USB3.2 速率

一直以來也沒搞清楚USB 3.2的10Gbps的形式,一直以爲是5Gbps*2lane。

翻看了下USB 3.2的協議,終於搞明白了。協議上是這麼說的:

3.2.1 Physical Layer

The Gen X physical layer specifications are detailed in Chapter 6. The physical layer defines the PHY portion of a port and physical connection between a downstream facing port(on a host or hub)and the upstream facing port on a device. The Gen X physical connection is comprised of two differential data pairs(one transmit pat and one receive path) for each lane. Dual-lane support(Gen X x 2) is defined to enable two lane operation over the USB Type-C cable and connector.

傳輸速率分爲Gen 1(5Gbps)和Gen 2(10Gbps),在Type-C接口上可以實現2lane同時傳輸,即Gen 1 x 2(10Gbps)和Gen 2 x 2(20Gbps)。


USB 3.2協議連接如下:

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