arcgis api for javascript 4.12 vue 點聚合


注意: 引入插件需要使用絕對地址


<!DOCTYPE html>
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    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0, user-scalable=0">

    <title>Flare Cluster Layer Example</title>

    <link href="//" rel="stylesheet">
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="">

        html, body {
            height: 100%;
            width: 100%;
            margin: 0;
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            height: 100%;
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            #top-menu select {
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        @media (min-width: 320px) and (max-width: 639px) {
            #top-menu #title-text {
                display: none;

            #top-menu .button {
                width: 75px;
                margin: 0;

        #api-link {
            position: absolute;
            bottom: 20px;
            left: 10px;
            font-weight: bold;

        /* Set up some css rules to animate things */

        /* Some rules to change the appearance of clusters and it's text when activated */

        /* Scale up the clusters when activated */
        .cluster-group.activated {
            transform-origin: center;
            transform: scale(1.2);
            transition: transform linear 0.4s;

            /* Change the appearance of clusters when activated */
            .cluster-group.activated .cluster {
                stroke: rgba(255,255,255,1);
                stroke-width: 2;
                transition: all ease 1s;

            .cluster-group.activated .cluster-text {
                fill: #000;
                font-weight: bold;
                transition: all ease 1s;

        /* hide flares by default */
        .flare-group {
            opacity: 0;

            /* animate display of flares */
            .flare-group.activated {
                opacity: 1;
                transition: opacity linear 0.06s;

                /* this just chains the display of flares to occur one after the other using transition delay - could be a better way to do this natively but using SASS or LESS this would be much more concise */
                .flare-group.activated:nth-of-type(1) {
                    transition-delay: 0.06s;

                .flare-group.activated:nth-of-type(2) {
                    transition-delay: 0.12s;

                .flare-group.activated:nth-of-type(3) {
                    transition-delay: 0.18s;

                .flare-group.activated:nth-of-type(4) {
                    transition-delay: 0.24s;

                .flare-group.activated:nth-of-type(5) {
                    transition-delay: 0.30s;

                .flare-group.activated:nth-of-type(6) {
                    transition-delay: 0.36s;

        .cluster-group .flare-group.activated:nth-of-type(7) {
            transition-delay: 0.42s;

        .flare-group.activated:nth-of-type(8) {
            transition-delay: 0.48s;

            Cross browser notes on the example CSS animations:
            IE/Edge: These POS's don't support transforms on svg elements using css, so the css transform animations won't work.

        var dojoConfig = {
            async: true,
            tlmSiblingOfDojo: false,
            packages: [{
                name: "fcl",
                location: location.pathname.replace(/\/[^/]+$/, '') + "/fcl"
            has: {
                "esri-promise-compatibility": 1 // enable native promises and remove the warning about using when() instead of then().

    <script src=""></script>

    <script type="text/javascript">

        var map,

        //set some defaults
        var maxSingleFlareCount = 8;
        var areaDisplayMode = "activated";

            function (Map, Color, MapView, SceneView, Extent, SpatialReference, Point, PopupTemplate, GraphicsLayer, Graphic, SimpleMarkerSymbol, SimpleLineSymbol, SimpleFillSymbol, TextSymbol, TextSymbol3DLayer, Font, ClassBreaksRenderer,
                watchUtils, webMercatorUtils, fcl, dojo, ready, JSON, dom, on, domAttr, domClass, data) {

                ready(function () {

                    document.getElementById("area-mode").value = areaDisplayMode;

                    map = new Map({
                        basemap: "gray"

                    mapView = new MapView({
                        map: map,
                        container: "views",
                        center: [133, -25],
                        zoom: 4,
                        constraints: { minZoom: 3 },
                        ui: { components: ["compass", "zoom"] }
                    mapView.ui.move("zoom", "bottom-right");
                    mapView.ui.move("compass", "bottom-right");

                    // default map view to be active
                    activeView = mapView;

                    sceneView = new SceneView({
                        map: map,
                        center: [133, -25],
                        zoom: 4,
                        ui: { components: ["compass", "zoom"] }
                    sceneView.ui.move("zoom", "bottom-right");
                    sceneView.ui.move("compass", "bottom-right");

                    //load up the dummy data
                    var allData = JSON.parse(data);

                    mapView.when(function (e) {
                        console.log('map view loaded');
                        if (activeView === mapView) {
                    }, function (err) {
                        console.error("failed to load MapView " + e);


                function initLayer(data) {

                    //init the layer, more options are available and explained in the cluster layer constructor

