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8. 地圖的畫法
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Mon Sep  9 15:42:07 2019

@author: 我是天才很好
# In[0]:
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib
import seaborn as sns
#import os
get_ipython().magic('matplotlib inline')

# 如遇中文顯示問題可加入以下代碼
from pylab import mpl
mpl.rcParams['font.sans-serif'] = ['SimHei'] # 指定默認字體
mpl.rcParams['axes.unicode_minus'] = False # 解決保存圖像是負號'-'顯示爲方塊的問題

#%% 數據讀取
#os.chdir(r'D:\Python_Training\script_Python\4describe') # 更改爲當前路徑
snd = pd.read_csv("sndHsPr.csv")

#%% **************************************描述性統計分析**************************************
# In[1]:
snd["all_pr2"] = snd[["price","AREA"]].apply(lambda x:x[0]*x[1], axis = 1 )

# In[2]: 
# 把dist變量重新編碼爲中文,比如chaoyang改爲朝陽區。 先作頻次統計,然後繪製柱形圖圖展現每個區樣本的數量;
district = {'fengtai':'豐臺區','haidian':'海淀區','chaoyang':'朝陽區','dongcheng':'東城區','xicheng':'西城區','shijingshan':'石景山區'}
snd['district'] = snd.dist.map(district)
# snd_new = snd.drop('dist',axis = 1)

#%% 1.單因子頻數:描述名義變量的分佈-----條形圖、餅狀圖
snd.district.value_counts().plot(kind = 'bar')
#snd.district.value_counts().plot(kind = 'pie')  

#%% 2.單變量描述:描述連續變量的分佈-----直方圖
# In[3]:
snd.price.mean()  # 均值
# In[4]:
snd.price.median() # 中位數
# In[5]:
snd.price.std()  # 標準差
# In[6]:
snd.price.skew()  # 偏態
# In[7]:
# In[7]:
snd.price.quantile([0.01,0.5,0.99])  # 分位數
# In[8]:

#%% 3.兩個分類變量+頻數(統計樣本數用的):表分析(先行後列)------分類柱形圖、堆疊柱形圖(進一步標準化)

# In[9]:
sub_sch = pd.crosstab(snd.district,snd.school)
# In[10]:分類柱形圖
# In[11]:堆疊柱形圖
#pd.crosstab(snd.district,snd.school).plot(kind = 'bar')
t1 = pd.crosstab(snd.district,snd.school)
t1.plot(kind = 'bar',stacked= True)
# In[12]:
sub_sch = pd.crosstab(snd.district,snd.school)
sub_sch["sum1"] =sub_sch.sum(1)
sub_sch = sub_sch.div(sub_sch.sum(1),axis = 0)
# In[13]:標準化後的堆疊柱形圖
sub_sch[[0,1]].plot(kind = 'bar',stacked= True)
# In[14]:面積圖
from stack2dim import *
stack2dim(snd, i="district", j="school")

#%% 4.一個分類變量一個連續變量:柱形圖、分類盒須圖

# In[15]:
# In[16]:
snd.price.groupby(snd.district).mean().sort_values(ascending= True).plot(kind = 'barh')
# In[17]:
sns.boxplot(x = 'district', y = 'price', data = snd)

#%% 5.兩個分類變量一個連續變量:彙總表------柱形圖

# In[18]:
snd.pivot_table(values='price', index='district', columns='school', aggfunc=np.mean)
# In[19]:
snd.pivot_table(values='price', index='district', columns='school', aggfunc=np.mean).plot(kind = 'bar')

#%% 6.兩個連續變量---散點圖
# 使用area和price做散點圖,分析area是否影響單位面積房價
# In[20]:
snd.plot.scatter(x = 'AREA', y = 'price')

#%% 7.雙軸圖 
# 按年度彙總GDP,並計算GDP增長率。繪製雙軸圖。
# GDP爲柱子,GDP增長率爲線。
# In[20]:
gdp = pd.read_csv('gdp_gdpcr.csv',encoding = 'gbk')
# In[21]:
x = list(gdp.year)
GDP = list(gdp.GDP)
GDPCR = list(gdp.GDPCR)
fig = plt.figure()

ax1 = fig.add_subplot(111)
ax1.set_title("GDP of China(2000-2017)")

ax2 = ax1.twinx()
ax2.set_ylabel('Increase Ratio')

