关于Access的Database Engine

Use a matching Jet database file format for the version of the Jet Database Engine that is being used

For best performance and for stability, use a Microsoft Jet 4.0 format database when you use a Microsoft Jet 4.0 client. Likewise, use a Microsoft Jet 3.0 format database when you use a Microsoft Jet 3.5 client.

The following table lists the currently-available Jet formats. The following table also lists what translator dll is used to talk to the Jet format when you use a Jet 4.0 client:

   Access version	Jet format    Translator dll used
   --------------	----------    -------------------
    Access 2.0    	Jet 2.0       Msrd2x40.dll
    Access 95     	Jet 3.0       Msrd3x40.dll
    Access 97     	Jet 3.0       Msrd3x40.dll
    Access 2000   	Jet 4.0       none
    Access 2002 	Jet 4.0       none
    Access 2003  	Jet 4.0       none
The following table shows that Microsoft Access 95 and Access 97 create a Microsoft Jet 3.0 format database file. Access 2000, Access 2002 and Office Access 2003 create a Microsoft Jet 4.0 format database file. When you use a Microsoft Jet 4.0 client, use a Microsoft Jet 4.0 database format file to avoid the use of a translator dll. If you use a Microsoft Jet 3.5 client, we recommend that you use a Microsoft Jet 3.0 format database.

The following table lists the most frequently used Microsoft Jet Database Engine clients and the associated Jet Database Engine version that the Jet Database Engine client uses:

	Client application	Jet Database Engine used	Recommended Jet database format
    -------------------------   ------------------------       --------------------------------
	Access 2.0			Jet 2.0				Jet 2.0
	Access 95			Jet 3.0				Jet 3.0
	Access 97			Jet 3.5				Jet 3.0
	Access 2000			Jet 4.0				Jet 4.0
	Access 2002			Jet 4.0				Jet 4.0
	Office Access 2003		Jet 4.0				Jet 4.0
	DAO 3.0				Jet 3.0				Jet 3.0
	DAO 3.5				Jet 3.5				Jet 3.0
	DA0 3.6				Jet 4.0				Jet 4.0
	Microsoft.JET.OLEDB.3.51	Jet 3.5				Jet 3.0
	Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0`	Jet 4.0				Jet 4.0
	Access ODBC Driver		Jet 4.0				Jet 4.0

Note The Microsoft Access ODBC driver that is included with MDAC 2.0 or earlier uses Microsoft Jet 3.5. The Microsoft Access ODBC driver that is included with MDAC 2.1 and MDAC 2.5 uses Microsoft Jet 4.0. MDAC 2.6 and later versions do not include the Microsoft Access ODBC driver at all.

In certain situations, such as when you have both older Jet applications and newer Jet applications that share the same database file, you may not be able to use the latest Jet database file format. This is because older Jet engines cannot read or cannot write to a newer Jet database file format. Therefore, must use the older format and use the translator dlls.


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