面向對象軟件構造(第2版)-第4章 複用性方法Approaches to reusability (中)


4.4 非技術障礙


Why then is reuse not more common?



Most of the serious impediments to reuse are technical removing them will be the subject of the following sections of this chapter (and of much of the rest of this book). But of course there are also some organizational, economical and political obstacles.



The NIH syndrome



An often quoted psychological obstacle to reuse is the famous Not Invented Here (“NIH”) syndrome. Software developers, it is said, are individualists, who prefer to redo everything by themselves rather than rely on someone else’s work.



This contention (commonly heard in managerial circles) is not borne out by experience. Software developers do not like useless work more than anyone else. When a good, well-publicized and easily accessible reusable solution is available, it gets reused.



Consider the typical case of lexical and syntactic analysis. Using parser generators such as the Lex-Yacc combination, it is much easier to produce a parser for a command language or a simple programming language than if you must program it from scratch. The result is clear: where such tools are available, competent software developers routinely reuse them. Writing your own tailor-made parser still makes sense in some cases, since the tools mentioned have their limitations. But the developers’ reaction is usually to go by default to one of these tools it is when you want to use a solution not based on the reusable mechanisms that you have to argue for it. This may in fact cause a new syndrome, the reverse of NIH, which we may call HIN (Habit Inhibiting Novelty): a useful but limited reusable solution, so entrenched that it narrows the developers’ outlook and stifles innovation, becomes counter-productive. Try to convince some Unix developers to use a parser generator other than Yacc, and you may encounter HIN first-hand.

考慮一下詞彙語法分析的典型情況.使用如Lex-Yacc組合這樣的解析生成器,對一個命令語言或一個簡單的程序語言產生一個解析器(parser),比您必須從頭開發它更加容易.結果很清楚:當能利用這樣的工具時,能幹的軟件開發者就會照例複用它們.由於這些所提及的工具有其侷限性,寫您自己度身訂做的解析器在一些情況下仍然是有道理的.但是開發者通常是這些工具沒有替代產品纔會去做;而且這是當您使用了一個並不基於複用機制的解決方案的時候,您也不得不同意. 事實上這可能引起一種新的併發症,和NIH相反,我們可以稱之爲HIN(Habit Inhibiting Novelty墨守成規):一種有用但是有限的複用解決方案,如此難以改變導致了開發者的視野狹窄並扼殺革新,成爲反生產力.試着讓一些Unix開發者除了Yacc之外去使用另一個解析器,您也許就會直徑遇到HIN.

[注] LexYaccUnix/Linux上的詞法語法分析代碼生成工具,可以用來編寫編譯程序和解釋程序,同時也可用於其它需要對結構化輸入生成解析工具的場合。


Something which may externally look like NIH does exist, but often it is simply the developers’ understandably cautious reaction to new and unknown components. They may fear that bugs or other problems will be more difficult to correct than with a solution over which they have full control. Often such fears are justified by unfortunate earlier attempts at reusing components, especially if they followed from a management mandate to reuse at all costs, not accompanied by proper quality checks. If the new components are of good quality and provide a real service, fears will soon disappear.

可能從外表看起來NIH好象並不存在,但是通常它只是開發者對新的和未知的組件的一種可理解的謹慎的反應.相比一個他們能完全控制的解決方案而言,他們可能害怕修改錯誤或其它的問題會更加困難.通常這樣的擔心在先前嘗試複用組件時被不幸地證明了,尤其是如果他們聽從一個管理命令不惜任何代價的去複用, 同時卻不做正確的品質檢查.但如果新組件是有良好的品質並且提供確實的服務,那麼恐懼就會很快地消失掉.


What this means for the producer of reusable components is that quality is even more important here than for more ordinary forms of software. If the cost of a non-reusable, one-of-a-kind solution is N, the cost R of a solution relying on reusable components is never zero: there is a learning cost, at least the first time developers may have to bend their software to accommodate the components and they must write some interfacing software, however small, to call them. So even if the reusability savings


r =    ------


and other benefits of reuse are potentially great, you must also convince the candidate reusers that the reusable solution’s quality is good enough to justify relinquishing control.



r =    ------




This explains why it is a mistake to target a company’s reusability policy to the potential reusers (the consumers, that is to say the application developers). Instead you should put the heat on the producers, including people in charge of acquiring external components, to ensure the quality and usefulness of their offering. Preaching reuse to application developers, as some companies do by way of reusability policy, is futile: because application developers are ultimately judged by how effectively they produce their applications, they should and will reuse not because you tell them to but because you have done a good enough job with the reusable components (developed or acquired) that it will be profitable for their applications to rely on these components.

