面向對象軟件構造(第2版)-第7章 靜態結構: 類 (上)

Examining the software engineering background of our discussion, you have seen the reasons for demanding a better approach to modular design: reusability and extendibility.<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />



You have realized the limitations of traditional approaches: centralized architectures limiting flexibility. You have discovered the theory behind the object-oriented approach: abstract data types. You have heard enough about the problems. On to the solution!



This chapter and the others in part C introduce the fundamental techniques of object-oriented analysis, design and programming. As we go along, we will develop the necessary notation.



Our first task is to examine the basic building blocks: classes.




7.1 對象不是主題


What is the central concept of object technology?



Think twice before you answer “object”. Objects are useful, but they are not new. Ever since Cobol has had structures; ever since Pascal has had records; ever since the first C programmer wrote the first C structure definition, humanity has had objects.



Objects remain important to describe the execution of an O-O system. But the basic notion, from which everything in object technology derives, is class, previewed in the preceding chapter. Here again is the definition:



<?xml:namespace prefix = v ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml" />

Definition: class

A class is an abstract data type equipped with a possibly partial implementation.




<?xml:namespace prefix = w ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:word" />


Abstract data types are a mathematical notion, suitable for the specification stage (also called analysis). Because it introduces implementations, partial or total, the notion of class establishes the necessary link with software construction — design and implementation. Remember that a class is said to be effective if the implementation is total, deferred otherwise.

抽象數據類型是一個數學上的概念,適用於規格階段也叫分析階段 因爲它引進了部份或完全實現,所以類的概念建立了軟件構造——設計和實現之間的必然聯繫。記住,如果實現是完全的,類被認爲是有效的,否則爲延期的。


Like an ADT, a class is a type: it describes a set of possible data structures, called the instances of the class. Abstract data types too have instances; the difference is that an instance of an ADT is a purely mathematical element (a member of some mathematical set), whereas an instance of a class is a data structure that may be represented in the memory of a computer and manipulated by a software system.



For example if we have defined a class STACK by taking the ADT specification of the previous chapter and adding adequate representation information, the instances of that class will be data structures representing individual stacks. Another example, developed in the rest of this chapter, is a class POINT modeling the notion of point in a two dimensional space, under some appropriate representation; an instance of that class is a data structure representing a point. Under one of the representations studied below, the cartesian representation, each instance of POINT is a record with two fields representing the horizontal and vertical coordinates, x and y, of a point.



The definition of “class” yields as a byproduct a definition of “object”. An object is simply an instance of some class. For example an instance of class STACK — a data structure representing a particular stack — is an object; so is an instance of class POINT, representing a particular point in two-dimensional space.



The software texts that serve to produce systems are classes. Objects are a run-time notion only: they are created and manipulated by the software during its execution.



The present chapter is devoted to the basic mechanisms for writing software elements and combining them into systems; as a consequence, its focus is on classes. In the next chapter, we will explore the run-time structures generated by an object-oriented system; this will require us to study some implementation issues and to take a closer look at the nature of objects.




7.2 避免一般性的混亂


A class is a model, and an object is an instance of such a model. This property is so obvious that it would normally deserve no comments beyond the preceding definitions; but is has been the victim of so much confusion in the more careless segment of the literature that we must take some time to clarify the obvious. (If you feel that you are immune to such a danger, and have avoided exposure to sloppy object-oriented teaching, you may wish to skip this section altogether as it essentially belabors the obvious.)



What would you think of this?



Among the countries in Europe we may identify the Italian. The Italian has a mountain chain running through him North-South and he likes good cooking, often using olive oil. His climate is of the Mediterranean type, and he speaks a beautifully musical language.



If someone in a sober state talked or wrote to you in this fashion, you might suspect a new neurological disease, the inability to distinguish between categories (such as the Italian nation) and individuals members of these categories (such as individual Italians), reason enough to give to the ambulance driver the address of Dr. Sacks’s New York clinic.

如果有人在清醒的狀態下用這種方式和您交談話或寫信給您,您也許懷疑一個新的神經病人,他喪失了在範疇如意大利國家這些範疇中的獨立個體獨立的意大利人之間的區別能力,有足夠的原因把他交給救護車司機送往Dr. Sacks紐約診所。


Yet in the object-oriented software literature similar confusions are common. Consider the following extract from a popular book on O-O analysis, which uses the example of an interactive system to discuss how to identify abstractions:



[W]e might identify a “User” Object in a problem space where the system does not need to keep any information about the user. In this case, the system does not need the usual identification number, name, access privilege, and the like. However, the system does need to monitor the user, responding to requests and providing timely information. And so, because of required Services on behalf of the real world thing (in this case, User), we need to add a corresponding Object to the model of the problem space.



In the same breath this text uses the word objects, user and thing in two meanings belonging to entirely different levels of abstraction:



• A typical user of the interactive system under discussion.



