OllyDBG 入門系列(三)-函數參考





查找–>當前模塊中的名稱,發現GetWindowText,右鍵,在每個參考上設置斷點。check it

00401316  |.  6A 28         push    0x28                             ; /Count = 28 (40.)
00401318  |.  68 C4334000   push    004033C4                         ; |Buffer = CrackHea.004033C4
0040131D  |.  FF35 90314000 push    dword ptr ds:[0x403190]          ; |hWnd = 00CC03BE (class='Edit',parent=001F02B8)
00401323  |.  E8 4C010000   call    <jmp.&USER32.GetWindowTextA>     ; \GetWindowTextA
00401328  |.  E8 A5000000   call    004013D2                         ;  關鍵函數
0040132D  |.  3BC6          cmp     eax,esi                          ;  eax要和esi相等
0040132F  |.  75 42         jnz     short 00401373                   ;  不能跳
00401331  |.  EB 2C         jmp     short 0040135F
00401333  |.  4E 6F 77 20 7>ascii   "Now write a keyg"
00401343  |.  65 6E 20 61 6>ascii   "en and tut and y"
00401353  |.  6F 75 27 72 6>ascii   "ou're done.",0
0040135F  |>  6A 00         push    0x0                              ; /Style = MB_OK|MB_APPLMODAL
00401361  |.  68 0F304000   push    0040300F                         ; |Title = "Crudd's Crack Head"
00401366  |.  68 33134000   push    00401333                         ; |Text = "Now write a keygen and tut and you're done."
0040136B  |.  FF75 08       push    [arg.1]                          ; |hOwner
0040136E  |.  E8 19010000   call    <jmp.&USER32.MessageBoxA>        ; \MessageBoxA
00401373  |>  EB 15         jmp     short 0040138A
00401375  |>  FF75 14       push    [arg.4]                          ; /lParam
00401378  |.  FF75 10       push    [arg.3]                          ; |wParam
0040137B  |.  FF75 0C       push    [arg.2]                          ; |Message
0040137E  |.  FF75 08       push    [arg.1]                          ; |hWnd
00401381  |.  E8 D6000000   call    <jmp.&USER32.DefWindowProcA>     ; \DefWindowProcA
00401386  |.  C9            leave
00401387  |.  C2 1000       retn    0x10
0040138A  |>  33C0          xor     eax,eax
0040138C  |.  C9            leave
0040138D  \.  C2 1000       retn    0x10

發現輸入數據存儲在 00401318 |. 68 C4334000 push 004033C4 ; |Buffer = CrackHea.004033C4

發現關鍵的比較函數 00401328 |. E8 A5000000 call 004013D2 ; 關鍵函數

004013D2  /$  56            push    esi
004013D3  |.  33C0          xor     eax,eax
004013D5  |.  8D35 C4334000 lea     esi,dword ptr ds:[0x4033C4]      ;  esi 字符串指針
004013DB  |.  33C9          xor     ecx,ecx
004013DD  |.  33D2          xor     edx,edx
004013DF  |.  8A06          mov     al,byte ptr ds:[esi]             ;  al獲得第一個字符
004013E1  |.  46            inc     esi
004013E2  |.  3C 2D         cmp     al,0x2D
004013E4  |.  75 08         jnz     short 004013EE                   ;  不是 0x2d就跳走
004013E6  |.  BA FFFFFFFF   mov     edx,-0x1                         ;  edx = -1
004013EB  |.  8A06          mov     al,byte ptr ds:[esi]
004013ED  |.  46            inc     esi
004013EE  |>  EB 0B         jmp     short 004013FB
004013F0  |>  2C 30         /sub     al,0x30                         ;  每個數字減30 變成數值型數據
004013F2  |.  8D0C89        |lea     ecx,dword ptr ds:[ecx+ecx*4]    ;  ecx = ecx*5
004013F5  |.  8D0C48        |lea     ecx,dword ptr ds:[eax+ecx*2]    ;  ecx = eax + ecx*2
004013F8  |.  8A06          |mov     al,byte ptr ds:[esi]            ;  取最低位繼續
004013FA  |.  46            |inc     esi
004013FB  |>  0AC0           or      al,al
004013FD  |.^ 75 F1         \jnz     short 004013F0
004013FF  |.  8D040A        lea     eax,dword ptr ds:[edx+ecx]       ;  eax = edx + ecx
00401402  |.  33C2          xor     eax,edx                          ;  eax = eax ^ edx
00401404  |.  5E            pop     esi
00401405  |.  81F6 53757A79 xor     esi,0x797A7553                   ;  esi = esi ^ 0x797a7553
0040140B  \.  C3            retn                                     ;  最後要保證eax=esi

這段函數的功能是 先判斷是不是負數,如果是則edx=-1,在最後取反。
比如 “12345677” 轉換後就是數字 12345677 存在ecx中,最後esi重置爲0x797a7553,
因爲要保持eax與esi相等,所以eax應該等於0x797a7553,對應的十進制是 2038068563
所以答案就是 2038068563


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