Global Organizational Behaviour


1.Basic OB Knowledge






Basic OB Knowledge:

Six outcomes: 1. job satisfaction          2. job performance               3.staff turnover

                          4. staff absenteeism     5. corporate citizenship       6.counter productive workplace behavior

Why study OB:  1. lower turnover of quality employees

                           2.higher quality applications for recruitment

                           3.better financial performance 

The people in Stable Core are becoming more heterogeneous demographic:

                   1. Embracing diversity

                   2.Changing demographics

                   3.Changing management philosophy

                  4.Recognizing and responding to difference

Trends:(Challenges & opportunities for OB)


              2.Workplace diversity                 

              3.Rapid pace of change

              4.Changing technologies             

              5. New working arrangements             

              6.Customer service imperatives

              7.Multiple stakeholders & ethics                 

              8.Help employees balance work-life conflicts

              9.Creating a positive work environment                  

              10.Improving ethical behavior

OB research : 2 complementary means of predicting behavior

                        Intuition: Get feelings

                                       Individual observation


                        Systematic study:Looks at relationships

                                     Scientific evidence

                                      Predicts behavior

What is culture: 1. The sum total of all the learned beliefs, traditions, values and behaviors which are shared by agroup of people

                            2.The collective programming of the mind

                            3.Society's personality

Characteristics of culture:1.Perceived through its negative

                                            2."social glue", a source of identity

                                            3. Can be learned


Approaches to dealing with culture difference:[1]Ignore, [2]Minimize, [3]Utilize

                           Melting pot: you adapt to us 

                           Salad bowl: we adapt to you

What makes up individual behavior:1. Personality         2.Abilities      3. Learning       4. Values        5. Attitudes        6. Emotions

Personality traits:1.behavior:self-esteem and self-confidence, focus of control, self-monitoring , Machiavellianism (any means (however unscrupulous) can be used by a ruler in order to create and                                 maintain his autocratic government)

                              2.Performance: risk taking

                              3.Abilities: an individual's capacity to perform the various tasks in a job: intellectual, physical, artistic

What determines personality: Heredity, Environment, Context

What is personality: The ways which an individual reacts to situations and to others.

Environmental forces :            STEEP                                     PESTLE

                                          1. Socio-cultural                        1.Political

                                          2. Technological                        2.Economic

                                          3. Economic                              3. Social

                                          4.Environmental/ Ethic             4.Technological

                                          5.Political-legal                         5.Legal


What is Organizational Behavior: It is the study of the structure, functioning & performance of organizations, & the behavior of groups & individuals within them.


           KEY: 1.Intensity: how hard a person tries

                     2.Direction: toward beneficial goal

                     3.Persistence: how long a person tries

Maslow's Pyramid of Needs:

Herzberg's Dual-Factor theory:

                  1. Hygiene factors which involve working conditions & can trigger dissatisfaction if inadequate

                  2. The factors do not produce job satisfaction. If adequate, they simply produce neutral feelings.

Three Nees Theory(Mclelland):

                  1. Achievement: Achievers avoid low-risk situation because the easily attained success is not agenuine achievement.

                                               They prefer either to work alone or with other high achievers.

                  2. Affiliation: They need harmonious relationships with other people and need to feel accepted by other people. Prefer work that provides significant personal interaction. 

                  3.Power: Personal: direct others

                                   Institutional: organize the efforts of others to further the goals of the organization.

Equity Theory: is a concept in psychology that asserts humans will be more motivated if what they receive as compensation is equal to the efforts they give out.[input,output,perception(referents)]

                          People are motivated by fairness.

                                They compare their outputs and inputs to others

                                If inequity is perceived, staff will increase outputs or diminish input


Expectancy Theory:It proposes that people are motivated by their conscious expectations of what will happen if they do certain things, and are more productive when they believe their expectations will realize. 

Applications: link rewards to results / outcomes

                        adapt rewards to people's needs

Empowerment(motivate using delegation):Giving the responsibility for the completion of a task to a subordinate \

          Why delegate:1. Free up managers for more important task

                                   2. Trains & motive others

                                   3. Productivity: speed up making decisions

                                   4. Improve decision

          Why not delegate:1. Lack experience.

                                         2. Don't trust subordinates

                                         3. Fear staff's failure/success

                                         4. Disorganization

                                         5. Not part of organization culture

           Principles of delegation :

                           1. Give instructions: deadlines, quality expectations and feedback mechanisms

                           2. Give freedom in terms of means.

                           3. Delegate responsibility and decision-making power

                           4. Be available for advice but in case of problems, let the subordinate solve them.

                           5. Don't loss control, monitor the situation

                           6. Give periodic feedback

                           7. Supply the solutions and let managers to choose

Performance=Motivation * Ability * Opportunity


Leadership:The ability to influence a group toward the achievement of goals.

Management: Use of authority linked to position in the hierarchy in order to obtain compliance from organizational member.

Leadership Traits: Extroversion



                                 Emotion Intelligence

Behavioral Theory: Leadership behaviors can be taught

Trait Theory: Leaders are born, not made.