• The concept of user in general.



Although this is probably a slip of terminology (a peccadillo which few people can claim never to have committed) rather than a true confusion on the authors’ part, it is unfortunately representative of how some of the literature deals with the model-instance distinction. If you start the study of a new method with this kind of elementary mix-up, real or apparent, you are not likely to obtain a rational approach to software construction.



The mold and the instance



Take this book — the copy which you are currently reading. Consider it as an object in the common sense of the term. It has its own individual features: the copy may be brand new, or already thumbed by previous readers; perhaps you wrote your name on the first page; or it belongs to a library and has a local identification code impressed on its spine.



The basic properties of the book, however, such as its title, publisher, author and contents, are determined by a general description which applies to every individual copy: the book is entitled Object-Oriented Software Construction, it is published by Prentice Hall, it talks about the object-oriented method, and so on. This set of properties defines not an object but a class of objects (also called, in this case, the type of these objects; for the time being the notions of type and class may be considered synonymous).

然而,書的基本屬性,例如它的標題,出版商,作者和內容,取決於應用到每個單獨拷貝上的通用描述:書名爲面向對象軟件構造,它由Prentice Hall出版,它談論面向對象的方法,等等。這些屬性集合定義了不是一個對象,而是對象的一個類(在這種情況中也叫這些對象的類型type);暫時把類型和類兩個概念認爲是同義詞)。


Call the class OOSC. It defines a certain mold. Objects built from this mold, such as your copy of the book, are called instances of the class. Another example of mold would be the plaster cast that a sculptor makes to obtain an inverted version of the design for a set of identical statues; any statue derived from the cast is an instance of the mold.



In the quotation from The Name of the Rose which opens part C, the Master is explaining how he was able to determine, from traces of the snow, that Brownie, the Abbot’s horse, earlier walked here. Brownie is an instance of the class of all horses. The sign on the snow, although imprinted by one particular instance, includes only enough information to determine the class (horse), not its identity (Brownie). Since the class, like the sign, identifies all horses rather than a particular horse, the extract calls it a sign too.

C部分的引文The Name of the Rose,導師解釋了他如何能從雪的痕跡中確定Abbot的馬Brownie先前從這裏走過。Brownie是所有馬的類的一個實例。雪上的標記,雖然由一個特殊的實例留下的,但是其包括的信息只能夠用來確定類(馬),而不是它的特徵(Brownie)。由於類就象標誌一樣識別所有的馬而不是一匹特殊的馬,所以節選引文也稱它爲標誌。


Exactly the same concepts apply to software objects. What you will write in your software systems is the description of classes, such as a class LINKED_STACK describing properties of stacks in a certain representation. Any particular execution of your system may use the classes to create objects (data structures); each such object is derived from a class, and is called an instance of that class. For example the execution may create a linked stack object, derived from the description given in class LINKED_STACK; such an object is an instance of class LINKED_STACK.



The class is a software text. It is static; in other words, it exists independently of any execution. In contrast, an object derived from that class is a dynamically created data structure, existing only in the memory of a computer during the execution of a system.



This, of course, is in line with the earlier discussion of abstract data types: when specifying STACK as an ADT, we did not describe any particular stack, but the general notion of stack, a mold from which one can derive individual instances ad libitum.



The statements “x is an instance of T” and “x is an object of type T” will be considered synonymous for this discussion.



With the introduction of inheritance we will need to distinguish between the direct instances of a class (built from the exact pattern defined by the class) and its instances in the more general sense (direct instances of the class or any of its specializations).

隨着繼承的介紹,我們需要區別類的直接實例direct instances(從由類定義的精確模式中構建)和常規意義上的實例(類的直接實例或任何類的特化)。





Why would so many books and articles confuse two so clearly different notions as class and object? One reason — although not an excuse — is the appeal of the word “object”, a simple term from everyday language. But it is misleading. As we already saw in the discussion of seamlessness, although some of the objects (class instances) which O-O systems manipulate are the computer representations of objects in the usual sense of the term, such as documents, bank accounts or airplanes, many others have no existence outside of the software; they include in particular the objects introduced for design and implementation purposes — instances of classes such as STATE or LINKED_LIST.



Another possible source of confusion between objects and classes is that in some cases we may need to treat classes themselves as objects. This need arises only in special contexts, and is mainly relevant to developers of object-oriented development environments. For example a compiler or interpreter for an O-O language will manipulate data structures representing classes written in that language. The same would hold of other tools such as a browser (a tool used to locate classes and find out about their properties) or a configuration management system. If you produce such tools, you will create objects that represent classes.



Pursuing an analogy used earlier, we may compare this situation to that of a Prentice Hall employee who is in charge of preparing the catalog of software engineering titles. For the catalog writer, OOSC, the concept behind this book, is an object — an instance of a class “catalog entry”. In contrast, for the reader of the book, that concept is a class, of which the reader’s particular copy is an instance.

