Pytorch——PyTorch Tensors Explained - Neural Network Programming

PyTorch Tensors Explained - Neural Network Programming

Instances of the torch.Tensor class

PyTorch tensors are instances of the torch.Tensor Python class. We can create a torch.Tensor object using the class constructor like so:

> t = torch.Tensor()
> type(t)

Tensor attributes

Every torch.Tensor has these attributes:

  • torch.dtype
  • torch.device
  • torch.layout
> print(t.dtype)
> print(t.device)
> print(t.layout)

Tensors have a torch.dtype

The dtype, which is torch.float32 in our case, specifies the type of the data that is contained within the tensor. Tensors contain uniform (of the same type) numerical data with one of these types:
Tensor operations between tensors must happen between tensors with the same type of data.

Tensors have a torch.device

The device, cpu in our case, specifies the device (CPU or GPU) where the tensor’s data is allocated.
This determines where tensor computations for the given tensor will be performed.
PyTorch supports the use of multiple devices, and they are specified using an index like so:

> device = torch.device('cuda:0')
> device
device(type='cuda', index=0)

Tensor operations between tensors must happen between tensors that exists on the same device.

Tensors have a torch.layout

The layout, strided in our case, specifies how the tensor is stored in memory.

Take away from the tensor attributes

As neural network programmers, we need to be aware of the following:

  1. Tensors contain data of a uniform type (dtype).
  2. Tensor computations between tensors depend on the dtype and the device.

Creating tensors using data

These are the primary ways of creating tensor objects (instances of the torch.Tensor class), with data (array-like) in PyTorch:

Here is an example:

> data = np.array([1,2,3])
> type(data)

> o1 = torch.Tensor(data)
> o2 = torch.tensor(data)
> o3 = torch.as_tensor(data)
> o4 = torch.from_numpy(data)

> print(o1)
> print(o2)
> print(o3)
> print(o4)
tensor([1., 2., 3.])
tensor([1, 2, 3], dtype=torch.int32)
tensor([1, 2, 3], dtype=torch.int32)
tensor([1, 2, 3], dtype=torch.int32)

Tensor creation operations: What’s the difference?

Uppercase/lowercase: torch.Tensor() vs torch.tensor()

The first option with the uppercase T is the constructor of the torch.Tensor class (構造器)
The second option is what we call a factory function that constructs torch.Tensor objects and returns them to the caller. (製造函數) You can think of the torch.tensor() function as a factory that builds tensors given some parameter inputs. Factory functions are a software design pattern for creating objects.

default dtype vs inferred dtype 默認數據類型和推斷得出的數據類型

> print(o1.dtype)
> print(o2.dtype)
> print(o3.dtype)
> print(o4.dtype)

The difference here arises in the fact that the torch.Tensor() constructor uses the default dtype when building the tensor. 構造器用默認數據類型創建tensor

> torch.get_default_dtype()
> o1.dtype == torch.get_default_dtype()

The other calls choose a dtype based on the incoming data. This is called type inference. The dtype is inferred based on the incoming data. 其他方式創建tensor的數據類型是基於輸入數據的,也被稱作類型引用。
Note that the dtype can also be explicitly set for these calls by specifying the dtype as an argument:

> torch.tensor(data, dtype=torch.float32)
> torch.as_tensor(data, dtype=torch.float32)

With torch.Tensor(), we are unable to pass a dtype to the constructor. This is an example of the torch.Tensor() constructor lacking in configuration options.
無法向構造器傳入數據類型,這也是構造器 缺少一個配置選項的例子
This is one of the reasons to go with the torch.tensor() factory function for creating our tensors.

Sharing memory for performance: copy vs share

Here is an example:

> data = np.array([1,2,3])
> type(data)

> o1 = torch.Tensor(data)
> o2 = torch.tensor(data)
> o3 = torch.as_tensor(data)
> o4 = torch.from_numpy(data)

> print('old:', data)
old: [1 2 3]
# 僅改變原始值,o1,o2,o3,o4不做任何變化
> data[0] = 0

> print('new:', data)
new: [0 2 3]

> print(o1)
> print(o2)
> print(o3)
> print(o4)

tensor([1., 2., 3.])
tensor([1, 2, 3], dtype=torch.int32)
tensor([0, 2, 3], dtype=torch.int32)
tensor([0, 2, 3], dtype=torch.int32)

The first two o1 and o2 still have the original value of 1 for index 0, while the second two o3 and o4 have the new value of 0 for index 0.
This happens because torch.Tensor() and torch.tensor() copy their input data while torch.as_tensor() and torch.from_numpy() share their input data in memory with the original input object.

This sharing just means that the actual data in memory exists in a single place. As a result, any changes that occur in the underlying data will be reflected in both objects, the torch.Tensor and the numpy.ndarray.
Sharing data is more efficient and uses less memory than copying data because the data is not written to two locations in memory.

If we have a torch.Tensor and we want to convert it to a numpy.ndarray, we do it like so:

> print(o3.numpy())
> print(o4.numpy())
[0 2 3]
[0 2 3]

> print(type(o3.numpy()))
> print(type(o4.numpy()))
<class 'numpy.ndarray'>
<class 'numpy.ndarray'>

This establishes that torch.as_tensor() and torch.from_numpy() both share memory with their input data. However, which one should we use, and how are they different?
The torch.from_numpy() function only accepts numpy.ndarrays, while the torch.as_tensor() function accepts a wide variety of array-like objects including other PyTorch tensors. For this reason, torch.as_tensor() is the winning choice in the memory sharing game.

Best options for creating tensors in PyTorch

These two are the best options:

  1. torch.tensor()
  2. torch.as_tensor()

The torch.tensor() call is the sort of go-to call, while torch.as_tensor() should be employed when tuning our code for performance.

Some things to keep in mind about memory sharing (it works where it can):

  1. Since numpy.ndarray objects are allocated on the CPU, the as_tensor() function must copy the data from the CPU to the GPU when a GPU is being used.
  2. The memory sharing of as_tensor() doesn’t work with built-in Python data structures like lists.
  3. The as_tensor() call requires developer knowledge of the sharing feature. This is necessary so we don’t inadvertently make an unwanted change in the underlying data without realizing the change impacts multiple objects.
  4. The as_tensor() performance improvement will be greater if there are a lot of back and forth operations between numpy.ndarray objects and tensor objects. However, if there is just a single load operation, there shouldn’t be much impact from a performance perspective.

Creation options without data

We have the torch.eye() function which returns a 2-D tensor with ones on the diagonal and zeros elsewhere. The name eye() is connected to the idea of an identity matrix , which is a square matrix with ones on the main diagonal and zeros everywhere else.返回一個對角矩陣

> print(torch.eye(2))
    [1., 0.],
    [0., 1.]

We have the torch.zeros() function that creates a tensor of zeros with the shape of specified shape argument.

> print(torch.zeros([2,2]))
    [0., 0.],
    [0., 0.]

Similarly, we have the torch.ones() function that creates a tensor of ones.

> print(torch.ones([2,2]))
    [1., 1.],
    [1., 1.]

We also have the torch.rand() function that creates a tensor with a shape of the specified argument whose values are random.

> print(torch.rand([2,2]))
    [0.0465, 0.4557],
    [0.6596, 0.0941]


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