中國推出實現Java EE5.0全球最新規範的金蝶Apusic中間件

The Vice President of Sun Microsystems Steve Borcich, got a surprising news that Kingdee flagship middleware Apusic J2EE application server had just achieved compatibility with the specification of Java EE 5.0 when talking with general manager Mr. John. Cai from Kingdee Middleware which is the only one middleware manufacturer in the five important Chinese partners designated by Sun over the phone on April 5.
On March 22, Kingdee Middleware, a leading infrastructure software manufacturer in China, announced that the flagship product Apusic application server had achieved compatibility with the specification of Java EE 5.0 and Kingdee Apusic plans to obtain the certification of the latest specification of Java EE 5.0 when the specification is to be officially issued in the second half of 2006.
3月22日,中國領先的基礎架構軟件廠商金蝶中間件的旗艦產品Apusic應用服務器正式實現Java EE 5.0全球最新規範,待規範下半年正式出臺時,金蝶Apusic計劃通過全球Java EE 5.0最新規範認證。
Java EE5 is the fourth generation of Java enterprise-level development platform specification after six years since the worldwide mainstream middleware technical standard J2EE was invented. Java EE5 has attracted the attention from the whole Java field and triggered numerous debates and invited a lot of expectations upon the beginning of its design. Java EE 5.0 focuses on the current development focuses of Java such as development efficiency, operating efficiency, enterprise application integration in order to simplify J2EE development. It happens to have the same view with “Lightweight style and bringing substantial benefits to the developers and the enterprises” vigorously advocated by Kingdee Apusic.
作爲世界主流中間件技術標準J2EE誕生近6年後的第4代Java企業級開發平臺規範,Java EE5從一開始設計就倍受整個Java界的注目,也引發了無數的辯論和衆多的期盼。Java EE 5.0重點關注目前Java開發的熱點:開發效率、運行效率和企業應用整合,目標是讓J2EE開發更簡單。這和金蝶Apusic一直大力倡導的“輕量級風格,給開發者和企業帶來真正的實惠”不謀而合。
Java EE 5.0 is Umbrella specification and mainly includes EJB 3.0, Servlet 2.4 and JSP 2.1. Kingdee middleware has achieved the above specifications and maintained the leading position in core development field of Java. Kingdee Apusic can implement the specification prior to its official release since Kingdee Apusic, serving as a member of JCP organization, participates in and grasps the process designated by the specification on an on-going basis.
Java EE 5.0是雨傘規範(Umbrella),主要包括EJB 3.0、Servlet2.4和JSP 2.1等內容。而金蝶中間件已經實現了上述規範,保持了其在Java核心開發領域的領先地位。金蝶Apusic作爲JCP組織(國際Java標準制訂組織)成員,能夠參與並隨時掌握規範制訂的過程,因此能夠在規範正式發表之前就能提前實現規範。
Kingdee Apusic CTO Mr. Daniel Yuan, a highly reputed technical authority in China’s Java field, commented, “Java is practical oriented language and absorbs all features available to application development while rejecting all unpractical features. Java EE 5.0 specification has made major adjustment based on J2EE technology and EJB is mostly affected. The development method of EJB will be totally changed in EJB3 by disusing interfaces such as Home and Remote and adopting lightweight style development mode instead and annotation introduced in Java 5.0 will serve as description tool of EJB. In particular, the role of entity Bean will be redefined and be enabled to purely play the role of O/R Mapping. All these measures are taken with an aim to enabling EJB development process to be more simple, efficient and convenient in maintenance.
在中國Java界享有極高聲望的技術權威-金蝶Apusic CTO袁紅崗(Daniel Yuan)表示:“Java是一個講求實用的語言,所有對應用開發有用的特性都被吸收進來,而那些花稍但無實際作用的特性被摒棄。Java EE 5.0規範對J2EE技術做了一個相當大的調整,其中最受影響的就是EJB。在EJB3中,EJB的開發方法將徹底改變,不再使用Home、Remote接口等概念,而採取輕量級的開發模式,以Java 5.0中引進的annotation作爲EJB描述工具。特別是實體Bean的角色將被重新定位,使其單純擔負起O/R Mapping的作用。所有這些舉措都是爲了使EJB的開發過程更加簡單、效率更高、維護更方便。”
According to Mr. Daniel Yuan, Java EE 5 adds new JSP specification in the Web development. The JSP’s development mode based on event and UI component model overturns the traditional development habit of the web and Java EE 5 will be enabled to be closer to a true MVC programming environment with support of development tool. The use of the development presentation layer of JSP seems more than like swing programming and the model based on UI component can separate out many work related to web interface customization and manufacturers can customize more available components according to specific objectives. Kingdee, as a domestic middleware manufacturer, should understand the needs of domestic customers better than overseas manufacturers and therefore, Kingdee application development platform Apusic Studio will become a powerful web application development platform based on JSF.
袁紅崗認爲,在Web開發方面,Java EE 5增加了新的JSF規範。JSF基於事件及UI組件模型的開發方式顛覆了傳統的web開發習慣,結合開發工具的支持,將使其更接近於一個真正的MVC編程環境。使用JSF開發表現層現在看起來更象swing編程,基於UI組件的模型能夠把web界面定製的很多工作獨立出來,廠商可以針對具體的目標定製更多更好用的組件。而作爲國內中間件廠商,比國外廠商理應更瞭解國內客戶的需求,因此金蝶應用開發平臺Apusic Studio將成爲以JSF爲基礎的一個強大的web應用開發平臺。
More information about Kingdee middleware, please visit
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