


; analysis for 3 years for efficiency and it is easy to extend to 21 years.
assume cs:codesg 

stack segment
	db 32 dup (0)  
stack ends

year segment
	db '1993','1994','1995'
year ends

salary segment
	dd 3753000,4649000,5937000;394428h,46f028h,5a9768h
salary ends

;employee num
enum	segment
	dw 14430,15257,17800;385eh,3b99h,4588
enum ends

table segment
	db 3 dup ('year sala en as ')
table ends               

buf segment
    db 200  dup (0)
buf ends

codesg segment
	;stack init
	mov ax,stack
	mov ss,ax
	mov sp,32
	;loop init
	mov si,0 ; year size and salary size =4
	mov bp,0 ; enum size =2
	mov cx,3
	mov ax,table
	mov es,ax ; es put table
	mov di,0
	push cx
	;copy year 
	mov ax,year
	mov ds,ax	
	mov cx,4
	mov bx,si	
	mov ah,[bx]
	mov es:[di],ah
	inc di
	inc bx
	loop loop_year
	;copy space
	mov byte ptr es:[di],0
	;copy salary
	inc di
	mov ax,salary
	mov ds,ax	
	mov cx,4
	mov bx,si
	;prepare for calc average salary
	push [bx+2]
	push [bx]		
	mov ah,[bx]
	mov es:[di],ah
	inc di
	inc bx
	loop loop_salary
	;copy space
	mov byte ptr es:[di],0

;copy employee num
	inc di
	mov ax,enum
	mov ds,ax	
	mov cx,2
	mov bx,bp
	;prepare for calc average sala
	push [bx]
	mov ah,[bx]
	mov es:[di],ah
	inc di
	inc bx
	loop loop_enum
	;copy space
	mov byte ptr es:[di],0

	;calc avarage salay
	pop bx;
	pop ax;
	pop dx;		
	div bx
	;averary salary
	inc di
	mov es:[di],ax
	inc di
	inc di
	;copy space
	mov byte ptr es:[di],0
	inc di
	add si,4
	add bp,2
	pop cx
	loop loop_entry      
	;print the table to screen   
	;init ds=table  
	mov ax,table  
	mov ds,ax
	;print year  ds[si]
	mov cx,3  
	mov si,0      
	;init print registers
	mov dh,1 ; line start from 1  
    mov dl,1 ; column start from 1    
    mov bl,7 ; color=white/black   
    call show_str  
    ;update registes
    inc dh
    add si,16 ; point to next line
    loop L119	    
    ;print salary        
  	;loop init
	mov cx,3  
	mov di,5 ;salary  offset=5 in each table entry     
    ;loop print high and low 16bits
    ;init string dest  
    mov ax,ds 
    mov es,ax
    mov ax,buf
	mov ds,ax
	mov si,0  
	mov bh,1 ;print line init
    mov dx,es:[di+2]   
	mov ax,es:[di]     
	call itoa	  	
	;init print registers
	mov dh,bh ; line start from 1  
    mov dl,6 ; column start from 5    
    mov bl,7 ; color=white/black                 	 
    call show_str                   
    ;update registes
    inc bh
    add di,16 ; point to next line
    loop L145           
    ;print employee num   
   	;loop init          
	mov cx,3  
	mov di,10 ;salary  offset=10 in each table entry     
    ;loop print high and low 16bits
    ;init string dest  
    mov ax,table
    mov es,ax
    mov ax,buf
	mov ds,ax
	mov si,0  
	mov bh,1 ;print line init
    mov dx,0   
	mov ax,es:[di]     
	call itoa	  	
	;init print registers
	mov dh,bh ; line start from 1  
    mov dl,14 ; column start from 14    
    mov bl,7 ; color=white/black                 	 
    call show_str                   
    ;update registes
    inc bh
    add di,16 ; point to next line
    loop L177           
     ;print average salary  
   	;loop init          
	mov cx,3  
	mov di,13 ;salary  offset=10 in each table entry     
    ;loop print high and low 16bits
    ;init string dest  
    mov ax,table
    mov es,ax
    mov ax,buf
	mov ds,ax
	mov si,0  
	mov bh,1 ;print line init
    mov dx,0   
	mov ax,es:[di]     
	call itoa	  	
	;init print registers
	mov dh,bh ; line start from 1  
    mov dl,20 ; column start from 14    
    mov bl,7 ; color=white/black                 	 
    call show_str                   
    ;update registes
    inc bh
    add di,16 ; point to next line
    loop L208                    
	mov ax,4c00H                        
	int 21H   
;convert int to string
;dx:ax int   
;ds:si string begin add
     push bx   
     push cx
     push dx
     push di
     mov bp,0              
     mov cx,10  
     call divdw   
     inc bp     
     push cx       
     sub dx,0
     jnz l1     
     mov cx,ax   
     jcxz itoa_ok         
     jmp short l1
     mov cx,bp ;strlen
     ;begin pop into ds:si
     mov di,si
     pop ax
     add ax,30h
     mov [di],al
     inc di    
     loop l2
     mov al,0
     mov [di],al          ;last 0 added    
     pop di
     pop dx
     pop cx
     pop bx       
;show string
;dh:line(0-24) dl:column(0,79),bl:color  ds:si string start addr

    ;save registers      
    push si
    push cx
    push ax
    push es             
    push bx
    push dx 
    push bx  ;save color        
    ;init es
    mov ax,0b800h
    mov es,ax
    ;calc display memory offset according to line and columm
    mov al,dh   
    mov cl,160
    mul cl; 160 bytes per line    
    mov dh,0
    add ax,dx  ;offset = 160*line + 2*column
    add ax,dx 
    mov bx,ax  
    pop ax          ;restore color
    mov ah,al           
    ;string end?
    mov cl,[si]   
    mov ch,0
    jcxz ok   
    ;begin write 
    mov al,cl
    mov es:[bx],al
    ;write color   
    mov es:[bx+1],ah            
    ;update indexs
    inc bx
    inc bx
    inc si  
    jmp short l  

    ;recover registers  
    pop dx
    pop bx
    pop es
    pop ax        
    pop cx
    pop si   

;被除数 dx:ax  除数 cx  商 dx:ax 余数 cx 
   push bx                    
   push si
   ;calc dx/cx
   ;save ax->bx
   mov bx,ax 
   mov ax,dx
   mov dx,0
   div cx
   ;save 商->si    
   mov si,ax
   ;calc (余数+低16位)除法
   mov ax,bx
   div cx
   mov cx,dx
   mov dx,si    
   pop si
   pop bx

codesg ends

end start


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