


// Set the database entry for "key" to "value".  Returns OK on success,
  // and a non-OK status on error.
  // Note: consider setting options.sync = true.
  virtual Status Put(const WriteOptions& options, const Slice& key,
                     const Slice& value) = 0;

  // Remove the database entry (if any) for "key".  Returns OK on
  // success, and a non-OK status on error.  It is not an error if "key"
  // did not exist in the database.
  // Note: consider setting options.sync = true.
  virtual Status Delete(const WriteOptions& options, const Slice& key) = 0;

  // Apply the specified updates to the database.
  // Returns OK on success, non-OK on failure.
  // Note: consider setting options.sync = true.
  virtual Status Write(const WriteOptions& options, WriteBatch* updates) = 0;

  // If the database contains an entry for "key" store the
  // corresponding value in *value and return OK.
  // If there is no entry for "key" leave *value unchanged and return
  // a status for which Status::IsNotFound() returns true.
  // May return some other Status on an error.
  virtual Status Get(const ReadOptions& options, const Slice& key,
                     std::string* value) = 0;




Status DBImpl::Put(const WriteOptions& o, const Slice& key, const Slice& val) {
  return DB::Put(o, key, val);


// Default implementations of convenience methods that subclasses of DB
// can call if they wish
Status DB::Put(const WriteOptions& opt, const Slice& key, const Slice& value) {
  WriteBatch batch;
  batch.Put(key, value);
  return Write(opt, &batch);

Status DB::Delete(const WriteOptions& opt, const Slice& key) {
  WriteBatch batch;
  return Write(opt, &batch);


class LEVELDB_EXPORT WriteBatch {
  class LEVELDB_EXPORT Handler {
    virtual ~Handler();
    virtual void Put(const Slice& key, const Slice& value) = 0;
    virtual void Delete(const Slice& key) = 0;


  // Intentionally copyable.
  WriteBatch(const WriteBatch&) = default;
  WriteBatch& operator=(const WriteBatch&) = default;


  // Store the mapping "key->value" in the database.
  void Put(const Slice& key, const Slice& value);                                   // 添加

  // If the database contains a mapping for "key", erase it.  Else do nothing.
  void Delete(const Slice& key);                                                    // 刪除

  // Clear all updates buffered in this batch.
  void Clear();

  // The size of the database changes caused by this batch.
  // This number is tied to implementation details, and may change across
  // releases. It is intended for LevelDB usage metrics.
  size_t ApproximateSize() const;

  // Copies the operations in "source" to this batch.
  // This runs in O(source size) time. However, the constant factor is better
  // than calling Iterate() over the source batch with a Handler that replicates
  // the operations into this batch.
  void Append(const WriteBatch& source);                                            // 追加

  // Support for iterating over the contents of a batch.
  Status Iterate(Handler* handler) const;

  friend class WriteBatchInternal;

  std::string rep_;  // See comment in write_batch.cc for the format of rep_

}  // namespace leveldb


static const size_t kHeader = 12;

WriteBatch::WriteBatch() { Clear(); }

WriteBatch::~WriteBatch() = default;

WriteBatch::Handler::~Handler() = default;

void WriteBatch::Clear() {
  rep_.clear();                               // 清理 

size_t WriteBatch::ApproximateSize() const { return rep_.size(); }      // 返回rep_的字符串的大小

Status WriteBatch::Iterate(Handler* handler) const {                    // 迭代器
  Slice input(rep_);
  if (input.size() < kHeader) {                                         // 如果輸入的大小小於頭部信息的大小 則太小了
    return Status::Corruption("malformed WriteBatch (too small)");

