
    '    DATAGRID只能而且必須存在一個TableStyle,且必須包含可以顯示的列
    '參數:     dg:需要導出的DATAGRID實例
    '           RowCount:需要導出的行數
    '           SheetName:EXCEL中Sheet的名稱
    '           FilePath:文件保存的全路徑名
    '           IsChar:是否設置成字符格式
    '返回:     導出結果
    Public Function ExportExcel(ByVal dg As DataGrid, ByVal RowCount As Int32, ByVal SheetName As String, _
                                ByVal FilePath As String, Optional ByVal IsChar As Boolean = True, _
                                Optional ByVal FileType As ExportFileType = ExportFileType.EXCEL2003) As String

        Dim fs As FileStream


            Dim awbWorkBook As Aspose.Cells.Workbook = New Aspose.Cells.Workbook
            Dim awsWorkSheet As Aspose.Cells.Worksheet = awbWorkBook.Worksheets(0)
            SetDataGridToAsposeWS(awsWorkSheet, dg, SheetName, RowCount, IsChar)

                fs = File.Open(FilePath, FileMode.OpenOrCreate)
            Catch ex As Exception
                MessageBox.Show("打開文件失敗!", "錯誤", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information)
            End Try

            awbWorkBook.Save(fs, FileFormatType.Excel2003)
        Catch ex As Exception
            Debug.Assert(False, ex.Message)
            Return "失敗!"
            If (Not fs Is Nothing) Then
            End If

        End Try
        Return "成功!"

        'If IsChar Then
        '    oSheet.Range("A1", GetColumnChar(colcount) + (RowCount + 1).ToString).NumberFormat = "@" '定義格式爲字符
        'End If
        'oSheet.Range("A1", GetColumnChar(colcount) + (RowCount + 1).ToString).Borders.Weight = Excel.XlBorderWeight.xlThin '添加表格線
        'oSheet.Range("A1", GetColumnChar(colcount) + (RowCount + 1).ToString).VerticalAlignment = Excel.XlVAlign.xlVAlignCenter '設置垂直對齊方式
        'oSheet.Range("A1", GetColumnChar(colcount) + (RowCount + 1).ToString).HorizontalAlignment = Excel.XlHAlign.xlHAlignCenter '設置水平對齊方式
        'oSheet.Range("A1", GetColumnChar(colcount) + (RowCount + 1).ToString).Font.Size = 9 '設置字體
        'oSheet.Range("A1", GetColumnChar(colcount) + "1").Font.Bold = True '設置臺頭粗體
        'oSheet.Range("A1", GetColumnChar(colcount) + "1").Cells.Interior.Color = 16751001 '設置臺頭填充色


    End Function



'將datagrid導出到Aspose 的WorkSheet中
    'name:worksheet 名稱
    Private Function SetDataGridToAsposeWS(ByVal ws As Aspose.Cells.Worksheet, _
                                           ByVal dg As DataGrid, _
                                           ByVal name As String, _
                                           ByVal rowcount As Int32, _
                                           Optional ByVal Ischar As Boolean = True _
        ws.Name = name

        Dim colcount As Int32 = 0
        For i As Int32 = 0 To dg.TableStyles(0).GridColumnStyles.Count - 1
            If dg.TableStyles(0).GridColumnStyles(i).Width > 0 Then
                ws.Cells(0, colcount).PutValue(dg.TableStyles(0).GridColumnStyles(i).HeaderText)

            End If

            For j As Int32 = 1 To rowcount
                ws.Cells(j, colcount).PutValue(dg.Item(j - 1, i).ToString)
            colcount += 1

        Dim r As Aspose.Cells.Range
        Dim s As Aspose.Cells.Style
        Dim theStyleFlag As StyleFlag = New StyleFlag
        Dim sindex As Int32

        r = ws.Cells.CreateRange(0, 0, 1, colcount)
        sindex = ws.Workbook.Styles.Add()

        s = ws.Workbook.Styles(sindex)
        s.BackgroundColor = New System.Drawing.Color().FromArgb(16751001)
        s.Font.Size = 9

        s.Font.IsBold = True

        theStyleFlag.All = True
        r.Style = s

        sindex = ws.Workbook.Styles.Add()
        s = ws.Workbook.Styles(sindex)
        If Ischar Then
            s.Number = 49
        End If
        r = ws.Cells.CreateRange(0, 0, rowcount + 1, colcount)
        s.HorizontalAlignment = TextAlignmentType.Center
        s.VerticalAlignment = TextAlignmentType.Center
        s.Borders.DiagonalStyle = CellBorderType.None
        r.ApplyStyle(s, theStyleFlag)


    End Function



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