Yii2 RESTful API Auth Mechanism

| | | |~filters/
| | | | |~auth/
| | | | | |-AuthInterface.php
| | | | | |-AuthMethod.php
| | | | | |-CompositeAuth.php
| | | | | |-HttpBasicAuth.php
| | | | | |-HttpBearerAuth.php
| | | | | `-QueryParamAuth.php

一、HttpBearer 驗證方式:

namespace app\controllers;
use yii\rest\ActiveController;
use yii\filters\auth\HttpBasicAuth;
use yii\helpers\ArrayHelper;
#use yii\filters\auth\CompositeAuth;
#use yii\filters\auth\HttpBasciAuth;
use yii\filters\auth\HttpBearerAuth;
#use yii\filters\auth\QueryParamAuth;

class UsersController extends ActiveController
    public $modelClass = 'app\models\User2';

	public function behaviors()
		return ArrayHelper::merge(parent::behaviors(), [
			'authenticator' => [
				'class' => HttpBearerAuth::className(),
				#這個地方使用`ComopositeAuth` 混合認證
				#'class' => CompositeAuth::className(),
				#`authMethods` 中的每一個元素都應該是 一種 認證方式的類或者一個 配置數組
				//'authMethods' => [

下面來分析相關的源碼,看看 yii2/rest 是如何處理權限驗證的。

 * @link http://www.yiiframework.com/
 * @copyright Copyright (c) 2008 Yii Software LLC
 * @license http://www.yiiframework.com/license/

namespace yii\filters\auth;

use Yii;
use yii\web\UnauthorizedHttpException;

 * HttpBearerAuth is an action filter that supports the authentication method based on HTTP Bearer token.
 * You may use HttpBearerAuth by attaching it as a behavior to a controller or module, like the following:
 * public function behaviors()
 * {
 *     return [
 *         'bearerAuth' => [
 *             'class' => \yii\filters\auth\HttpBearerAuth::className(),
 *         ],
 *     ];
 * }
 * @author Qiang Xue <[email protected]>
 * @since 2.0
class HttpBearerAuth extends AuthMethod
     * @var string the HTTP authentication realm
    public $realm = 'api';

     * @inheritdoc
    public function authenticate($user, $request, $response)
        $authHeader = $request->getHeaders()->get('Authorization');
        if ($authHeader !== null && preg_match("/^Bearer\\s+(.*?)$/", $authHeader, $matches)) {
            $identity = $user->loginByAccessToken($matches[1], get_class($this));
            if ($identity === null) {
            return $identity;

        return null;

     * @inheritdoc
    public function handleFailure($response)
        $response->getHeaders()->set('WWW-Authenticate', "Bearer realm=\"{$this->realm}\"");
        throw new UnauthorizedHttpException('You are requesting with an invalid access token.');

要想順利通過此驗證,需要在 Header 中加入一項:
Authorization:Bearer ganiks-token

如果沒有如上提供正確的access-token, 則會得到一個:

401 Unauthorized
Www-Authenticate:Bearer realm="api"

二、HttpBasic 驗證方式:

class HttpBasicAuth extends AuthMethod
     * @var string the HTTP authentication realm
    public $realm = 'api';
     * @var callable a PHP callable that will authenticate the user with the HTTP basic auth information.
     * The callable receives a username and a password as its parameters. It should return an identity object
     * that matches the username and password. Null should be returned if there is no such identity.
     * The following code is a typical implementation of this callable:
     * function ($username, $password) {
     *     return \app\models\User::findOne([
     *         'username' => $username,
     *         'password' => $password,
     *     ]);
     * }
     * If this property is not set, the username information will be considered as an access token
     * while the password information will be ignored. The [[\yii\web\User::loginByAccessToken()]]
     * method will be called to authenticate and login the user.
    public $auth;

     * @inheritdoc
    public function authenticate($user, $request, $response)
        $username = $request->getAuthUser();
        $password = $request->getAuthPassword();

        if ($this->auth) {
            if ($username !== null || $password !== null) {
                $identity = call_user_func($this->auth, $username, $password);
                if ($identity !== null) {
                } else {
                return $identity;
        } elseif ($username !== null) {
            $identity = $user->loginByAccessToken($username, get_class($this));
            if ($identity === null) {
            return $identity;

        return null;