這解釋了爲什麼把公司的複用性政策對準潛在的複用者(消費者,也就是應用程序開發者)是個錯誤.相反的,您應該把精力放在生產者身上以確定他們所提供的品質和有效性,這包括掌管獲取外部組件的人.對應用程序開發者鼓吹複用是沒有效果的,就如一些公司複用性政策所做的: 因爲他們編寫的應用程序的有效性纔對應用程序開發者作出最終判斷,他們應該並將會採取複用,不是因爲您告訴他們要用而是因爲您利用可複用的組件(自己開發的或從外面獲得的)完成了一個相當出色的工作,要是把他們的應用程序建立在這些組件之上會是有利可圖的.


The economics of procurement



A potential obstacle to reuse comes from the procurement policy of many large corporations and government organizations, which tends to impede reusability efforts by focusing on short-term costs. US regulations, for example, make it hard for a government agency to pay a contractor for work that was not explicitly commissioned (normally as part of a Request For Proposals). Such rules come from a legitimate concern to protect taxpayers or shareholders, but can also discourage software builders from applying the crucial effort of generalization to transform good software into reusable components.

複用的一個潛在的障礙來自許多大的公司和政府機構的採購政策,因關注短期的費用而妨礙了複用性的成果.例如,美國法規使政府機關對沒被明確委任工作的承包商支付費用很困難(通常爲徵求建議書(Request For Proposals, RFP)的一部份).這樣的規則來自於對保護納稅人或股東的合法考慮,但是也阻止了軟件構建者應用至關重要的泛化(generalization)成果把好的軟件轉變成可複用的組件.


On closer examination this obstacle does not look so insurmountable. As the concern for reusability spreads, there is nothing to prevent the commissioning agency from including in the RFP itself the requirement that the solution must be general-purpose and reusable, and the description of how candidate solutions will be evaluated against these criteria. Then the software developers can devote the proper attention to the generalization task and be paid for it.



Software companies and their strategies



Even if customers play their part in removing obstacles to reuse, a potential problem remains on the side of the contractors themselves. For a software company, there is a constant temptation to provide solutions that are purposely not reusable, for fear of not getting the next job from the customer — because if the result of the current job is too widely applicable the customer may not need a next job!



I once heard a remarkably candid expose of this view after giving a talk on reuse and object technology. A high-level executive from a major software house came to tell me that, although intellectually he admired the ideas, he would never implement them in his own company, because that would be killing the goose that laid the golden egg: more than 90% of the company’s business derived from renting manpower — providing analysts and programmers on assignment to customers — and the management’s objective was to bring the figure to 100%. With such an outlook on software engineering, one is not likely to greet with enthusiasm the prospect of widely available libraries of reusable components.



The comment was notable for its frankness, but it triggered the obvious retort: if it is at all possible to build reusable components to replace some of the expensive services of a software house’s consultants, sooner or later someone will build them. At that time a company that has refused to take this route, and is left with nothing to sell but its consultants’ services, may feel sorry for having kept its head buried in the sand.



It is hard not to think here of the many engineering disciplines that used to be heavily labor-intensive but became industrialized, that is to say tool-based — with painful economic consequences for companies and countries that did not understand early enough what was happening. To a certain extent, object technology is bringing a similar change to the software trade. The choice between people and tools need not, however, be an exclusive one. The engineering part of software engineering is not identical to that of mass-production industries humans will likely continue to play the key role in the software construction process. The aim of reuse is not to replace humans by tools (which is often, in spite of all claims, what has happened in other disciplines) but to change the distribution of what we entrust to humans and to tools. So the news is not all bad for a software company that has made its name through its consultants. In particular:



• In many cases developers using sophisticated reusable components may still benefit from the help of experts, who can advise them on how best to use the components. This leaves a meaningful role for software houses and their consultants.