# 對age按照5歲間隔分段,命名爲age_group,用loss_flag對age_group作logit圖。
# 手工計算Logit,即WOE
# In[22]:
auto = pd.read_csv('auto_ins.csv',encoding = 'gbk')
# In[23]:
auto.Loss = auto.Loss.map(lambda x: 1 if x >0 else 0)
bins = [21,26,31,36,41,46,51,56,61,67]
labels = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]
auto['age_group'] = pd.cut(auto.Age, bins, labels = labels, right =False)
# In[24]:
log_tab = pd.crosstab(auto.age_group,auto.Loss)
# In[25]:
log_tab[['p0','p1']] = log_tab[[0,1]].apply(lambda x: x/sum(x))
log_tab['log'] = log_tab[['p1','p0']].apply(lambda x: np.log(x[0]/x[-1]),axis = 1)
# In[26]:
# In[27]:
from woe import WoE
woe = WoE(v_type='d')
fig = woe.plot([8,5])

##%% 地圖的畫法
#from pyecharts.charts import Map
##from echarts-china-cities-pypkg import *
#自從 0.3.2 開始,爲了縮減項目本身的體積以及維持 pyecharts 項目的輕量化運行,pyecharts 將不再自帶地圖 js 文件。如用戶需要用到地圖圖表,可自行安裝對應的地圖文件包。下面介紹如何安裝。
#全球國家地圖: echarts-countries-pypkg (1.9MB): 世界地圖和 213 個國家,包括中國地圖
#中國省級地圖: echarts-china-provinces-pypkg (730KB):23 個省,5 個自治區
#中國市級地圖: echarts-china-cities-pypkg (3.8MB):370 箇中國城市:https://github.com/echarts-maps/echarts-china-cities-js
#pip install echarts-countries-pypkg
#pip install echarts-china-provinces-pypkg
#pip install echarts-china-cities-pypkg
#別註明,中國地圖在 echarts-countries-pypkg 裏。
#snd_price = list(zip(snd.price.groupby(snd.district).mean().index,
#                  snd.price.groupby(snd.district).mean().values))
#attr, value = Map.cast(snd_price)
#min_ = snd.price.groupby(snd.dist).mean().min()
#max_ = snd.price.groupby(snd.dist).mean().max()
#map = Map('北京各區房價', width = 1200, height = 600)
#map.add('', attr, value, maptype = '北京', is_visualmap = True, visual_range=[min_, max_], 
#        visual_text_color = '#000', is_label_show =True)


# stack2dim.py
# 如遇中文顯示問題可加入以下代碼
from pylab import mpl

mpl.rcParams['font.sans-serif'] = ['SimHei']  # 指定默認字體
mpl.rcParams['axes.unicode_minus'] = False  # 解決保存圖像是負號'-'顯示爲方塊的問題

def stack2dim(raw, i, j, rotation=0, location='upper right'):
    rotation:水平標籤旋轉角度,默認水平方向,如標籤過長,可設置一定角度,比如設置rotation = 40
    location:分類標籤的位置,如果被主體圖形擋住,可更改爲'upper left'
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    import pandas as pd
    import numpy as np
    import math

    data_raw = pd.crosstab(raw[i], raw[j])
    data = data_raw.div(data_raw.sum(1), axis=0)  # 交叉錶轉換成比率,爲得到標準化堆積柱狀圖

    # 計算x座標,及bar寬度
    createVar = locals()
    x = [0]  # 每個bar的中心x軸座標
    width = []  # bar的寬度
    k = 0
    for n in range(len(data)):
        # 根據頻數計算每一列bar的寬度
        createVar['width' + str(n)] = list(data_raw.sum(axis=1))[n] / sum(data_raw.sum(axis=1))
        width.append(createVar['width' + str(n)])
        if n == 0:
            k += createVar['width' + str(n - 1)] / 2 + createVar['width' + str(n)] / 2 + 0.05

