Code Project - Your First C# Web Service

作者:Chris Maunder


Creating your first web service is incredibly easy. In fact, by using the wizards in Visual Studio. NET you can have your first service up and running in minutes with no coding.

創建你的第一個web service是難以置信地容易。事實上,通過使用Visual Studio.NET的嚮導,你可以無需編碼在幾分鐘內創建和運行你的第一個Web Service

For this example I have created a service called MyService in the /WebServices directory on my local machine. The files will be created in the /WebServices/MyService directory.

比如說,我已經創建了一個叫做MyService service在我本地機器的/WebServices 目錄。文件將被創建在/WebServices/MyService 目錄。


and then define a new method GetClientData. Note the use of the WebMethod attribute in front of the method. This specifies that the method is accessible as a WebService method.



public ClientData[] GetClientData(int Number)
        ClientData [] Clients 
= null;

if (Number > 0 && Number <= 10)
= new ClientData[Number];
for (int i = 0; i < Number; i++)
= "Client " + i.ToString();
= i;


return Clients;

If we compile, then navigate to the the .asmx page then we are presented with a form that allows us to enter a value for the parameter. Entering a non-integer value will cause a type-error, and entering a value not in the range 1-10 will return a null array. If, however, we manage to get the input parameter correct, we'll be presented with the following XML file:



It's that easy.


Caching WebServices

Often a WebService will return the same results over multiple calls, so it makes sense to cache the information to speed things up a little. Doing so in ASP.NET is as simple as adding a CacheDuration attribute to your WebMethod:

WebService常常在多個調用上返回相同的值,所以就自然想到緩存信息進行加速。在ASP.NET做這件事,只要簡單地爲你的WebMethod增加一個CacheDuration 屬性:


[WebMethod(CacheDuration = 30)]
public ClientData[] GetClientData(int Number)

The CacheDuration attribute specifies the length of time in seconds that the method should cache the results. Within that time all responses from the WebMethod will be the same.


You can also specify the CacheDuration using a constant member variable in your class:


private const int CacheTime = 30;    // seconds

= CacheTime)]
public ClientData[] GetClientData(int Number)

Adding Descriptions to your WebMethods

In the default list of WebMethods created when you browse to the .asmx file it's nice to have a description of each method posted. The Description attribute accomplishes this.

你瀏覽.asmx文件時,在WebMethods的默認列表,最好能對每一個方法有一個描述。Description 屬性能夠完成這個。


[WebMethod(CacheDuration = 30,
="Returns an array of Clients.")]
public ClientData[] GetClientData(int Number)

Your default .asmx page will then look like the following:


There are other WebMethod attributes to control buffering, session state and transaction support.


Deploying the WebService

Now that we have a WebService it would be kind of nice to allow others to use it (call me crazy, but...). Publishing your WebService on your server requires that your solution be deployed correctly. On the Build menu of Visual Studio is a "Deploy" option that, when first selected, starts a Wizard that allows you to add a Deployment project to your solution. This creates an installation package that you can run on your server which will create the necessary directories, set the correct parameters and copy over the necessary files.

現在我們有了一個WebService,能很好地讓其他人使用(瘋狂地調用我吧,但.在你的服務器發佈你的WebService需要你的solution正確地部署。在Visual Studio”Deploy”菜單,有一個 Deploy”選項,當第一次選擇的時候,開始一個嚮導允許你增加一個部署工程到你的solution。這就創建一個你可以在你的服務器上運行的安裝包,將會創建需要的目錄,設置爭取的參數,覆蓋必要的文件。(應該又是版本問題,並不能找到作者所說的菜單,你可以在文件-新建-項目裏找到安裝和部署項目)

This doesn't really give you an idea of what, exactly, is happening, so we'll deploy our
MyService manually.


Deploying the application is done using the steps in Getting the demo application to run. We need to create a directory for our service (or use an existing directory) for our .asmx file, and we need to have the service's assembly in the application's bin/ directory. Either place the .asmx file in a subdirectory on your website and place the assembly in the /bin folder in your website's root, or place the /bin in the subdirectory containing the .asmx file and mark that directory as an application (see above).

Getting the demo application to run裏的步驟。我們需要爲我們的service爲我們的.asmx文件的創建一個目錄(或者已經存在一個目錄),我們需要把我們的service的程序集放在程序的bin/文件夾。或者把.asmx文件放在我們的網站的一個子文件夾裏,把程序集放在你的網站的根目錄的/bin文件夾或者把/bin放在存在.asmx文件的文件夾的子文件夾中,把那個文件夾作爲程序(看前面)

If you choose to create a separate directory and mark it as an application then Within this directory you need to add the following files and directories:



This file acts as the URL for your service


The discovery document for your service


Configuration file for your service that overrides default web settings (optional).


This directory holds the assembly for your service


The actual service asembly.