     * @inheritdoc
    public function handleFailure($response)
        $response->getHeaders()->set('WWW-Authenticate', "Basic realm=\"{$this->realm}\"");
        throw new UnauthorizedHttpException('You are requesting with an invalid access token.');


  1. access-token 作爲 Basci Authusername 一起請求,至於password則不必管
  2. 定義下 use yii\filters\auth\HttpBasciAuth$auth爲一個驗證的方法,來根據請求中的username:password來返回一個 identity

默認的, $auth是沒有定義的,此時,在Header中加入:
Authorization:Basic Z2FuaWtzLXRva2VuOg==
這個碼是由username: ganiks-token 經過base64編碼得到的,可以得到正確的響應

可以配置 use yii\filters\auth\HttpBasciAuth$auth 爲一個 callable如下:

	public $auth;
	public function auth ($username, $password) {
		return \app\models\User2::findOne([
			'username' => $username,
			'password' => $password,


下面是一個臨時的解決方案,使用 username:password_hash驗證

 * @link http://www.yiiframework.com/
 * @copyright Copyright (c) 2008 Yii Software LLC
 * @license http://www.yiiframework.com/license/

namespace yii\filters\auth;

use Yii;
use yii\web\UnauthorizedHttpException;
class HttpBasicAuth extends AuthMethod
	public $auth;

	public function auth ($username, $password) {
		return \app\models\User2::findOne([
			'username' => $username,
			'password_hash' => $password,

     * @inheritdoc
    public function authenticate($user, $request, $response)
        $username = $request->getAuthUser();
        $password = $request->getAuthPassword();

        if ($this->auth($username, $password)) {
            if ($username !== null || $password !== null) {
                //$identity = call_user_func($this->auth, $username, $password);
                $identity = $this->auth($username, $password);
                if ($identity !== null) {
                } else {
                return $identity;
        } elseif ($username !== null) {
            $identity = $user->loginByAccessToken($username, get_class($this));
            if ($identity === null) {
            return $identity;

        return null;

     * @inheritdoc
    public function handleFailure($response)
        $response->getHeaders()->set('WWW-Authenticate', "Basic realm=\"{$this->realm}\"");
        throw new UnauthorizedHttpException('You are requesting with an invalid access token.');

三、QueryParam 驗證方式:


class QueryParamAuth extends AuthMethod
     * @var string the parameter name for passing the access token
    public $tokenParam = 'access-token';

     * @inheritdoc
    public function authenticate($user, $request, $response)
        $accessToken = $request->get($this->tokenParam);
        if (is_string($accessToken)) {
            $identity = $user->loginByAccessToken($accessToken, get_class($this));
            if ($identity !== null) {
                return $identity;
        if ($accessToken !== null) {

        return null;

     * @inheritdoc
    public function handleFailure($response)
        throw new UnauthorizedHttpException(Yii::t('yii', 'You are requesting with an invalid access token.'));


class CompositeAuth extends AuthMethod
     * @var array the supported authentication methods. This property should take a list of supported
     * authentication methods, each represented by an authentication class or configuration.
     * If this property is empty, no authentication will be performed.
     * Note that an auth method class must implement the [[\yii\filters\auth\AuthInterface]] interface.
    public $authMethods = [];

     * @inheritdoc
    public function beforeAction($action)
        return empty($this->authMethods) ? true : parent::beforeAction($action);

     * @inheritdoc
    public function authenticate($user, $request, $response)
        foreach ($this->authMethods as $i => $auth) {
            $this->authMethods[$i] = $auth = Yii::createObject($auth);
            if (!$auth instanceof AuthInterface) {
                throw new InvalidConfigException(get_class($auth) . ' must implement yii\filters\auth\AuthInterface');

            $identity = $auth->authenticate($user, $request, $response);
            if ($identity !== null) {
                return $identity;

        if (!empty($this->authMethods)) {
            /* @var $auth AuthInterface */
            $auth = reset($this->authMethods);

        return null;
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