    # 以下是通過頻率交叉表矩陣生成一串對應堆積圖每一塊位置數據的數組,再把數組轉化爲矩陣
    y_mat = []
    n = 0
    y_level = len(data.columns)
    for p in range(data.shape[0]):
        for q in range(data.shape[1]):
            n += 1
            y_mat.append(data.iloc[p, q])
            if n == data.shape[0] * data.shape[1]:
            elif n % y_level != 0:
                y_mat.extend([0] * (len(data) - 1))
            elif n % y_level == 0:
                y_mat.extend([0] * len(data))

    y_mat = np.array(y_mat).reshape(-1, len(data))
    y_mat = pd.DataFrame(y_mat)  # bar圖中的y變量矩陣,每一行是一個y變量

    # 通過x,y_mat中的每一行y,依次繪製每一塊堆積圖中的每一塊圖

    from matplotlib import cm
    cm_subsection = [level for level in range(y_level)]
    colors = [cm.Pastel1(color) for color in cm_subsection]

    bottom = [0] * y_mat.shape[1]
    createVar = locals()
    for row in range(len(y_mat)):
        createVar['a' + str(row)] = y_mat.iloc[row, :]
        color = colors[row % y_level]

        if row % y_level == 0:
            bottom = bottom = [0] * y_mat.shape[1]
            if math.floor(row / y_level) == 0:
                label = data.columns.name + ': ' + str(data.columns[row])
                plt.bar(x, createVar['a' + str(row)],
                        width=width[math.floor(row / y_level)], label=label, color=color)
                plt.bar(x, createVar['a' + str(row)],
                        width=width[math.floor(row / y_level)], color=color)
            if math.floor(row / y_level) == 0:
                label = data.columns.name + ': ' + str(data.columns[row])
                plt.bar(x, createVar['a' + str(row)], bottom=bottom,
                        width=width[math.floor(row / y_level)], label=label, color=color)
                plt.bar(x, createVar['a' + str(row)], bottom=bottom,
                        width=width[math.floor(row / y_level)], color=color)

        bottom += createVar['a' + str(row)]

    plt.title(j + ' vs ' + i)
    group_labels = [str(name) for name in data.index]
    plt.xticks(x, group_labels, rotation=rotation)
    plt.legend(shadow=True, loc=location)


# woe.py
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from sklearn import tree
from sklearn.model_selection import cross_val_score

__author__ = 'Denis Surzhko'

class WoE:
    Basic functionality for WoE bucketing of continuous and discrete variables
    :param self.bins: DataFrame WoE transformed variable and all related statistics
    :param self.iv: Information Value of the transformed variable
    def __init__(self, qnt_num=16, min_block_size=16, spec_values=None, v_type='c', bins=None, t_type='b'):
        :param qnt_num: Number of buckets (quartiles) for continuous variable split
        :param min_block_size: minimum number of observation in each bucket (continuous variables)
        :param spec_values: List or Dictionary {'label': value} of special values (frequent items etc.)
        :param v_type: 'c' for continuous variable, 'd' - for discrete
        :param bins: Predefined bucket borders for continuous variable split
        :t_type : Binary 'b' or continous 'c' target variable
        :return: initialized class
        self.__qnt_num = qnt_num  # Num of buckets/quartiles
        self._predefined_bins = None if bins is None else np.array(bins)  # user bins for continuous variables
        self.type = v_type  # if 'c' variable should be continuous, if 'd' - discrete
        self._min_block_size = min_block_size  # Min num of observation in bucket
        self._gb_ratio = None  # Ratio of good and bad in the sample
        self.bins = None  # WoE Buckets (bins) and related statistics
        self.df = None  # Training sample DataFrame with initial data and assigned woe
        self.qnt_num = None  # Number of quartiles used for continuous part of variable binning
        self.t_type = t_type  # Type of target variable
        if type(spec_values) == dict:  # Parsing special values to dict for cont variables
            self.spec_values = {}
            for k, v in spec_values.items():
                if v.startswith('d_'):
                    self.spec_values[k] = v
                    self.spec_values[k] = 'd_' + v
            if spec_values is None:
                self.spec_values = {}
                self.spec_values = {i: 'd_' + str(i) for i in spec_values}