                    //set up a class breaks renderer to render different symbols based on the cluster count. Use the required clusterCount property to break on.
                    var defaultSym = new SimpleMarkerSymbol({
                        size: 6,
                        color: "#FF0000",
                        outline: null

                    var renderer = new ClassBreaksRenderer({
                        defaultSymbol: defaultSym
                    renderer.field = "clusterCount";

                    var smSymbol = new SimpleMarkerSymbol({ size: 22, outline: new SimpleLineSymbol({ color: [221, 159, 34, 0.8] }), color: [255, 204, 102, 0.8] });
                    var mdSymbol = new SimpleMarkerSymbol({ size: 24, outline: new SimpleLineSymbol({ color: [82, 163, 204, 0.8] }), color: [102, 204, 255, 0.8] });
                    var lgSymbol = new SimpleMarkerSymbol({ size: 28, outline: new SimpleLineSymbol({ color: [41, 163, 41, 0.8] }), color: [51, 204, 51, 0.8] });
                    var xlSymbol = new SimpleMarkerSymbol({ size: 32, outline: new SimpleLineSymbol({ color: [200, 52, 59, 0.8] }), color: [250, 65, 74, 0.8] });

                    renderer.addClassBreakInfo(0, 19, smSymbol);
                    renderer.addClassBreakInfo(20, 150, mdSymbol);
                    renderer.addClassBreakInfo(151, 1000, lgSymbol);
                    renderer.addClassBreakInfo(1001, Infinity, xlSymbol);

                    var areaRenderer;

                    // if area display mode is set. Create a renderer to display cluster areas. Use SimpleFillSymbols as the areas are polygons
                    var defaultAreaSym = new SimpleFillSymbol({
                        style: "solid",
                        color: [0, 0, 0, 0.2],
                        outline: new SimpleLineSymbol({ color: [0, 0, 0, 0.3] })

                    areaRenderer = new ClassBreaksRenderer({
                        defaultSymbol: defaultAreaSym
                    areaRenderer.field = "clusterCount";

                    var smAreaSymbol = new SimpleFillSymbol({ color: [255, 204, 102, 0.4], outline: new SimpleLineSymbol({ color: [221, 159, 34, 0.8], style: "dash" }) });
                    var mdAreaSymbol = new SimpleFillSymbol({ color: [102, 204, 255, 0.4], outline: new SimpleLineSymbol({ color: [82, 163, 204, 0.8], style: "dash" }) });
                    var lgAreaSymbol = new SimpleFillSymbol({ color: [51, 204, 51, 0.4], outline: new SimpleLineSymbol({ color: [41, 163, 41, 0.8], style: "dash" }) });
                    var xlAreaSymbol = new SimpleFillSymbol({ color: [250, 65, 74, 0.4], outline: new SimpleLineSymbol({ color: [200, 52, 59, 0.8], style: "dash" }) });

                    areaRenderer.addClassBreakInfo(0, 19, smAreaSymbol);
                    areaRenderer.addClassBreakInfo(20, 150, mdAreaSymbol);
                    areaRenderer.addClassBreakInfo(151, 1000, lgAreaSymbol);
                    areaRenderer.addClassBreakInfo(1001, Infinity, xlAreaSymbol);

                    // Set up another class breaks renderer to style the flares individually
                    var flareRenderer = new ClassBreaksRenderer({
                        defaultSymbol: renderer.defaultSymbol
                    flareRenderer.field = "clusterCount";

                    var smFlareSymbol = new SimpleMarkerSymbol({ size: 14, color: [255, 204, 102, 0.8], outline: new SimpleLineSymbol({ color: [221, 159, 34, 0.8] }) });
                    var mdFlareSymbol = new SimpleMarkerSymbol({ size: 14, color: [102, 204, 255, 0.8], outline: new SimpleLineSymbol({ color: [82, 163, 204, 0.8] }) });
                    var lgFlareSymbol = new SimpleMarkerSymbol({ size: 14, color: [51, 204, 51, 0.8], outline: new SimpleLineSymbol({ color: [41, 163, 41, 0.8] }) });
                    var xlFlareSymbol = new SimpleMarkerSymbol({ size: 14, color: [250, 65, 74, 0.8], outline: new SimpleLineSymbol({ color: [200, 52, 59, 0.8] }) });

                    flareRenderer.addClassBreakInfo(0, 19, smFlareSymbol);
                    flareRenderer.addClassBreakInfo(20, 150, mdFlareSymbol);
                    flareRenderer.addClassBreakInfo(151, 1000, lgFlareSymbol);
                    flareRenderer.addClassBreakInfo(1001, Infinity, xlFlareSymbol);