• As will be discussed below, reusability is inseparable from extendibility: good reusable components will still be open for adaptation to specific cases. Consultants from a company that developed a library are in an ideal position to perform such tuning for individual customers. So selling components and selling services are not necessarily exclusive activities a components business can serve as a basis for a service business.



• More generally, a good reusable library can play a strategic role in the policy of a successful software company, even if the company sells specific solutions rather than the library itself, and uses the library for internal purposes only. If the library covers the most common needs and provides an extendible basis for the more advanced cases, it can enable the company to gain a competitive edge in certain application areas by developing tailored solutions to customers’ needs, faster and at lower cost than competitors who cannot rely on such a ready-made basis.



Accessing components



Another argument used to justify skepticism about reuse is the difficulty of the component management task: progress in the production of reusable software, it is said, would result in developers being swamped by so many components as to make their life worse than if the components were not available.

常用來對有關複用的懷疑進行驗證的另一個論據,是組件管理工作的困難性: 據說在可複用的軟件產品的發展中,導致開發者陷入困境的是有太多的組件使他們變得更糟,而不是組件無法使用.


Cast in a more positive style, this comment should be understood as a warning to developers of reusable software that the best reusable components in the world are useless if nobody knows they exist, or if it takes too much time and effort to obtain them. The practical success of reusability techniques requires the development of adequate databases of components, which interested developers may search by appropriate keywords to find out quickly whether some existing component satisfies a particular need. Network services must also be available, allowing electronic ordering and immediate downloading of selected components.

用一種較積極的態度來說,對於可複用的軟件開發者,應該把這個評論當成一個警告: 如果沒人知道它們的存在,或花了過多的時間和努力來獲取它們,那麼就算是世界上最好的可複用組件也根本無用.複用性技術的實際成功表明,這需要發展足夠的組件數據庫,讓感興趣的開發者可以通過適當的關鍵字快速查找以發現是否有存在的組件滿足特定的需求.網絡服務也應該可以利用,允許電子訂購併立即下載所挑選的組件.


These goals do raise technical and organizational problems. But we must keep things in proportion. Indexing, retrieving and delivering reusable components are engineering issues, to which we can apply known tools, in particular database technology there is no reason why software components should be more difficult to manage than customer records, flight information or library books.



Reusability discussions used to delve forever into the grave question “how in the world are we going to make the components available to developers?”. After the advances in networking of the past few years, such debates no longer appear so momentous. With the World-Wide Web, in particular, have appeared powerful search tools (AltaVista, Yahoo¼) which have made it far easier to locate useful information, either on the Internet or on a company’s Intranet. Even more advanced solutions (produced, one may expect, with the help of object technology) will undoubtedly follow. All this makes it increasingly clear that the really hard part of progress in reusability lies not in organizing reusable components, but in building the wretched things in the first place.



A note about component indexing



On the matter of indexing and retrieving components, a question presents itself, at the borderline between technical and organizational issues: how should we associate indexing information, such as keywords, with software components?

在索引和檢索組件的內容上,一個問題出現在技術和組織的論點之間的分界線上: 我們如何應該關聯像關鍵字這樣的索引信息和軟件組件?


The Self-Documentation principle suggests that, as much as possible, information about a module — indexing information as well as other forms of module documentation — should appear in the module itself rather than externally. This leads to an important requirement on the notation that will be developed in part C of this book to write software components, called classes. Regardless of the exact form of these classes, we must equip ourselves with a mechanism to attach indexing information to each component.



The syntax is straightforward. At the beginning of a module text, you will be invited to write an indexing clause of the form


index_word1: value, value, value¼

index_word2: value, value, value¼


¼ Normal module definition (see part C) ¼


Each index_word is an identifier each value is a constant (integer, real etc.), an identifier, or some other basic lexical element.

這個語法簡單易懂. 在模塊代碼的開頭,您要先聲明索引子句(indexing clause)


index_word1: value, value, value¼

index_word2: value, value, value¼


¼ Normal module definition (see part C) ¼

每個index_word是一個標識符; 每個value是一個常量(整數,實數等等), 標識符,或其它的基本語法元素.


