


int main(void)


    int space=0,newline=0,others=0;

char a;

printf("Please input a string end by #:");

while((a=getchar()) != '#')

    if(a == ' ') space++;

    else if (a == '\n') newline++;

    else others++;

    printf("space: %d,newline: %d,others: %d\n",space,newline,others);





int main(void)


    char a;

int i;

printf("Please input a string end by #:");

for(i = 1; (a = getchar()) != '#'; i++)



    if(i%8 == 0) printf("\n");







int main(void)


    int i_even = 0, sum_even = 0, i_odd = 0, sum_odd = 0, num;

printf("Please input numbers (0 to quit):");




    if (num == 0) break;

    if (num % 2 == 0) {i_even++; sum_even += num;}

    else {i_odd++; sum_odd += num;}


printf("even number's count: %d\n",i_even);

printf("even number's sum  : %d\n",sum_even);

printf("odd  number's count: %d\n",i_odd);

printf("odd  number's sum  : %d\n",sum_odd);



4、利用if else語句編寫程序讀取輸入,直到#。用一個感嘆號代替每個句號,將原有的每個感嘆號用兩個感嘆號代替,最後報告進行了多少次替代。


int main(void)


    int a=0,b=0;

char ch;

printf("Please input a string end by #:");

while((ch = getchar()) != '#')


    if(ch == '.') {putchar('!'); a++;}

    else if(ch == '!') {putchar('!');putchar('!'); b++;}

    else putchar(ch);


printf("\nthe times of '.' replaced by '!':  %d\n",a);

printf("the times of '!' replaced by '!!': %d\n",b);





int main(void)


int i_even = 0, sum_even = 0, i_odd = 0, sum_odd = 0, num;

printf("Please input numbers (0 to quit):");




    if (num == 0) break;

    switch(num % 2)


        case 0: i_even++; sum_even += num;break;

        case 1: i_odd++;sum_odd += num;



printf("even number's count: %d\n",i_even);

printf("even number's sum  : %d\n",sum_even);

    printf("odd  number's count: %d\n",i_odd);

printf("odd  number's sum  : %d\n",sum_odd);



6、編寫一個程序讀取輸入,直到#,並報告序列ei出現的次數。此程序必須要記住前一個字符和當前的字符。用諸如“Receive your eieio award.”的輸入測試它。


int main(void)


char former=0,present;

int count=0;

while((present=getchar()) != '#')


    if((former == 'e') && (present == 'i')) count++;

    former = present;


printf("ei has appeared %d times\n",count);






    c.稅率    前300美元爲15%





#define BASIC 10.00

#define TIME 40  

#define ADD  1.5  

#define LIMIT1 300

#define RATE1 0.15

#define LIMIT2 150

#define RATE2 0.20

#define RATE3 0.25

int main(void)


double hours,gross,tax;

printf("input the work hours of a week:");


if (hours > 40) hours = 40 + (hours - 40) * 1.5;

    gross = hours * BASIC;

printf("gross income:\t\t%lf\n",gross);

if (gross <= LIMIT1) tax = gross * RATE1;

else if (gross <= LIMIT2) tax = LIMIT1 * RATE1 + (gross - LIMIT1) * RATE2;

else tax = LIMIT1 * RATE1 + LIMIT2 * RATE2 + (gross - LIMIT1 - LIMIT2) * RATE3;


printf("net income:\t\t%lf\n",gross - tax);




Enter the number corresponding to the desired pay rate or action:

1) $8.75/hr                  2) $9.33/hr

3) $lO.OO/hr                 4) $11.20/hr

5) quit



int get_int(void);

#define TIME 40  

#define ADD  1.5  

#define LIMIT1 300  

#define RATE1 0.15

#define LIMIT2 150  

#define RATE2 0.20

#define RATE3 0.25

int main(void)


    double basic,hours,gross,tax;

    printf("Enter the number corresponding to the desired pay rate or action:\n");

    printf("1) $8.75/hr\t\t\t2) $9.33/hr\n");

    printf("3) $10.00/hr\t\t\t4) $11.20/hr\n");

    printf("5) quit\n");

    switch( get_int() )


        case 1: basic = 8.75; break;

        case 2: basic = 9.33; break;

        case 3: basic = 10.00; break;

        case 4: basic = 11.20; break;

        default: printf("quit\n"); return(0); //退出程序


    printf("you have select $%.2lf\n",basic);

    printf("input the work hours of a week:");


    if (hours > 40) hours = 40 + (hours - 40) * 1.5;

        gross = hours * basic;

    printf("gross income:\t\t%lf\n",gross);

    if (gross <= LIMIT1) tax = gross * RATE1;

    else if (gross <= LIMIT2) tax = LIMIT1 * RATE1 + (gross - LIMIT1) * RATE2;

    else tax = LIMIT1 * RATE1 + LIMIT2 * RATE2 + (gross - LIMIT1 - LIMIT2) * RATE3;


    printf("net income:\t\t%lf\n",gross - tax);




int get_int(void) //得到一個合適的整數,濾除非法數


    int num;

    char str[40];




       printf("error! %s is not a number. input again.\n",str);


   while ( getchar() != '\n');

   return num;




int isprime(int);

int main(void)


int num,i;

printf("input a positive number:");


printf("all the primes <= %d:\n",num);


    if( isprime(i) )






int isprime(int n)  


    int div;

for(div = 2; div * div <= n; div++)

if (n % div == 0)

return 0;

return 1;