                    // set up a popup template
                    var popupTemplate = new PopupTemplate({
                        title: "{name}",
                        content: [{
                            type: "fields",
                            fieldInfos: [
                                { fieldName: "facilityType", label: "Facility Type", visible: true },
                                { fieldName: "postcode", label: "Post Code", visible: true },
                                { fieldName: "isOpen", label: "Opening Hours", visible: true }

                    var options = {
                        id: "flare-cluster-layer",
                        clusterRenderer: renderer,
                        areaRenderer: areaRenderer,
                        flareRenderer: flareRenderer,
                        singlePopupTemplate: popupTemplate,
                        spatialReference: new SpatialReference({ "wkid": 4326 }),
                        subTypeFlareProperty: "facilityType",
                        singleFlareTooltipProperty: "name",
                        displaySubTypeFlares: true,
                        maxSingleFlareCount: maxSingleFlareCount,
                        clusterRatio: 75,
                        clusterAreaDisplay: areaDisplayMode,
                        data: data

                    clusterLayer = new fcl.FlareClusterLayer(options);

                    clusterLayer.on("draw-complete", function () {
                        //console.log('draw complete event callback');


                function clearLayer() {
                    clusterLayer = null;

                //setup some event handlers to react to change of options

                on(dom.byId("map-view-select"), "click", function (evt) {

                on(dom.byId("scene-view-select"), "click", function (evt) {

                on(dom.byId("area-mode"), "change", function (evt) {
                    clusterLayer.clusterAreaDisplay = this.value;

                function setActiveView(view) {
                    if (view === activeView) return; // it's already active

                    var viewpoint = activeView.viewpoint.clone();
                    var container = activeView.container;
                    activeView.container = null;
                    if (view === mapView) {
                        mapView.viewpoint = viewpoint;
                        mapView.container = container;
                        mapView.rotation = 0;
                        activeView = mapView;
                    else {
                        sceneView.viewpoint = viewpoint;
                        sceneView.container = container;
                        activeView = sceneView;


                    activeView.when(() => {
                        //when switching views force a redraw
                        if (clusterLayer) {
                            // clusterLayer.draw(view);

                function setActiveViewClasses(view) {
                    if (view === mapView) {
                        domClass.add(dom.byId("map-view-select"), "active");
                        domClass.remove(dom.byId("scene-view-select"), "active");
                    else {
                        domClass.add(dom.byId("scene-view-select"), "active");
                        domClass.remove(dom.byId("map-view-select"), "active");





    <div id="container">

        <div class="view" id="views">

        <div id="top-menu">
            <div class="section text">
                <span id="title-text">Flare Cluster Layer - </span>API v4.12

            <span class="separator"></span>

            <div class="section">
                <button id="map-view-select" class="button">Map View</button>
                <button id="scene-view-select" class="button"> Scene View</button>
            <span class="separator"></span>

            <div class="section">
                Area mode:
                <select id="area-mode">
                    <option value="">None</option>
                    <option value="activated">Hover</option>
                    <option value="always">Always</option>


        <div id="api-link">
            <a href="index_v3.html" >Go to version 3.x</a>





var dojoConfig = {
  async: true,
  tlmSiblingOfDojo: false,
  packages: [{
    name: "fcl",
    location: '' // 絕對地址引入
  has: {
    "esri-promise-compatibility": 1 // enable native promises and remove the warning about using when() instead of then().

主要的代碼,通過控制clusterRatio 範圍大小, 來控制點聚合區域, data爲點集合數據

function initLayer(data) {
    const defaultSym = new SimpleMarkerSymbol({
        size: 6,
        color: "#FF0000",
        outline: null

    const renderer = new ClassBreaksRenderer({
        defaultSymbol: defaultSym
    renderer.field = "clusterCount";

    const smSymbol = new SimpleMarkerSymbol({ size: 22, outline: new SimpleLineSymbol({ color: [221, 159, 34, 0.8] }), color: [255, 204, 102, 0.8] });
    const mdSymbol = new SimpleMarkerSymbol({ size: 24, outline: new SimpleLineSymbol({ color: [82, 163, 204, 0.8] }), color: [102, 204, 255, 0.8] });
    const lgSymbol = new SimpleMarkerSymbol({ size: 28, outline: new SimpleLineSymbol({ color: [41, 163, 41, 0.8] }), color: [51, 204, 51, 0.8] });
    const xlSymbol = new SimpleMarkerSymbol({ size: 32, outline: new SimpleLineSymbol({ color: [200, 52, 59, 0.8] }), color: [250, 65, 74, 0.8] });

    renderer.addClassBreakInfo(0, 19, smSymbol);
    renderer.addClassBreakInfo(20, 150, mdSymbol);
    renderer.addClassBreakInfo(151, 1000, lgSymbol);
    renderer.addClassBreakInfo(1001, Infinity, xlSymbol);

    let areaRenderer;