University of Michigan Studies: Employee-oriented Leader     -emphasizing interpersonal relations

                                                      Production-oriented Leader   - emphasizing technical or task aspects of the job

Ohio State Studies: a leader is likely to have job relationships characterized by regard for his/her feeling [mutual trust , respect for subordinates' ideas]

Fiedler Model: Leader: Style is fixed and can be measured by the least preferred co-worker. [Task-oriented , Relationship-oriented]

LPC questionnaire: the way in which a leader will evaluate a co-worker who is not liked will indicate whether the leader is task or relationship oriented. 

Contingency Model 1(Arthur Fiedler): Contingency theory proposes that a person;s actions cannot be predetermined but are instead dependent on the situation. 

                                                                  Leadership depends on the situation 

                                                                 Effective groups depend on a proper match between a leader 's style of interacting with subordinates and the degree to which the situation gives control and influence to the leader.

Fideler: Situation control variables: Leader-member relations: the degree of confidence, trust, and respect that subordinates have in the leader. 

               Position power: influence derived from one's organizational position, including the power to hire,fire , discipline, promote , increase pay

               Task structure: the degree to which job assignments are clear and structured.

Situational Modal 2(Hersey & Blanchard):Leadership depends on followers: subordinates' motivation and abilities

                  A leader can and should adapt his/her style to the followers.

                   4 styles: directive →supportive

                                  Telling: lack motivation and ability




Leader-participation model: Decision making with subordinates

The leader's choice of style depends on many variables: quality of decision needed, problem difficulty...

Charismatic Leaders: 1. Vision and articulation

                                         2.Personal risk (management)

                                         3. Environmental sensitivity

                                         4. Sensitivity to follower needs

                                         5. Unconventional behavior

Transnational Leaders: Established goals by clarifying role and task requirements.

Transformational Leaders: provide for "I's": Individualized consideration:

                                                                               Inspirational motivation: communicate

                                                                               Idealized influence: provides vision and sense of mission

                                                                               Intellectual Stimulation

Trust: The Foundation of Leadership

Finding and Creating effective Leaders:

                        Selection: 1. Review specific requirements

                                          2. Test,identify personal traits associated with leadership(Measure: self-monitoring and assess emotional intelligence)

                                          3.Conduct personal interview to determine

                          Training: 1. Recognize- all people are not equally trainable

                                          2. Tech skills - effective leaders

                                          3. Behavioral training- development potential of nascent charismatic employees

Level 5 Leadership: 1. Highly Capagble Individual

                                   2. Contributing Team Member

                                   3. Competent Manager

                                   4. Effective Leader

                                   5. Great Leader


Power:the capacity that A has to influence the behavior of B, so that B acts in accordance with A's wishes. 

Contrasting Leadership and Power

                                         Leadership                                                      Power

        1. Focuses on goal achievement                               1. Used as a means for achieving goals

        2. Requires goal compatibility with followers            2. Requires follower dependency

        3. Focuses influence downward                                 3. Used to gain lateral and upward influence

                                                                             Research Focus

Leadership Styles and relationships with followers               Power tactics for gaining compliance

Bases of Power: [Compliance] Legitimate

                              [Compliance] Reward:[Financial, no-financial]

                              [Resistance] Coercive

                              [Commitment] Expert

                              [Commitment] Referent

Formal: based on an individual's position.                                      {Legitimate,Reward,Coercive}

Personal: comes from an individual's unique characteristics.       {Expert,Referent}

Dependency: The key to Power: The greater B's dependency on A, the greater the power A has over B.

Dependency increases when resources are:[ Important, Scarce,Non-substitutable]

What creates dependency?1. Ability to cope with uncertainty and to help others deal with it

                                                    2. Access to important resources: money, knowledge

                                                    3. Non-Subsititutable

POWER Tactics: ways in which individuals translate power bases into specific actions

1,Legitimacy   2, Rational persuasion 3, Inspirational appeals 4, Consultation. 5, Exchange 6,Personal appeals 7, Ingratiation 9, Pressure 10, Coalitions

Factors influence: 1. Sequencing of tactics

                                   2. Political skill of the user 

                                   3.The culture of the organization


Functional conflict: Conflict that supports the goal of the groups and improves its performances

Dysfunctional conflict: Conflict that hinders group performance.

5 Conflict management styles:1, Competing/ Dominating style: I satisfy my interests at your expense

                                                          2, Avoiding style: I withdraw, suppress, ignore, or put off the confrontation. 

                                                          3.Accommodation style: I satisfy your interests at my expense. "I lose, you win"

                                                          4. Compromising style:"50-50": each person is partly satisfied. 

                                                          5. Collaborative/ integrative style:"Win-win" --both parties fully satisfied.

Conflict-solving(an dnegotiation) tips

Allow for negotiation:1, Frame the outcome in positive terms

                                         2, Be willing to make concessions

                                         3, Understand other's objectives

                                         4, Use deadlines to force people to action

                                         5, "Attack" issues(problems), not people

                                         6, Allow for face-saving

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