
public ConcurrentLinkedQueue() {
head = tail = new Node<E>(null);

public ConcurrentLinkedQueue(Collection<? extends E> c) {
Node<E> h = null, t = null;
for (E e : c) {
Node<E> newNode = new Node<E>(e);
if (h == null)
h = t = newNode;
else {
t = newNode;
if (h == null)
h = t = new Node<E>(null);
head = h;
tail = t;

public boolean add(E e) {
return offer(e);

public boolean offer(E e) {
final Node<E> newNode = new Node<E>(e);

for (Node<E> t = tail, p = t;;) {
Node<E> q = p.next;
if (q == null) {
if (p.casNext(null, newNode)) {
if (p != t)
casTail(t, newNode); // Failure is OK.
return true;
// Lost CAS race to another thread; re-read next
else if (p == q)

p = (t != (t = tail)) ? t : head;
// Check for tail updates after two hops.
p = (p != t && t != (t = tail)) ? t : q;

public E poll() {
for (;;) {
for (Node<E> h = head, p = h, q;;) {
E item = p.item;
if (item != null && p.casItem(item, null)) {
if (p != h)
updateHead(h, ((q = p.next) != null) ? q : p);
return item;
else if ((q = p.next) == null) {
updateHead(h, p);
return null;
else if (p == q)
continue restartFromHead;
p = q;

public E peek() {
for (;;) {
for (Node<E> h = head, p = h, q;;) {
E item = p.item;
if (item != null || (q = p.next) == null) {
updateHead(h, p);
return item;
else if (p == q)
continue restartFromHead;
p = q;

public boolean isEmpty() {
return first() == null;

Node<E> first() {
for (;;) {
for (Node<E> h = head, p = h, q;;) {
boolean hasItem = (p.item != null);
if (hasItem || (q = p.next) == null) {
updateHead(h, p);
return hasItem ? p : null;
else if (p == q)
continue restartFromHead;
p = q;

public int size() {
int count = 0;
for (Node<E> p = first(); p != null; p = succ(p))
if (p.item != null)
// Collection.size() spec says to max out
if (++count == Integer.MAX_VALUE)
return count;

final Node<E> succ(Node<E> p) {
Node<E> next = p.next;
return (p == next) ? head : next;

public boolean contains(Object o) {
if (o == null) return false;
for (Node<E> p = first(); p != null; p = succ(p)) {
E item = p.item;
if (item != null && o.equals(item))
return true;
return false;

public boolean remove(Object o) {
if (o == null) return false;
Node<E> pred = null;
for (Node<E> p = first(); p != null; p = succ(p)) {
E item = p.item;
if (item != null &&
o.equals(item) &&
p.casItem(item, null)) {
Node<E> next = succ(p);
if (pred != null && next != null)
pred.casNext(p, next);
return true;
pred = p;
return false;

public boolean addAll(Collection<? extends E> c) {
if (c == this)
throw new IllegalArgumentException();

// Copy c into a private chain of Nodes
Node<E> beginningOfTheEnd = null, last = null;
for (E e : c) {
Node<E> newNode = new Node<E>(e);
if (beginningOfTheEnd == null)
beginningOfTheEnd = last = newNode;
else {
last = newNode;
if (beginningOfTheEnd == null)
return false;

// Atomically append the chain at the tail of this collection
for (Node<E> t = tail, p = t;;) {
Node<E> q = p.next;
if (q == null) {
// p is last node
if (p.casNext(null, beginningOfTheEnd)) {
if (!casTail(t, last)) {
t = tail;
if (last.next == null)
casTail(t, last);
return true;

else if (p == q)

p = (t != (t = tail)) ? t : head;

p = (p != t && t != (t = tail)) ? t : q;

public Object[] toArray() {

ArrayList<E> al = new ArrayList<E>();
for (Node<E> p = first(); p != null; p = succ(p)) {
E item = p.item;
if (item != null)
return al.toArray();

public <T> T[] toArray(T[] a) {

int k = 0;
Node<E> p;
for (p = first(); p != null && k < a.length; p = succ(p)) {
E item = p.item;
if (item != null)
a[k++] = (T)item;
if (p == null) {
if (k < a.length)
a[k] = null;
return a;

ArrayList<E> al = new ArrayList<E>();
for (Node<E> q = first(); q != null; q = succ(q)) {
E item = q.item;
if (item != null)
return al.toArray(a);

private class Itr implements Iterator<E> {

private Node<E> nextNode;

private E nextItem;

private Node<E> lastRet;

Itr() {

private E advance() {
lastRet = nextNode;
E x = nextItem;

Node<E> pred, p;
if (nextNode == null) {
p = first();
pred = null;
} else {
pred = nextNode;
p = succ(nextNode);

for (;;) {
if (p == null) {
nextNode = null;
nextItem = null;
return x;
E item = p.item;
if (item != null) {
nextNode = p;
nextItem = item;
return x;
} else {
// skip over nulls
Node<E> next = succ(p);
if (pred != null && next != null)
pred.casNext(p, next);
p = next;

public boolean hasNext() {
return nextNode != null;

public E next() {
if (nextNode == null) throw new NoSuchElementException();
return advance();

public void remove() {
Node<E> l = lastRet;
if (l == null) throw new IllegalStateException();

l.item = null;
lastRet = null;
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