繼續使用先前用過的類比們可以拿這個情況與負責準備軟件工程書目目錄的Prentice Hall僱員相比較。對於目錄作者,本書OOSC之後的概念是一個對象——目錄條目的實例。相反,對於本書的讀者而言,那個概念是類,讀者的個人拷貝纔是實例。


Some object-oriented languages, notably Smalltalk, have introduced a notion of metaclass to handle this kind of situation. A metaclass is a class whose instances are themselves classes — what the Name of the Rose extract called “signs of signs”.

一些面向對象的語言,特別象Smalltalk,引進了元類(metaclass)的概念來處理這類情況。一個元類是一個類,類的實例是類的本身——就是Name of the Rose節選中所說的“標誌的標誌”。


We will avoid metaclasses in this presentation, however, since they bring more problems than benefits. In particular, the addition of metaclasses makes it difficult to have static type checking, a required condition of the production of reliable software. The main applications of metaclasses are better obtained through other mechanisms anyway:



• You can use metaclasses to make a set of features available to many or all classes. We will achieve the same result by arranging the inheritance structure so that all classes are descendants of a general-purpose, customizable class ANY, containing the declarations of universal features.



• A few operations may be viewed as characterizing a class rather than its instances, justifying their inclusion as features of a metaclass. But these operations are few and known; the most obvious one is object creation — sufficiently important to deserve a special language construct, the creation instruction. (Other such operations, such as object duplication, will be covered by features of class ANY.)



• There remains the use of metaclasses to obtain information about a class, such as a browser may need: name of the class, list of features, list of parents, list of suppliers etc. But we do not need metaclasses for that. It will suffice to devise a library class, E_CLASS, so that each instance of E_CLASS represents a class and its properties. When we create such an instance, we pass to the creation instruction an argument representing a certain class C; then by applying the various features of E_CLASS to that instance, we can learn all about C.



In practice, then, we can do without a separate concept of metaclass. But even in a method, language or environment that would support this notion, the presence of metaclasses is no excuse for confusing molds and their instances — classes and objects.




7.3 類的角色


Having taken the time to remove an absurd but common and damaging confusion, we may now come back to the central properties of classes, and in particular study why they are so important to object technology.



To understand the object-oriented approach, it is essential to realize that classes play two roles which pre-O-O approaches had always treated as separate: module and type.



Modules and types



Programming languages and other notations used in software development (design languages, specification languages, graphical notations for analysis) always include both some module facility and some type system.



A module is a unit of software decomposition. Various forms of module, such as routines and packages, were studied in an earlier chapter. Regardless of the exact choice of module structure, we may call the notion of module a syntactic concept, since the decomposition into modules only affects the form of software texts, not what the software can do; it is indeed possible in principle to write any Ada program as a single package, or any Pascal program as a single main program. Such an approach is not recommended, of course, and any competent software developer will use the module facilities of the language at hand to decompose his software into manageable pieces. But if we take an existing program, for example in Pascal, we can always merge all the modules into a single one, and still get a working system with equivalent semantics. (The presence of recursive routines makes the conversion process less trivial, but does not fundamentally affect this discussion.) So the practice of decomposing into modules is dictated by sound engineering and project management principles rather than intrinsic necessity.



Types, at first sight, are a quite different concept. A type is the static description of certain dynamic objects: the various data elements that will be processed during the execution of a software system. The set of types usually includes predefined types such as INTEGER and CHARACTER as well as developer-defined types: record types (also known as structure types), pointer types, set types (as in Pascal), array types and others. The notion of type is a semantic concept, since every type directly influences the execution of a software system by defining the form of the objects that the system will create and manipulate at run time.

首先,類型是完全不同的概念。 類型是某些動態對象的靜態描述:在軟件系統的執行中被處理的各種各樣的數據元素。類型集合通常包括預定義類型,例如INTEGER CHARACTER 開發者定義的類型:記錄類型(或是結構類型),指針類型,集合類型(如在Pascal中所用),數組類型和其它。類型的概念是一個語義(semantic概念,這是由於通過定義在運行期間系統將創建並且操作的對象形式,每個類型直接地影響軟件系統的執行。


The class as module and type



In non-O-O approaches, the module and type concepts remain distinct. The most remarkable property of the notion of class is that it subsumes these two concepts, merging them into a single linguistic construct. A class is a module, or unit of software decomposition; but it is also a type (or, in cases involving genericity, a type pattern).



Much of the power of the object-oriented method derives from this identification. Inheritance, in particular, can only be understood fully if we look at it as providing both module extension and type specialization.



What is not clear yet is how it is possible in practice to unify two concepts which appear at first so distant. The discussion and examples in the rest of this chapter will answer this question.


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