C# 自定义文本编辑器控件中 中文重复出现问题


最近,当时的老师让修改一下这个bug,追踪代码中的事件处理,发现当输入中文的时候有两个事件WM_IME_CHAR 和 WM_CHAR 的参数中都有输入的中文字符,并且每个事件都触发了OnKeyPress事件。而正是在OnKeyPress中将该事件中的字符显示在屏幕上。



Source Code:http://www.rayfile.com/files/f3b887e3-c1fa-11dd-a3aa-0014221b798a/

Original Report:http://www.rayfile.com/files/fd19b8cf-c1fa-11dd-aa67-0019d11a795f/

Problem Statement:

When user inputs Chinese characters using the input method editor, the phrases user inputs always are displayed twice. However, when using English, there is no problem.


Tracing the event raised while the user keys in characters, we can find that when using IME (Input Method Editor), there are two kinds of events which contain the inputted characters – WM_IME_CHAR and WM_CHAR.

For character ‘中’:

msg=0x286 (WM_IME_CHAR) hwnd=0x90c76 wparam=0x4e2d lparam=0x1 result=0x0

msg=0x137 (WM_CTLCOLORSCROLLBAR) hwnd=0x90c76 wparam=0x1e012c29 lparam=0xf0b1a result=0x0

msg=0x10f (WM_IME_COMPOSITION) hwnd=0x90c76 wparam=0x0 lparam=0x88 result=0x0

msg=0x10e (WM_IME_ENDCOMPOSITION) hwnd=0x90c76 wparam=0x0 lparam=0x0 result=0x0

msg=0x282 (WM_IME_NOTIFY) hwnd=0x90c76 wparam=0x4 lparam=0x1 result=0x0

msg=0x102 (WM_CHAR) hwnd=0x90c76 wparam=0x4e2d lparam=0x1 result=0x0

Checking with the original character inputting without IME, only WM_CHAR events are raised and handled.

For character ‘a’:

msg=0x100 (WM_KEYDOWN) hwnd=0x90c76 wparam=0x41 lparam=0x1e0001 result=0x0

msg=0x102 (WM_CHAR) hwnd=0x90c76 wparam=0x61 lparam=0x1e0001 result=0x0

Also, for both the two situations, we can find that the parameter ‘wparam’ stores the inputted character.

The cause for this bug is obviously the two events with the same inputted character.


Add a flag variable to disable the insertion of the inputted character got form the WM_IME_CHAR event.

In the file “CodeEditorProject/EditControl/Forms/Windows/Forms/Widget.cs”:

Add the following class:

public class IME_Chinese_Bug


public static bool show = true;


Add following code at the beginning of the function WndProc() of class Widget:

if (m.Msg == (int)WindowMessage.WM_IME_CHAR)

IME_Chinese_Bug.show = false;

else if (m.Msg == (int)WindowMessage.WM_CHAR)

IME_Chinese_Bug.show = true;

In the file “CodeEditorProject/EditControl/EditControl/Editors/EditView/EditViewControl.cs”:

Change the code:





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