  input.remove_prefix(kHeader);                                         // 移除頭部
  Slice key, value;
  int found = 0;
  while (!input.empty()) {                                              // 檢查是否爲空
    char tag = input[0];                                                // 獲取當前的tag
    input.remove_prefix(1);                                             // 移除一個該位
    switch (tag) {                                                      // 檢查該tag是Put還是Delete
      case kTypeValue:                                                  // 如果是添加
        if (GetLengthPrefixedSlice(&input, &key) &&                       
            GetLengthPrefixedSlice(&input, &value)) {                   // 分別獲取key 和 value
          handler->Put(key, value);                                     //  調用handler去添加
        } else {
          return Status::Corruption("bad WriteBatch Put");
      case kTypeDeletion:                                               // 如果是刪除
        if (GetLengthPrefixedSlice(&input, &key)) {                     // 獲取對應的key
          handler->Delete(key);                                         // 調用handle的刪除方法
        } else {
          return Status::Corruption("bad WriteBatch Delete");
        return Status::Corruption("unknown WriteBatch tag");            // 如果tag不對則 返回錯誤
  if (found != WriteBatchInternal::Count(this)) {                       // 檢查查找到的與當前數據保存的數據是否相同 
    return Status::Corruption("WriteBatch has wrong count");
  } else {
    return Status::OK();                                                // 返回成功

int WriteBatchInternal::Count(const WriteBatch* b) {
  return DecodeFixed32(b->rep_.data() + 8);                             // 獲取大小

void WriteBatchInternal::SetCount(WriteBatch* b, int n) {
  EncodeFixed32(&b->rep_[8], n);                                        // 設置count

SequenceNumber WriteBatchInternal::Sequence(const WriteBatch* b) {
  return SequenceNumber(DecodeFixed64(b->rep_.data()));                 // 獲取序列號

void WriteBatchInternal::SetSequence(WriteBatch* b, SequenceNumber seq) {
  EncodeFixed64(&b->rep_[0], seq);                                      // 設置序列號

void WriteBatch::Put(const Slice& key, const Slice& value) {            // 插入數據
  WriteBatchInternal::SetCount(this, WriteBatchInternal::Count(this) + 1);    // 設置count
  rep_.push_back(static_cast<char>(kTypeValue));                        // 壓入類型數據
  PutLengthPrefixedSlice(&rep_, key);                                   // 設置數據
  PutLengthPrefixedSlice(&rep_, value);                                 // 設置value

void WriteBatch::Delete(const Slice& key) {
  WriteBatchInternal::SetCount(this, WriteBatchInternal::Count(this) + 1);    // 設置計數
  rep_.push_back(static_cast<char>(kTypeDeletion));                           // 壓入類型數據
  PutLengthPrefixedSlice(&rep_, key);                                         // 壓入數據

void WriteBatch::Append(const WriteBatch& source) {
  WriteBatchInternal::Append(this, &source);                              // 調用WriteBatchInternal的append函數

namespace {
class MemTableInserter : public WriteBatch::Handler {                     // MemTable插入類
  SequenceNumber sequence_;
  MemTable* mem_;

  void Put(const Slice& key, const Slice& value) override {               // 添加內容
    mem_->Add(sequence_, kTypeValue, key, value);                         // 添加序列號 插入類型  key  value
  void Delete(const Slice& key) override {
    mem_->Add(sequence_, kTypeDeletion, key, Slice());                    // 添加內容 序列號  刪除類型  key 空的value
}  // namespace

Status WriteBatchInternal::InsertInto(const WriteBatch* b, MemTable* memtable) {
  MemTableInserter inserter;
  inserter.sequence_ = WriteBatchInternal::Sequence(b);                   // 先獲取序列號
  inserter.mem_ = memtable;                                               // 設置memtabe
  return b->Iterate(&inserter);                                           // 迭代插入

void WriteBatchInternal::SetContents(WriteBatch* b, const Slice& contents) {
  assert(contents.size() >= kHeader);
  b->rep_.assign(contents.data(), contents.size());                        // 重置內容爲content的內容,並且設置內容大小

void WriteBatchInternal::Append(WriteBatch* dst, const WriteBatch* src) {
  SetCount(dst, Count(dst) + Count(src));
  assert(src->rep_.size() >= kHeader);
  dst->rep_.append(src->rep_.data() + kHeader, src->rep_.size() - kHeader);     // 追加 內容加頭部信息  大小要減去頭部信息

}  // namespace leveldb


Status DBImpl::Write(const WriteOptions& options, WriteBatch* updates) {
  Writer w(&mutex_);                                    // 初始化一個Writer        
  w.batch = updates;                                    // 保存對應的WriteBatch
  w.sync = options.sync;                                // 是否是同步寫入
  w.done = false;                                       // 是否已經完成

