





#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

#define AtomType char
#define MAXSIZE  1024
#define ElemTag int
#define OK       1
#define ERROR    0

typedef struct GLNode
 ElemTag tag;
  AtomType  atom;
  struct GLNode *hp;
    struct GLNode *tp;

void Disastr(char *s,char *hstr)
 int i,j,k,r;
 char rstr[MAXSIZE];
 while(s[i] && (s[i] != ',' || k))
  if (s[i] == '(')  {  k++ ; }        // k 作为括号计数器        
  else if (s[i] == ')') {k--;}
  if (s[i] != ',' || s[i] == ',' && k)
   hstr[j] = s[i];

 hstr[j] = '/0';
 if (s[i] == ',') {i++;}

 while(s[i])                 // 处理剩余的表尾部分
  rstr[r] = s[i];
 rstr[r] = '/0';

GLNode * GLCreate(char *s)
 GLNode *p,*q,*r,*head;
    char substr[MAXSIZE],hstr[MAXSIZE];//rstr[MAXSIZE];
    int len;

 len = strlen(s);
    if ( !strcmp(s,"()") || !len)  { head = NULL;}     // (1) 空表情况
 else if (len == 1)                                      // (2) 原子情况
  head = (GLNode *)malloc(sizeof(GLNode));       // 建立一个新结点
  if (!head)  return NULL;     
  head->tag = 0;                                 // 构造原子结点
  head->atom_hp.atom = *s;
  head->tp = NULL;
    else                                                // (3) 子表情况
  head = (GLNode *)malloc(sizeof(GLNode));
  if (!head) return NULL;
  head->tag = 1;
  p = head;
  strncpy(substr,s,len-2);                         // 剥去外层的()
  substr[len-2] = '/0';
   Disastr(substr,hstr);                        // 分离出表头
   r = GLCreate(hstr);
   p->atom_hp.hp = r;                           // 尾插法建表
   len = strlen(substr);
   if (len > 0)
    p = (GLNode*)malloc(sizeof(GLNode));
    if (!p) return NULL;
    p->tag = 1;
  } while (len > 0);
 return head;

void DisplayList(GList head)
 GLNode *p,*q;
 if (!head)  return;
 if (head->tag==0)
 if (head)
   p = head->atom_hp.hp;
   q = head->tp;
   while (q && p && p->tag == 0)                //  同一层的原子结点
    p = q->atom_hp.hp;
    q = q->tp;
   if (p && !p->tag)                           // 最后一个原子结点
   else                                        // 子表情况
    if (!p) printf("()");
    else DisplayList(p);
    if (q)  printf(",");
    head = q;
  } while (head);

GList GetHead(GList L)
 if (!L)  return (NULL);                    // 空表无表头
 if (L->tag == 0)  exit(0);                 // 原子结点不是表
 else return (L->atom_hp.hp);

GList GetTail(GList L)
 if (!L) return (NULL);
 if (L->tag == 0) exit(0);
 else return (L->tp);

int Length(GList L)
 int k=0;
 GLNode *s;

 if (!L) return 0;                    // 空表的长度为零
 if (L->tag == 0) exit(0);            // 原子不是表
 while(s)                             // 统计表的最上层的长度

 return k;

int Depth(GList L)
 int d,max;
 GLNode *s;

 if (!L)  return (1);            // 空表的深度为 1
 if (L->tag==0)  return 0;       // 原子的深度为 0
 while (s)                        // 递归求每个子表深度的最大值
  d = Depth(s->atom_hp.hp);
  if (d > max) max = d;
  s = s->tp;
 return (max+1);                  // 表的深度为子表深度加一

int CountAtom(GList L)
 int n1,n2;

 if (!L) return 0;                   // 空表无原子结点
 if (L->tag==0) return 1;            // 原子结点
 n1 = CountAtom(L->atom_hp.hp);      
 n2 = CountAtom(L->tp);
 return (n1+n2);

bool CopyList(GList *dest,GList res)
 if (!res) {*dest = NULL;return (OK);}

 *dest = (GLNode *)malloc(sizeof(GLNode));
 if (!*dest)  return (ERROR);

 (*dest)->tag = res->tag;
 if (res->tag==0)  (*dest)->atom_hp.atom = res->atom_hp.atom;
 return (OK);

//例如:((a,b),c) 和(a,b)合并之后为:((a,b),c,a,b)
void Merge(GList *p,GLNode *q)
 GLNode *r;

 if (!q) return;       //  如果复制的是个空表,返回
 if (!p)               // p为空,申请空间
  *p = (GLNode*)malloc(sizeof(GLNode));
  if (!(*p)) return ;
  (*p)->tag = 1;
  if ((*p)->tag)         
   while(r->tp) r=r->tp;             // 找到最后一个子表的表尾指针
   if (q->tag) r->tp = q;        // 修改表尾指针

void PreOrder(GList L)
 if (L)
  if (L->tag==0) printf("%c ",L->atom_hp.atom);   // 打印原子结点
  else  PreOrder(L->atom_hp.hp);                  // 往下遍历,类似二叉树中的左子树

  if (L->tp) PreOrder(L->tp);                     // 往右遍历,类似二叉树中的右子树

// 判断两个广义表是否相等,相等,返回1,否则,返回0
// 相等的定义:两个广义表具有相同的存储结构,对应的原子结点的数据域也相等
// 形式:条件
//Equal(p,q) = Equal(p->tp,q->tp) ; p->tag = 0 && q->tag = 0 && p->atom_hp.atom = q->atom_hp.atom
//Equal(p,q) = Equal(p->atom_hp.hp,q->atom_hp.hp) && Equal(p->tp,q->tp) ; p->tag = 1 && q->tag = 1
//Equal(p,q) = false     ; p->tag = 0 && q->tag = 0 p->atom_hp.atom != q->atom_hp.atom 或者 p->tag *p->tag + q->tag*q->tag =1
//Equal(p,q) = false      ; p q 其中之一为NULL
bool Equal(GList p,GList q)
 bool flags = true;

 if (!p && q) flags = false;
 if (p && !q) flags = false;
    if (p && q)
  if (p->tag == 0 && q->tag == 0 )
   if (p->atom_hp.atom != q->atom_hp.atom) 
    flags = false;
  else if (p->tag == 1 && q->tag == 1)
   flags = Equal(p->atom_hp.hp,q->atom_hp.hp);
  else flags = false;
  if (flags) flags = Equal(p->tp,q->tp);
 return flags;

int main()
 char s[MAXSIZE],a[MAXSIZE];
 GList head;
    GList L;

 printf("please input a string:");
 head = GLCreate(s);

 printf("The Head is:");

 printf("The Tail is: ");

 printf("The Length is %d/n",Length(head));
 printf("The Depth is %d/n",Depth(head));
 printf("The Atom number is %d/n",CountAtom(head));

 printf("Copy the List:/n");

 printf("Merge the List/n");


 printf("input a string:");
 L = GLCreate(a);
 printf(" Eqaul ");
 if (Equal(L,head)) printf("yes!/n");
 else printf("no!/n");
 return 0;

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