
What Is Cygwin?

Cygwin is a Linux-like environment for Windows. It consists of two parts:

  • A DLL (cygwin1.dll) which acts as a Linux API emulation layer providing substantial Linux API functionality.
  • A collection of tools which provide Linux look and feel.

The Cygwin DLL currently works with all recent, commercially released x86 32 bit and 64 bit versions of Windows, with the exception of Windows CE.

Note that the official support for Windows 95, Windows 98, and Windows Me will be discontinued with the next major version (1.7.0) of Cygwin.

What Isn't Cygwin?

  • Cygwin is not a way to run native linux apps on Windows. You have to rebuild your application from source if you want it to run on Windows.
  • Cygwin is not a way to magically make native Windows apps aware of UNIX® functionality, like signals, ptys, etc. Again, you need to build your apps from source if you want to take advantage of Cygwin functionality.


  • Windows的Dos Scripts功能非常薄弱,命令行工具也非常少;如果您對Linux比較熟悉,那麼Cygwin可以幫助您在Windows下面使用強大的Bash,以及使用數量繁多的Linux命令,通過Scripts,可以更加高效的完成系統管理工作 [站長維護的Windows服務器上都安裝有Cygwin,所有的系統維護,數據備份,SCP自動同步,都是在Cygwin下面處理的。]
  • 如果您剛進入Linux的世界,使用Cygwin可以讓你在Windows下面練習Linux的Bash,以及常用工具。而不需要安裝Linux,也不用擔心Windows被破壞。


  • Cygwin所有的軟件包都在互聯網上,您需要先下載一個安裝程序,根據安裝程序的提示,從互聯網上下載您需要的軟件包。
  • 請點擊導航欄的“安裝”,查看整個安裝過程。


  • Cygwin在國外使用很廣泛,Cygwin.cn旨在推廣Cygwin在中國的普及和發展;
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