  MutexLock l(&mutex_);                                 // 初始化線程鎖
  writers_.push_back(&w);                               // 添加到隊列中
  while (!w.done && &w != writers_.front()) {           // 如果當前的任務還沒有完成 並且當前的任務不是w 則等待
  if (w.done) {                                         // 如果任務已經完成則返回狀態否則就繼續執行
    return w.status;

  // May temporarily unlock and wait.
  Status status = MakeRoomForWrite(updates == nullptr);             // 獲取可以寫入的空間
  uint64_t last_sequence = versions_->LastSequence();               // 獲取最後的序列號
  Writer* last_writer = &w;
  if (status.ok() && updates != nullptr) {  // nullptr batch is for compactions       // 有空間可用並且update有內容輸入
    WriteBatch* updates = BuildBatchGroup(&last_writer);                              // 獲取當前要操作的WriteBatch
    WriteBatchInternal::SetSequence(updates, last_sequence + 1);                      // 設置序列號
    last_sequence += WriteBatchInternal::Count(updates);                              // 序列號加上當前執行完的大小

    // Add to log and apply to memtable.  We can release the lock
    // during this phase since &w is currently responsible for logging
    // and protects against concurrent loggers and concurrent writes
    // into mem_.
      mutex_.Unlock();                                                                // 獲取鎖
      status = log_->AddRecord(WriteBatchInternal::Contents(updates));                // 將內容添加到當前的日誌中
      bool sync_error = false;
      if (status.ok() && options.sync) {                                              // 如果添加成功 並且需要同步寫入
        status = logfile_->Sync();                                                    // 調用同步寫入的函數
        if (!status.ok()) {                                                           // 如果同步寫入失敗
          sync_error = true;                                                          // 設置同步寫入失敗的標誌
      if (status.ok()) {                                                              // 如果成功
        status = WriteBatchInternal::InsertInto(updates, mem_);                       // 將內容插入到memTable中
      mutex_.Lock();                                                                  // 釋放
      if (sync_error) {                                                               // 如果同步失敗 則記錄失敗的狀態
        // The state of the log file is indeterminate: the log record we
        // just added may or may not show up when the DB is re-opened.
        // So we force the DB into a mode where all future writes fail.
    if (updates == tmp_batch_) tmp_batch_->Clear();                                   // 如果update與臨時的batch相同則釋放tmp_batch

    versions_->SetLastSequence(last_sequence);                                        // 插入最新的序列號

  while (true) {                                                                      // 遍歷writers
    Writer* ready = writers_.front();
    writers_.pop_front();                                                             // 刪除第一個
    if (ready != &w) {                                                                // 如果當前的第一個不等於w
      ready->status = status;                                                         // 獲取當前的狀態
      ready->done = true;                                                             // 設置爲done
      ready->cv.Signal();                                                             // 喚醒其他等待的線程
    if (ready == last_writer) break;                                                  // 如果等於當前的就停止

  // Notify new head of write queue
  if (!writers_.empty()) {                                                            // 檢查當前的writers隊列是否爲空 如果不爲空則 喚醒剩餘等待要執行的線程

  return status;                                                                      // 返回狀態


