oracle 常用操作/常用查詢

1. 用戶創建/刪除
create user ims identified by huawei default tablespace users;
grant dba to ims;
drop user ims cascade;

2. 用戶修改密碼/解鎖
alter user scott account unlock identified by tiger;

3. dmp導入/導出
exp ims/huawei@IMSSPG file=/home/oracle4spg/all.dmp full=y
exp ims/huawei@IMSSPG file=/home/oracle4spg/ims_scott.dmp owner=ims,scott
exp ims/huawei@imsspg file=/home/oracle4spg/tables.dmp tables=ims.ims_business_type

imp ims/huawei@IMSSPG file=/home/oracle4spg/all.dmp full=y
imp ims/huawei@IMSSPG file=/home/oracle4spg/all.dmp tables=ims.ims_business_type
imp ims/huawei@IMSSPG file=/home/oracle4spg/all.dmp fromuser=ims,scott
imp ims/huawei@IMSSPG file=/home/oracle4spg/all.dmp fromuser=ims touser=scott

4. 數據字典-常用查詢
select username from all_users;--查詢所有用戶
select * from user_role_privs;--查詢當前用戶角色
select table_name from user_tables;--查詢用戶的表
select table_name from all_tables;--查詢用戶可訪問的表

5. insert語句--子查詢
insert into dept(id,name) select deptno, dname from dept;

6. 刪除重複記錄
delete from emp2 t1 where exists (select * from emp2 t2 where> and t1.ename=t2.ename);

7. 查看數據庫的連接的實例名
select * from  v$instance;

8. 已使用 TNSNAMES 適配器來解析別名
oracle4spg@omu10:/root> tnsping imsspg

TNS Ping Utility for Linux: Version - Production on 19-SEP-2012 06:58:10

Copyright (c) 1997, 2007, Oracle.  All rights reserved.

Used parameter files:

Used TNSNAMES adapter to resolve the alias
Attempting to contact (DESCRIPTION = (ADDRESS_LIST = (address=(protocol=tcp)(host= (LOAD_BALANCE = no) (FAILOVER = yes)) (CONNECT_DATA = (SERVICE_NAME = IMSSPG)))
OK (0 msec)

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