9.7 保活(Keepalive)定時器

9.7.1 Why

        當單工模式下TCP數據發送方發送了一些數據後就不再發數據,數據接收方也不會發送報文,這時TCP連接處於靜止狀態(比如Telnet應用)。保活功能可以使用保活定時器向對端發送探測報文來確定對端的連接是否正常,如果對端有迴應則繼續維持連接,否則關閉連接,釋放資源。開啓保活功能需要使用SO_KEEPALIVE socket選項。

9.7.2 When



 5291 void tcp_finish_connect(struct sock *sk, struct sk_buff *skb)
5292 {
5293     struct tcp_sock *tp = tcp_sk(sk);
5294     struct inet_connection_sock *icsk = inet_csk(sk);
5296     tcp_set_state(sk, TCP_ESTABLISHED);
5317     if (sock_flag(sk, SOCK_KEEPOPEN))    //應用進程開啓keepalive服務
5318         inet_csk_reset_keepalive_timer(sk, keepalive_time_when(tp));
5373 static int tcp_rcv_synsent_state_process(struct sock *sk, struct sk_buff *skb,
5374                      const struct tcphdr *th, unsigned int len)
5375 {
5480         tcp_finish_connect(sk, skb);
 381 struct sock *tcp_create_openreq_child(struct sock *sk, struct request_sock *req, struct sk_buff *skb)
382 {
383     struct sock *newsk = inet_csk_clone_lock(sk, req, GFP_ATOMIC);
385     if (newsk != NULL) {  
441         if (sock_flag(newsk, SOCK_KEEPOPEN))    //應用進程開啓keepalive服務
442             inet_csk_reset_keepalive_timer(newsk,
443                                keepalive_time_when(newtp));
(3)使用SO_KEEPALIVE socket選項開啓保活功能時:
  621 int sock_setsockopt(struct socket *sock, int level, int optname,
 622             char __user *optval, unsigned int optlen)
 623 {
 727     case SO_KEEPALIVE:
 728 #ifdef CONFIG_INET
 729         if (sk->sk_protocol == IPPROTO_TCP &&
 730             sk->sk_type == SOCK_STREAM)
 731             tcp_set_keepalive(sk, valbool);
 732 #endif
 733         sock_valbool_flag(sk, SOCK_KEEPOPEN, valbool);
 734         break;
546 void tcp_set_keepalive(struct sock *sk, int val)
547 {    
548     if ((1 << sk->sk_state) & (TCPF_CLOSE | TCPF_LISTEN))
549         return;
551     if (val && !sock_flag(sk, SOCK_KEEPOPEN))
552         inet_csk_reset_keepalive_timer(sk, keepalive_time_when(tcp_sk(sk)));
553     else if (!val)
554         inet_csk_delete_keepalive_timer(sk);    //拆除keepalive定時器
555 }    
        拆除keepalive定時器只能使用SO_KEEPALIVE socket選項

1114 static inline int keepalive_time_when(const struct tcp_sock *tp)
1115 {  
1116     return tp->keepalive_time ? : sysctl_tcp_keepalive_time;
1117 }      
        其中sysctl_tcp_keepalive_tim由net.ipv4.tcp_keepalive_time內核參數設定,tp->keepalive_time由TCP_KEEPIDLE socket選項設置

  621 int sock_setsockopt(struct socket *sock, int level, int optname,
 622             char __user *optval, unsigned int optlen)
 623 {
2525     case TCP_KEEPIDLE:
2526         if (val < 1 || val > MAX_TCP_KEEPIDLE)
2527             err = -EINVAL;
2528         else {
2529             tp->keepalive_time = val * HZ;
2530             if (sock_flag(sk, SOCK_KEEPOPEN) &&
2531                 !((1 << sk->sk_state) &
2532                   (TCPF_CLOSE | TCPF_LISTEN))) {
2533                 u32 elapsed = keepalive_time_elapsed(tp);
2534                 if (tp->keepalive_time > elapsed)
2535                     elapsed = tp->keepalive_time - elapsed;
2536                 else
2537                     elapsed = 0;
2538                 inet_csk_reset_keepalive_timer(sk, elapsed);
2539             }
2540         }
2541         break;