// REQUIRES: mutex_ is held
// REQUIRES: this thread is currently at the front of the writer queue
Status DBImpl::MakeRoomForWrite(bool force) {
  mutex_.AssertHeld();                                      // 檢查是否獲取鎖
  bool allow_delay = !force;
  Status s;
  while (true) {
    if (!bg_error_.ok()) {                                  // 如果出錯則直接停止並設置出錯狀態並返回
      // Yield previous error
      s = bg_error_;
    } else if (allow_delay && versions_->NumLevelFiles(0) >=
                                  config::kL0_SlowdownWritesTrigger) {      // 是否可以延遲  並檢查延遲觸發的時間是否大於配置值
      // We are getting close to hitting a hard limit on the number of
      // L0 files.  Rather than delaying a single write by several
      // seconds when we hit the hard limit, start delaying each
      // individual write by 1ms to reduce latency variance.  Also,
      // this delay hands over some CPU to the compaction thread in
      // case it is sharing the same core as the writer.
      env_->SleepForMicroseconds(1000);                                       // 休息一秒                       
      allow_delay = false;  // Do not delay a single write more than once      // 只能休眠一次
    } else if (!force &&
               (mem_->ApproximateMemoryUsage() <= options_.write_buffer_size)) {    // 如果不是強制使用新的並且 當前mem可用的內存大小 小於等於待寫的數據內容大小則證明有空間可用則終止循環並返回
      // There is room in current memtable
    } else if (imm_ != nullptr) {                                           // 如果不爲空
      // We have filled up the current memtable, but the previous
      // one is still being compacted, so we wait.
      Log(options_.info_log, "Current memtable full; waiting...\n");
      background_work_finished_signal_.Wait();                                // 等待數據落盤之後被喚醒
    } else if (versions_->NumLevelFiles(0) >= config::kL0_StopWritesTrigger) {
      // There are too many level-0 files.
      Log(options_.info_log, "Too many L0 files; waiting...\n");              // 如果太多了第0層文件則等待
    } else {
      // Attempt to switch to a new memtable and trigger compaction of old
      assert(versions_->PrevLogNumber() == 0);                                // 判斷之前的日誌數爲0
      uint64_t new_log_number = versions_->NewFileNumber();                   // 獲取一個新的文件
      WritableFile* lfile = nullptr;
      s = env_->NewWritableFile(LogFileName(dbname_, new_log_number), &lfile);    // 設置一個新的log寫文件
      if (!s.ok()) {                                                           // 如果出錯
        // Avoid chewing through file number space in a tight loop.
        versions_->ReuseFileNumber(new_log_number);                            // 重新使用該文件號
      delete log_;
      delete logfile_;
      logfile_ = lfile;
      logfile_number_ = new_log_number;                                         // 設置文件並這隻文件編號
      log_ = new log::Writer(lfile);                                            // 生成一個log實例
      imm_ = mem_;                                                              // 獲取舊的mem內容
      has_imm_.store(true, std::memory_order_release);                          // 保存該數據
      mem_ = new MemTable(internal_comparator_);                                // 申請一個新的memtable
      force = false;  // Do not force another compaction if have room
      MaybeScheduleCompaction();                                                // 將就數據調度落盤
  return s;


// REQUIRES: Writer list must be non-empty
// REQUIRES: First writer must have a non-null batch
WriteBatch* DBImpl::BuildBatchGroup(Writer** last_writer) {
  Writer* first = writers_.front();                                     // 獲取第一個
  WriteBatch* result = first->batch;                                    // 獲取第一個的batch
  assert(result != nullptr);

  size_t size = WriteBatchInternal::ByteSize(first->batch);             // 獲取操作的數據大小

  // Allow the group to grow up to a maximum size, but if the
  // original write is small, limit the growth so we do not slow
  // down the small write too much.
  size_t max_size = 1 << 20;                                            // 獲取最大的字節數
  if (size <= (128 << 10)) {
    max_size = size + (128 << 10);

  *last_writer = first;
  std::deque<Writer*>::iterator iter = writers_.begin();                // 獲取迭代器
  ++iter;  // Advance past "first"
  for (; iter != writers_.end(); ++iter) {                              // 循環數據
    Writer* w = *iter;
    if (w->sync && !first->sync) {                                      // 檢查當前的sync是否與第一個的sync一直 即如果w爲同步  而first未異步則停止
      // Do not include a sync write into a batch handled by a non-sync write.

    if (w->batch != nullptr) {
      size += WriteBatchInternal::ByteSize(w->batch);                   // 獲取插入數據大小
      if (size > max_size) {                                            // 如果超過最大值則停止
        // Do not make batch too big

      // Append to *result
      if (result == first->batch) {                                     // 如果result 與第一個的batch相同
        // Switch to temporary batch instead of disturbing caller's batch
        result = tmp_batch_;
        assert(WriteBatchInternal::Count(result) == 0);   
        WriteBatchInternal::Append(result, first->batch);              // 追加數據
      WriteBatchInternal::Append(result, w->batch);                     // 追加內容
    *last_writer = w;                                                   // 重置最後一個繼續循環
  return result;                                                        // 返回結果




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