10、 1988年United States Federal Tax Schedule是近期最基本的。它分爲4類,每類有兩個等級。下面是其摘要;美元數爲應徵稅的收入。


┃    種  類        ┃    稅  金                                                  ┃


┃單身              ┃前17·850美元按15%,超出部分按28%   ┃


┃戶主              ┃前23,900美元按15%,超出部分按28%┃


┃已婚,共有   ┃前29,750美元按15%,超出部分按28% ┃


┃已婚,離異   ┃前14,875美元按l5%,超出部分按28%  ┃


    例如,有20 000美元應徵稅收入的單身僱傭勞動者應繳稅金0.15×17 850美元+0.28×(20 000美元-17 850美元)。編寫一個程序,讓用戶指定稅金種類和應徵稅收入,然後計算稅金。使用循環以便用戶可以多次輸入。



#define SINGLE 17850

#define HOST 23900

#define MARRIED_SHARE 29750

#define MARRIED_DIVORCE 14875

#define RATE1 0.15

#define RATE2 0.28

    int main(void)


    double type,pay,tax;

    char ch;



        printf("Select the type of marriage:\n");


        while((ch = getchar()) == '\n') continue; //濾掉回車



        case '1': type = SINGLE; break;

        case '2': type = HOST; break;

        case '3': type = MARRIED_SHARE; break;

        case '4': type = MARRIED_DIVORCE; break;

        case '5': printf("quit\n"); return(0); //退出程序

        default : printf("input error\n"); continue;


        printf("you have select %c\n",ch);

        printf("input the pay:");


        if (pay <= type) tax = pay * RATE1;

        else tax = type * RATE1 + (pay - type) * RATE2;

        printf("wax is %.2lf\n",tax);



11、 ABC Mail Order Grocery朝鮮薊的售價是1.25美元/磅,甜菜的售價是0.65美元/磅,胡蘿蔔的售價是0.89美元/磅。在添加運輸費用之前,他們爲100美元的訂單提供5%的打折優惠。對5磅或以下的定單收取3.50美元的運輸和裝卸費用;超過5磅而不足20磅的定單收取1O.OO美元的運輸和裝卸費用:加磅或以上的運輸,在8美元基礎上每磅加收0.1美元。編寫程序,在循環中使用switch語句,以便對輸入a的響應是讓用戶輸入所需的朝鮮薊磅數,b爲甜菜的磅數,c爲胡蘿蔔的磅數,而q允許用戶退出訂購過程。然後程序計算總費用、折扣和運輸費用(如果有運輸費的話),以及總數。隨後程序應該顯示所有的購買信息:每磅的費用、訂購的磅數、該訂單每種蔬菜的費用、訂單的總費用、折扣,如果有的話加上運輸費用,以及所有費用的總數。


#include <stdio.h>

#include <ctype.h>

#define ARTICHOKE 1.25

#define BEET 0.65

#define CARROT 0.89

#define DISCOUNT_LIMIT 100

#define DISCOUNT_RATE 0.05

#define FREIGHT_FEE1 3.50

#define FREIGHT_LIMIT1 5

#define FREIGHT_FEE2 10.00

#define FREIGHT_LIMIT2 20

#define FREIGHT_FEE3 8

#define FREIGHT_RATE 0.1


int main(void)


    char ch;

    double artichoke=0,beet=0,carrot=0;  //磅數

    double sum,discount,freight;

    printf("Please select your vegetable: a,b,c,q\n");

    printf("a.artichoke price:$%.2f\n",ARTICHOKE);

    printf("b.beet price:$%.2f\n",BEET);

    printf("c.carrot price:$%.2f\n",CARROT);


    printf("(price as dollars per pound)\n");

    While( ( ch = tolower( getchar() )  ) != 'q') //tolower:大寫轉小寫




         case 'a': printf("How many pounds of artichokes do you want?");


         printf("Please select your vegetable: a,b,c,q:");


             case 'b': printf("How many pounds of beets do you want?");


         printf("Please select your vegetable: a,b,c,q:");


         case 'c': printf("How many pounds of carrots do you want?");


         printf("Please select your vegetable: a,b,c,q:");


         default: break;



 printf("%10s%10s%10s%10s\n"," ","artichoke","beet","carrot");



 printf("%10s%10.2lf%10.2lf%10.2lf\n","charge",ARTICHOKE * artichoke,BEET * beet,CARROT * carrot);

 sum = ARTICHOKE * artichoke + BEET * beet + CARROT * carrot;

 if (sum > DISCOUNT_LIMIT) discount = sum*DISCOUNT_RATE;

 else discount = 0;

 printf("discount: %.2f\n",discount);

 if (artichoke + beet + carrot <= 5) freight = 3.50;

 else if (artichoke + beet + carrot <20) freight = 10;

 else freight = 8 + (artichoke + beet + carrot) * 0.1;

 printf("freight: %.2f\n",freight);

 sum = sum - discount + freight;

 printf("sum: %.2f\n",sum);

 return 0;


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