Implement strStr()

Implement strStr().

Returns the index of the first occurrence of needle in haystack, or -1 if needle is not part of haystack.

Update (2014-11-02):

The signature of the function had been updated to return the index instead of the pointer. If you still see your function signature returns a char * or String, please click the reload button  to reset your code definition.

實際爲實現Java中indexOf(String str)方法;

package leetcode;

public class ImplementStr {

public staticint strStr(String haystack, Stringneedle) {

        int ans = 0;

        ans = haystack.indexOf(needle);

        return ans;


public staticvoid main(String[] args) {

// TODO Auto-generated method stub




package leetcode;

import java.util.Arrays;

public class ImplementStr {

public static int strStr(String haystack, String needle) {

return haystack.indexOf(needle);



* KMP算法


public int strStrByKMP(String haystack, String needle) {

int ans = -1;

// if (haystack.length() == 0) return ans;

if (needle.length() == 0)

return 0;

char[] s = haystack.toCharArray(); //source

char[] t = needle.toCharArray(); //target

int[] partialMatchTable = getPartialMatchTable(t); //部分匹配值

int i = 0;  

        int j = 0;  

        while (i <= s.length - 1 && j <= t.length - 1) {  


            if (j == -1 || s[i] == t[j]) {  



            } else {  

                j = partialMatchTable[j];  




        if (j < t.length) {  

            return -1;  

        } else  

            return i - t.length; // 返回模式串在主串中的頭下標  


private int[] getPartialMatchTable(char[] t) {

// int i = 0, j = -1;

// int [] next = new int[t.length];

// next[0] = -1;

// while(i< t.length - 1) {

// if(j == -1 || t[i] == t[j]){

// ++i;

// ++j;

// if (t[i] != t[j]) {

// next[i] = j;

// } else {

// next[i] = next[j];

// }

// }

// else

// j = next[j];

// }

// System.out.println(Arrays.toString(next));

// return next;

// int i = 0, j = -1;

// int [] next = new int[t.length];

// next[0] = -1;

// while(i < t.length - 1) {

// if(j == -1 || t[i] == t[j]){

// ++i;

// ++j;

// next[i] = j;

// }

// else

// j = next[j];

// }

// System.out.println(Arrays.toString(next));

// return next;

int[] next = new int[t.length];

next[0] = -1;

int i = 0;

int j = -1;

while (i < t.length - 1) {

if (j == -1 || t[i] == t[j]) {



if (t[i] != t[j]) {

next[i] = j;

} else {

next[i] = next[j];


} else {

j = next[j];




return next;


public static void main(String[] args) {

// TODO Auto-generated method stub

System.out.println(strStr("mississippi", "pi"));

System.out.println(new ImplementStr().strStrByKMP("mississippi", "pi"));



模式串      a b a a b c a c

   next值      0 1 1 2 2 3 1 2

   nextval值 0  1   0  2  1  3   0  2

[-1, 0, -1, 1, 0, 2, -1, 1]




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