9.7.3 What


558 static void tcp_keepalive_timer (unsigned long data)
559 {        
560     struct sock *sk = (struct sock *) data;
561     struct inet_connection_sock *icsk = inet_csk(sk);
562     struct tcp_sock *tp = tcp_sk(sk);
563     u32 elapsed;
565     /* Only process if socket is not in use. */
566     bh_lock_sock(sk);
567     if (sock_owned_by_user(sk)) {
568         /* Try again later. */
569         inet_csk_reset_keepalive_timer (sk, HZ/20);
570         goto out;
571     }    
573     if (sk->sk_state == TCP_LISTEN) { //SYN-ACK定時器超時處理
574         tcp_synack_timer(sk);
575         goto out;
576     }
578     if (sk->sk_state == TCP_FIN_WAIT2 && sock_flag(sk, SOCK_DEAD)) {//FIN_WAIT2定時器超時處理
589     }
591     if (!sock_flag(sk, SOCK_KEEPOPEN) || sk->sk_state == TCP_CLOSE)    //keepalive功能未開啓或socket已經關閉
592         goto out;
594     elapsed = keepalive_time_when(tp);
596     /* It is alive without keepalive 8) */
597     if (tp->packets_out || tcp_send_head(sk))    //有包在網絡中或有數據未發
598         goto resched;    //連接是活動的,無需keepalive定時器操心
600     elapsed = keepalive_time_elapsed(tp);     //計算自收到最後一個包到現在經歷了多長時間
602     if (elapsed >= keepalive_time_when(tp)) {    //計算自收到最後一個包到現在經歷的時間達到保活定時器的超時門限
603         /* If the TCP_USER_TIMEOUT option is enabled, use that
604          * to determine when to timeout instead.
605          */
606         if ((icsk->icsk_user_timeout != 0 &&   //應用進程使用TCP_USER_TIMEOUT socket選項設置了超時時間
607             elapsed >= icsk->icsk_user_timeout &&   //未活動時間超過應用進程的限制
608             icsk->icsk_probes_out > 0) ||    //發送過探測報文
609             (icsk->icsk_user_timeout == 0 &&  應用進程未設置超時時間
610             icsk->icsk_probes_out >= keepalive_probes(tp))) {    //探測次數超過用戶設定的門限
611             tcp_send_active_reset(sk, GFP_ATOMIC);     //發送RST復位連接
612             tcp_write_err(sk);    //發送出錯報告,關閉本端連接
613             goto out;
614         }
615         if (tcp_write_wakeup(sk) <= 0) { //發送探測包
616             icsk->icsk_probes_out++;    //此計數在收到ACK時清零
617             elapsed = keepalive_intvl_when(tp); //設置超時時間爲探測間隔時間
618         } else {    //由於底層隊列擁塞包沒有發送出去
619             /* If keepalive was lost due to local congestion,
620              * try harder.
621              */
622             elapsed = TCP_RESOURCE_PROBE_INTERVAL;    //縮短時間間隔爲0.5s
623         }
624     } else {
625         /* It is tp->rcv_tstamp + keepalive_time_when(tp) */
626         elapsed = keepalive_time_when(tp) - elapsed;    //設置keepalive在從收到最後一個包開始到一個超時週期時再超時
627     }
629     sk_mem_reclaim(sk);    //回收內存資源
631 resched:
632     inet_csk_reset_keepalive_timer (sk, elapsed);     //重新設置保活定時器
633     goto out;
638 out:
639     bh_unlock_sock(sk);
640     sock_put(sk);
641 }

1119 static inline int keepalive_probes(const struct tcp_sock *tp)
1120 {       
1121     return tp->keepalive_probes ? : sysctl_tcp_keepalive_probes;
1122 }       
        其中,tp->keepalive_probes由TCP_KEEPCNT socket選項設定,sysctl_tcp_keepalive_probes(默認爲TCP_KEEPALIVE_PROBES,即9)由net.ipv4.tcp_keepalive_probes內核參數設定。


1109 static inline int keepalive_intvl_when(const struct tcp_sock *tp)
1110 {          
1111     return tp->keepalive_intvl ? : sysctl_tcp_keepalive_intvl;
1112 }     
        其中,tp->keepalive_intvl由TCP_KEEPINTVL socket選項設定,sysctl_tcp_keepalive_intvl(默認是TCP_KEEPALIVE_INTVL,即75s)由net.ipv4.tcp_keepalive_intvl內核參數設定。

        現總結一下keepalive定時器的特性。在連接建立完成伊始就設置keepalive定時器,應用進程也可以使用socket選項設置或禁用它;每次定時器超時的時候,在自收到最後一個包到現在經歷的時間超過保活定時器的超時門限的情況下,如果超過了應用進程設定的超時上限或探測次數則發送RST報文給對端並關閉連接,否則發送探測報文(發送探測報文的過程見9.6 堅持(Persist)定時器),增加探測計數,並將超時時間設置爲keepalive_intvl,等待下次超時。當收到ACK時探測計數清零,收包時間也會刷新,整個探測過程重新開始。

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