    // if area display mode is set. Create a renderer to display cluster areas. Use SimpleFillSymbols as the areas are polygons
    const defaultAreaSym = new SimpleFillSymbol({
        style: "solid",
        color: [0, 0, 0, 0.2],
        outline: new SimpleLineSymbol({ color: [0, 0, 0, 0.3] })

    areaRenderer = new ClassBreaksRenderer({
        defaultSymbol: defaultAreaSym
    areaRenderer.field = "clusterCount";

    const smAreaSymbol = new SimpleFillSymbol({ color: [255, 204, 102, 0.4], outline: new SimpleLineSymbol({ color: [221, 159, 34, 0.8], style: "dash" }) });
    const mdAreaSymbol = new SimpleFillSymbol({ color: [102, 204, 255, 0.4], outline: new SimpleLineSymbol({ color: [82, 163, 204, 0.8], style: "dash" }) });
    const lgAreaSymbol = new SimpleFillSymbol({ color: [51, 204, 51, 0.4], outline: new SimpleLineSymbol({ color: [41, 163, 41, 0.8], style: "dash" }) });
    const xlAreaSymbol = new SimpleFillSymbol({ color: [250, 65, 74, 0.4], outline: new SimpleLineSymbol({ color: [200, 52, 59, 0.8], style: "dash" }) });

    areaRenderer.addClassBreakInfo(0, 19, smAreaSymbol);
    areaRenderer.addClassBreakInfo(20, 150, mdAreaSymbol);
    areaRenderer.addClassBreakInfo(151, 1000, lgAreaSymbol);
    areaRenderer.addClassBreakInfo(1001, Infinity, xlAreaSymbol);

    // Set up another class breaks renderer to style the flares individually
    const flareRenderer = new ClassBreaksRenderer({
        defaultSymbol: renderer.defaultSymbol
    flareRenderer.field = "clusterCount";

    const smFlareSymbol = new SimpleMarkerSymbol({ size: 14, color: [255, 204, 102, 0.8], outline: new SimpleLineSymbol({ color: [221, 159, 34, 0.8] }) });
    const mdFlareSymbol = new SimpleMarkerSymbol({ size: 14, color: [102, 204, 255, 0.8], outline: new SimpleLineSymbol({ color: [82, 163, 204, 0.8] }) });
    const lgFlareSymbol = new SimpleMarkerSymbol({ size: 14, color: [51, 204, 51, 0.8], outline: new SimpleLineSymbol({ color: [41, 163, 41, 0.8] }) });
    const xlFlareSymbol = new SimpleMarkerSymbol({ size: 14, color: [250, 65, 74, 0.8], outline: new SimpleLineSymbol({ color: [200, 52, 59, 0.8] }) });

    flareRenderer.addClassBreakInfo(0, 19, smFlareSymbol);
    flareRenderer.addClassBreakInfo(20, 150, mdFlareSymbol);
    flareRenderer.addClassBreakInfo(151, 1000, lgFlareSymbol);
    flareRenderer.addClassBreakInfo(1001, Infinity, xlFlareSymbol);

    const popupTemplate = new PopupTemplate({
        title: "{deviceName}",
        content: [{
            type: "fields",
            fieldInfos: [
                { fieldName: "deviceName", label: "deviceName", visible: true },
                { fieldName: "deviceId", label: "deviceId", visible: true },

    const options = {
        id: "flare-cluster-layer", 
        clusterRenderer: renderer,
        areaRenderer: areaRenderer,
        flareRenderer: flareRenderer,
        singlePopupTemplate: popupTemplate,
        spatialReference: new SpatialReference({ "wkid": 4326 }),
        subTypeFlareProperty: "deviceName", // 顯示的內容
        singleFlareTooltipProperty: "deviceId", // 顯示的內容
        displaySubTypeFlares: true,
        maxSingleFlareCount: 10,
        clusterRatio: 200, // 點聚合範圍
        clusterAreaDisplay: 'activated',
        data: data // 點數據

    let clusterLayer = new fcl.FlareClusterLayer(options);

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