Writing WebServices is extremely easy. Using the Visual Studio. NET wizards makes writing and deploying these services a point and click affair, but even if you wish to do it by hand then the steps involved are extremely simple.

WebService是十分容易的。使用Visual Stdio.NET嚮導使得書寫和部署這些services就是一個點擊那回事,但是你想要自己手寫,那麼相關的步驟也是很簡單的。

A new namespace will be defined called MyService, and within this namespace will be a set of classes that define your Web Service. By default the following classes will be created:

我們將定義一個新的命名空間叫做MyService,在這個命名空間裏會有一些類來定義你的Web Service。默認情況下,一下類將被創建:

Global (in global.asax)

Derived from HttpApplication. This file is the ASP.NET equivalent of a standard ASP global.asa file.

WebService1 (in WebService1.cs)

Derived from System.Web.Services.WebService. This is your WebService class that allows you to expose methods that can be called as WebServices.


Global (in global.asax)

繼承自HttpApplicationASP.NET裏的這個文件相當於一個標準ASP global.asa文件

WebService1 (in WebService1.cs)



There are also a number of files created:



Contains version and configuration information for your assembly.


Defines how your application will run (debug options, the use of cookies etc).


Discovery information for your service.


Your WebService URL. Navigate to this file in a browser and you will get back a user-friendly page showing the methods available, the parameters required and the return values. Forms are even provided allowing you to test the services through the web page.


The actual WebService component. This is created when you build the service.









你的WebService URL。在瀏覽器導航到這個文件,你將得到一個用戶友好的頁面,展示了可用的方法,需要的參數和返回值。甚至提供了供你在頁面上測試服務的Forms



The class for your service that is created by default is called (in this case) WebService1, and is within the MyService namespace. The code is partially shown below.

默認情況下,爲你的service創建的類(在我們現在的情況下)叫做WebService1,它是在MyService 命名空間下的。部分代碼如下所示:


namespace MyService
/// <summary>
///    Summary description for WebService1.
/// </summary>

="This is a demonstration WebService.")]
public class WebService1 : System.Web.Services.WebService
public WebService1()
//CODEGEN: This call is required by the ASP+ Web Services Designer

public string HelloWorld()
return "Hello World";



A default method HelloWorld is generated and commented out. Simply uncomment and build the project. Hey Presto, you have a walking talking WebService. 

獲得了一個默認的方法HelloWorld 並被註釋起來。簡單地把註釋去掉,建立項目(F5)。

嘿嘿,你已經建立運行了一個WebService(原文的語氣自己理解吧 -_-!!)

A WebService should be associated with a namespace. Your Wizard-generated service will have the name space If you compile and run the service as-is you'll get a long involved message indicating you should choose a new namespace, so we add the namespace, and the WebService description as follows:



="This is a demonstration WebService.")]
public class WebService1 : System.Web.Services.WebService

To test the service you can right click on WebService1.asmx in the Solution Explorer in Visual Studio and choose "View in Browser". The test page is shown below,

想測試服務你只要右鍵點擊資源管理器裏的WebService1.asmx ,然後選擇“在瀏覽器中查看”。測試頁面如下所示


When invoked this returns the following:



Getting the demo application to run

If you downloaded the source code with this article then you will need to create a directory 'WebServices' in your web site's root directory and extract the downloaded zip into there. You should then have:






Navigating to http://localhost/WebServices/WebService1.asmx won't show you the WebService because you need to ensure that the webservice's assembly is in the application's /bin directory. You will also find that you can't load up the solution file MyService.sln. To kill two birds with one stone you will need to fire up the IIS management console, open your website's entry, right click on the WebServices folder and click Properties. Click the 'Create' button to create a new application the press OK. The /WebServices directory is now an application and so the .NET framework will load the WebService assembly from the /WebServices/bin directory, and you will be able to load and build the MyService.sln solution.

導航到http://localhost/WebServices/WebService1.asmx並不能向你展示WebService,因爲你需要保證webservice的程序集在程序的/bin文件夾。你還將大縣你不能載入solution file Myservice.sln。爲了一石二鳥,你需要點燃IIS management console(中文版裏就是Internet信息服務),打開你的網站節點,右擊WebServices文件夾,點擊屬性。點擊創建按鈕創建一個新的程序,點確定。/WebServices 文件夾現在是一個程序,那麼.NET framework將從/WebServices/bin 文件夾載入WebService程序集,你將能載入和建立MyService.sln solution。(譯註:其實執行作者所說的操作以後還是不行,是不是版本不匹配?要想使用下載的代碼,你只要自己建一個WebService,然後把源文件裏的“WebService1.cs”文件裏的相關代碼拷貝到你那就行了,然後就可以運行了)


Extending the example

So we have a WebService. Not particularly exciting, but then again we haven't exactly taxed ourselves getting here. To make things slightly more interesting we'll define a method that returns an array of custom structures.


Within the MyService namespace we'll define a structure called ClientData:



    public struct ClientData
public String Name;
public int    ID;

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