    def fit(self, x, y):
        Fit WoE transformation
        :param x: continuous or discrete predictor
        :param y: binary target variable
        :return: WoE class
        # Data quality checks
        if not isinstance(x, pd.Series) or not isinstance(y, pd.Series):
            raise TypeError("pandas.Series type expected")
        if not x.size == y.size:
            raise Exception("Y size don't match Y size")
        # Calc total good bad ratio in the sample
        t_bad = np.sum(y)
        if t_bad == 0 or t_bad == y.size:
            raise ValueError("There should be BAD and GOOD observations in the sample")
        if np.max(y) > 1 or np.min(y) < 0:
            raise ValueError("Y range should be between 0 and 1")
        # setting discrete values as special values
        if self.type == 'd':
            sp_values = {i: 'd_' + str(i) for i in x.unique()}
            if len(sp_values) > 100:
                raise type("DiscreteVarOverFlowError", (Exception,),
                           {"args": ('Discrete variable with too many unique values (more than 100)',)})
                if self.spec_values:
                self.spec_values = sp_values
        # Make data frame for calculations
        df = pd.DataFrame({"X": x, "Y": y, 'order': np.arange(x.size)})
        # Separating NaN and Special values
        df_sp_values, df_cont = self._split_sample(df)
        # # labeling data
        df_cont, c_bins = self._cont_labels(df_cont)
        df_sp_values, d_bins = self._disc_labels(df_sp_values)
        # getting continuous and discrete values together
        self.df = df_sp_values.append(df_cont)
        self.bins = d_bins.append(c_bins)
        # calculating woe and other statistics
        # sorting appropriately for further cutting in transform method
        self.bins.sort_values('bins', inplace=True)
        # returning to original observation order
        self.df.sort_values('order', inplace=True)
        self.df.set_index(x.index, inplace=True)
        return self

    def fit_transform(self, x, y):
        Fit WoE transformation
        :param x: continuous or discrete predictor
        :param y: binary target variable
        :return: WoE transformed variable
        self.fit(x, y)
        return self.df['woe']

    def _split_sample(self, df):
        if self.type == 'd':
            return df, None
        sp_values_flag = df['X'].isin(self.spec_values.keys()).values | df['X'].isnull().values
        df_sp_values = df[sp_values_flag].copy()
        df_cont = df[np.logical_not(sp_values_flag)].copy()
        return df_sp_values, df_cont

    def _disc_labels(self, df):
        df['labels'] = df['X'].apply(
            lambda x: self.spec_values[x] if x in self.spec_values.keys() else 'd_' + str(x))
        d_bins = pd.DataFrame({"bins": df['X'].unique()})
        d_bins['labels'] = d_bins['bins'].apply(
            lambda x: self.spec_values[x] if x in self.spec_values.keys() else 'd_' + str(x))
        return df, d_bins

    def _cont_labels(self, df):
        # check whether there is a continuous part
        if df is None:
            return None, None
        # Max buckets num calc
        self.qnt_num = int(np.minimum(df['X'].unique().size / self._min_block_size, self.__qnt_num)) + 1
        # cuts - label num for each observation, bins - quartile thresholds
        bins = None
        cuts = None
        if self._predefined_bins is None:
                cuts, bins = pd.qcut(df["X"], self.qnt_num, retbins=True, labels=False)
            except ValueError as ex:
                if ex.args[0].startswith('Bin edges must be unique'):
                    ex.args = ('Please reduce number of bins or encode frequent items as special values',) + ex.args
            bins = np.append((-float("inf"), ), bins[1:-1])
            bins = self._predefined_bins
            if bins[0] != float("-Inf"):
                bins = np.append((-float("inf"), ), bins)
            cuts = pd.cut(df['X'], bins=np.append(bins, (float("inf"), )),
        df["labels"] = cuts.astype(str)
        c_bins = pd.DataFrame({"bins": bins, "labels": np.arange(len(bins)).astype(str)})
        return df, c_bins

