學
Yeah, of course I want Luke to be successful. 我當然想要盧克成功
But I don't think that a parent can just force that. 可我不喜歡揠苗助長
I think you just have to have 我覺得你只要有信心
faith that the kid's gonna find his own way. 孩子們會發現自己的閃光點
Besides, Luke already is the best at something-being my son. 再說 能成爲我兒子 已經夠盧克驕傲了
It sounded a lot less lame in my head. 這話說出口來就弱掉了
I have got a good feeling about this. 我預感這將會進展順利
This is gonna be your sport. 你肯定是打棒球的料
Last year, you said basketball was my sport. 去年你說過我是打籃球的料
Look, I've said a lot of things I wish I could take back but I can't. 聽着 我說過很多讓我追悔莫及的話
What I can do... 我能做的
is be the dad you need me to be to help you become masterful. 只有當一個能夠幫助你登上頂峯的爸爸
-You wanna be masterful? -I guess. -你想登峯造極嗎 -大概吧
There's my killer! Okay. 真是個好孩子 好吧
Our journey of 10,000 hours... 我們一萬小時的訓練計劃
begins with a single pitch. 就從簡單的投球開始吧
I believe in my boy. 我看好你喲
I ain't gonna quit you. 我不會放棄你的
Let's burn one in here. 投一個過來
That's good. That's a good start. 很好 你開了一個好頭
Okay, you rest that cannon while I run this down, okay? 你休息一下 我去撿球
Okay, let's keep all the batters right here. 儘量往這個方向投球
Oh, should've-should've worn my cup. Should've worn my cup. 我該把護襠穿上 真該把護襠穿上
Home run! 全壘打[打進家裏]
This one's really in here, buddy. 球肯定在這裏的某處 老弟
Okay. Very, very, very, very good first hour. 很好 第一個小時真是非常非常不錯
Toss me your glove. I'll put some oil on it. 把手套給我 我給它上點油

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