在ubuntu 12.04tls android 開發 nexus s實體機測試 nexus s手機是18d1

第一步:安裝eclipse  ;配置jdk;配置sdk路徑。安裝adt。。(這些都是android開發的前提。相信你已經做好)


Declare your application as "debuggable" in your Android Manifest.

When using Eclipse, you can skip this step, because running your app directly fromthe Eclipse IDE automatically enables debugging.

In the AndroidManifest.xml file, add android:debuggable="true" tothe<application> element.


第三步: 在手機裏找到開發者選項並打勾。

  1. Turn on "USB Debugging" on your device.

    On the device, go to Settings > Applications > Development and enableUSB debugging (on an Android 4.0 device, the setting is located inSettings > Developer options).


Log in as root and create this file: /etc/udev/rules.d/51-android.rules. Use this format to add each vendor to the file:
SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTR{idVendor}=="0bb4", MODE="0666", GROUP="plugdev"

{idVendor}是生產手機的公司。我的是nexus s ,屬於三星和google配出來的,三星是公,google是母的。 但是!!!生出的孩子是姓google的。。所以設備號是18d1。

USB Vendor IDs

This table provides a reference to the vendor IDs needed in order to add USBdevice support on Linux. The USB Vendor ID is the value given to theATTR{idVendor} property in the rules file, as described above.

Company USB Vendor ID
Acer 0502
ASUS 0b05
Dell 413c
Foxconn 0489
Fujitsu 04c5
Fujitsu Toshiba 04c5
Garmin-Asus 091e
Google 18d1
Hisense 109b
HTC 0bb4
Huawei 12d1
K-Touch 24e3
KT Tech 2116
Kyocera 0482
Lenovo 17ef
LG 1004
Motorola 22b8
NEC 0409
Nook 2080
Nvidia 0955
OTGV 2257
Pantech 10a9
Pegatron 1d4d
Philips 0471
PMC-Sierra 04da
Qualcomm 05c6
SK Telesys 1f53
Samsung 04e8
Sharp 04dd
Sony 054c
Sony Ericsson 0fce
Teleepoch 2340
Toshiba 0930
ZTE 19d2


打開eclipse,在eclipse中,選擇window -> show view -> other...->device
然後插上手機就可以識別了。然後右鍵你的工程選擇run as-> android application.這樣你的eclipse裏的android程序就可以在手機裏測試了。快去試試吧。

本文參照:開發者聯盟 http://developer.android.com/tools/device.html#VendorIds


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