    def _calc_stat(self):
        # calculating WoE
        stat = self.df.groupby("labels")['Y'].agg({'mean': np.mean, 'bad': np.count_nonzero, 'obs': np.size}).copy()
        if self.t_type != 'b':
            stat['bad'] = stat['mean'] * stat['obs']
        stat['good'] = stat['obs'] - stat['bad']
        t_good = np.maximum(stat['good'].sum(), 0.5)
        t_bad = np.maximum(stat['bad'].sum(), 0.5)
        stat['woe'] = stat.apply(self._bucket_woe, axis=1) + np.log(t_good / t_bad)
        iv_stat = (stat['bad'] / t_bad - stat['good'] / t_good) * stat['woe']
        self.iv = iv_stat.sum()
        # adding stat data to bins
        self.bins = pd.merge(stat, self.bins, left_index=True, right_on=['labels'])
        label_woe = self.bins[['woe', 'labels']].drop_duplicates()
        self.df = pd.merge(self.df, label_woe, left_on=['labels'], right_on=['labels'])

    def transform(self, x):
        Transforms input variable according to previously fitted rule
        :param x: input variable
        :return: DataFrame with transformed with original and transformed variables
        if not isinstance(x, pd.Series):
            raise TypeError("pandas.Series type expected")
        if self.bins is None:
            raise Exception('Fit the model first, please')
        df = pd.DataFrame({"X": x, 'order': np.arange(x.size)})
        # splitting to discrete and continous pars
        df_sp_values, df_cont = self._split_sample(df)

        # function checks existence of special values, raises error if sp do not exist in training set
        def get_sp_label(x_):
            if x_ in self.spec_values.keys():
                return self.spec_values[x_]
                str_x = 'd_' + str(x_)
                if str_x in list(self.bins['labels']):
                    return str_x
                    raise ValueError('Value ' + str_x + ' does not exist in the training set')
        # assigning labels to discrete part
        df_sp_values['labels'] = df_sp_values['X'].apply(get_sp_label)
        # assigning labels to continuous part
        c_bins = self.bins[self.bins['labels'].apply(lambda z: not z.startswith('d_'))]
        if not self.type == 'd':
            cuts = pd.cut(df_cont['X'], bins=np.append(c_bins["bins"], (float("inf"), )), labels=c_bins["labels"])
            df_cont['labels'] = cuts.astype(str)
        # Joining continuous and discrete parts
        df = df_sp_values.append(df_cont)
        # assigning woe
        df = pd.merge(df, self.bins[['woe', 'labels']], left_on=['labels'], right_on=['labels'])
        # returning to original observation order
        df.sort_values('order', inplace=True)
        return df.set_index(x.index)

    def merge(self, label1, label2=None):
        Merge of buckets with given labels
        In case of discrete variable, both labels should be provided. As the result labels will be marget to one bucket.
        In case of continous variable, only label1 should be provided. It will be merged with the next label.
        :param label1: first label to merge
        :param label2: second label to merge
        spec_values = self.spec_values.copy()
        c_bins = self.bins[self.bins['labels'].apply(lambda x: not x.startswith('d_'))].copy()
        if label2 is None and not label1.startswith('d_'):  # removing bucket for continuous variable
            c_bins = c_bins[c_bins['labels'] != label1]
            if not (label1.startswith('d_') and label2.startswith('d_')):
                raise Exception('Labels should be discrete simultaneously')
            bin1 = self.bins[self.bins['labels'] == label1]['bins'].iloc[0]
            bin2 = self.bins[self.bins['labels'] == label2]['bins'].iloc[0]
            spec_values[bin1] = label1 + '_' + label2
            spec_values[bin2] = label1 + '_' + label2
        new_woe = WoE(self.__qnt_num, self._min_block_size, spec_values, self.type, c_bins['bins'], self.t_type)
        return new_woe.fit(self.df['X'], self.df['Y'])

    def plot(self,figsize):
        Plot WoE transformation and default rates
        :return: plotting object
        index = np.arange(self.bins.shape[0])
        bar_width = 0.8
        woe_fig = plt.figure(figsize = figsize)
        plt.title('Number of Observations and WoE per bucket')
        ax = woe_fig.add_subplot(111)
        plt.xticks(index + bar_width / 2, self.bins['labels'])
        plt.bar(index, self.bins['obs'], bar_width, color='b', label='Observations')
        ax2 = ax.twinx()
        ax2.set_ylabel('Weight of Evidence')
        ax2.plot(index + bar_width / 2, self.bins['woe'], 'bo-', linewidth=4.0, color='r', label='WoE')
        handles1, labels1 = ax.get_legend_handles_labels()
        handles2, labels2 = ax2.get_legend_handles_labels()
        handles = handles1 + handles2
        labels = labels1 + labels2
        plt.legend(handles, labels)
        return woe_fig

    def optimize(self, criterion=None, fix_depth=None, max_depth=None, cv=3):
        WoE bucketing optimization (continuous variables only)
        :param criterion: binary tree split criteria
        :param fix_depth: use tree of a fixed depth (2^fix_depth buckets)
        :param max_depth: maximum tree depth for a optimum cross-validation search
        :param cv: number of cv buckets
        :return: WoE class with optimized continuous variable split
        if self.t_type == 'b':
            tree_type = tree.DecisionTreeClassifier
            tree_type = tree.DecisionTreeRegressor
        m_depth = int(np.log2(self.__qnt_num))+1 if max_depth is None else max_depth
        cont = self.df['labels'].apply(lambda z: not z.startswith('d_'))
        x_train = np.array(self.df[cont]['X'])
        y_train = np.array(self.df[cont]['Y'])
        x_train = x_train.reshape(x_train.shape[0], 1)
        start = 1
        cv_scores = []
        if fix_depth is None:
            for i in range(start, m_depth):
                if criterion is None:
                    d_tree = tree_type(max_depth=i)
                    d_tree = tree_type(criterion=criterion, max_depth=i)
                scores = cross_val_score(d_tree, x_train, y_train, cv=cv)
            best = np.argmax(cv_scores) + start
            best = fix_depth
        final_tree = tree_type(max_depth=best)
        final_tree.fit(x_train, y_train)
        opt_bins = final_tree.tree_.threshold[final_tree.tree_.threshold > 0]
        opt_bins = np.sort(opt_bins)
        new_woe = WoE(self.__qnt_num, self._min_block_size, self.spec_values, self.type, opt_bins, self.t_type)
        return new_woe.fit(self.df['X'], self.df['Y'])

    def _bucket_woe(x):
        t_bad = x['bad']
        t_good = x['good']
        t_bad = 0.5 if t_bad == 0 else t_bad
        t_good = 0.5 if t_good == 0 else t_good
        return np.log(t_bad / t_good)

# Examples
if __name__ == "__main__":
    # Set target type: 'b' for default/non-default, 'c' for continous pd values
    t_type_ = 'c'
    # Set sample size
    N = 300
    # Random variables
    x1 = np.random.rand(N)
    x2 = np.random.rand(N)
    if t_type_ == 'b':
        y_ = np.where(np.random.rand(N, ) + x1 + x2 > 2, 1, 0)
        y_ = np.random.rand(N) + x1 + x2
        y_ = (y_ - np.min(y_)) / (np.max(y_) - np.min(y_)) / 2
    # Inserting special values
    x1[0:20] = float('nan')
    x1[30:50] = float(0)
    x1[60:80] = float(1)
    x2[0:20] = float('nan')
    # Initialize WoE object
    woe_def = WoE()
    woe = WoE(7, 30, spec_values={0: '0', 1: '1'}, v_type='c',  t_type=t_type_)
    # Transform x1
    woe.fit(pd.Series(x1), pd.Series(y_))
    # Transform x2 using x1 transformation rules
    # Optimize x1 transformation using tree with maximal depth = 5 (optimal depth is chosen by cross-validation)
    woe2 = woe.optimize(max_depth=5)
    # Merge discrete buckets
    woe3 = woe.merge('d_0', 'd_1')
    # Merge 2 and 3 continuous buckets
    woe4 = woe3.merge('2')
    # Print Statistics
    # print(woe2.bins)
    # print(woe3.bins)
    # Plot and show WoE graph
    fig = woe.plot()
    fig = woe2.plot()

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