There is no particular constraint on index words and values, but an industry, a standards group, an organization or a project may wish to define their own conventions. Indexing and retrieval tools can then extract this information to help software developers find components satisfying certain criteria.



As we saw in the discussion of Self-Documentation, storing such information in the module itself — rather than in an outside document or database — decreases the likelihood of including wrong information, and in particular of forgetting to update the information when updating the module (or conversely). Indexing clauses, modest as they may seem, play a major role in helping developers keep their software organized and register its properties so that others can find out about it.



Formats for reusable component distribution



Another question straddling the technical-organizational line is the form under which we should distribute reusable components: source or binary? This is a touchy issue, so we will limit ourselves to examining a few of the arguments on both sides.

橫跨在技術-組織的界線上的另外一個問題是我們所發佈的可複用組件的格式: 源代碼或二進制碼? 這是一個敏感的話題,因此我們將有限地討論兩方中的一些論點.


For a professional, for-profit software developer, it often seems desirable to provide buyers of reusable components with an interface description (the short form discussed in a later chapter) and the binary code for their platform of choice, but not the source form.This protects the developer’s investment and trade secrets.

對於一個專業的,非盈利的軟件開發者來說,提供給買主的可複用組件具有一個接口描述(簡易格式(short form),在稍後的章節中討論)和相關平臺的二進制代碼,而不是源代碼形式,這通常看上去是很合理的.這保護了開發者的投資和商業祕密.


Binary is indeed the preferred form of distribution for commercial application programs, operating systems and other tools, including compilers, interpreters and development environments for object-oriented languages. In spite of recurring attacks on the very idea, emanating in particular from an advocacy group called the League for Programming Freedom, this mode of commercial software distribution is unlikely to recede much in the near future. But the present discussion is not about ordinary tools or application programs: it is about libraries of reusable software components. In that case one can also find some arguments in favor of source distribution.

對於商業應用程序,操作系統和其它的工具,包括面嚮對象語言的編譯器,解釋器和開發環境而言,二進制代碼的確是發佈的首選形式.儘管遭到不斷的抨擊,特別是來自一個被稱爲自由編程協會(League for Programming Freedom)的擁護組織,但這個商業軟件發佈的形式在不久的將來不太可能會改變.但是目前的討論並不涉及通常的工具或是應用程序:它是有關於可複用的軟件組件庫.在那種情況下也能找到一些論據來支持源代碼發佈.


[注] 自由編程協會(League for Programming Freedom) 是一民間組織,由教授,學生,經商者,程序員,用戶和軟件公司組成,獻身於重新得到編寫程序的自由.該協會並不反對議會所希望的法律系統一一個體程序的版權。該協會的目標是扭轉由特殊利益引起的判決所造成的變化(有關軟件的版權).


For the component producer, an advantage of source distribution is that it eases porting efforts. You stay away from the tedious and unrewarding task of adapting software to the many incompatible platforms that exist in today’s computer world, relying instead on the developers of object-oriented compilers and environments to do the job for you. (For the consumer this is of course a counter-argument, as installation from source will require more work and may cause unforeseen errors.)



Some compilers for object-oriented languages may let you retain some of the portability benefit without committing to full source availability: if the compiler uses C as intermediate generated code, as is often the case today, you can usually substitute portable C code for binary code. It is then not difficult to devise a tool that obscures the C form, making it almost as difficult to reverse-engineer as a binary form.



Also note that at various stages in the history of software, dating back to UNCOL (UNiversal COmputing Language) in the late fifties, people have been defining low-level instruction formats that could be interpreted on any platform, and hence could provide a portable target for compilers. The ACE consortium of hardware and software companies was formed in 1988 for that purpose. Together with the Java language has come the notion of Java bytecode, for which interpreters are being developed on a number of platforms. But for the component producer such efforts at first represent more work, not less: until you have the double guarantee that the new format is available on every platform of interest and that it executes target code as fast as platform-specific solutions, you cannot forsake the old technology, and must simply add the new target code format to those you already support. So a solution that is advertized as an end-all to all portability problems actually creates, in the short term, more portability problems.

同時也要注意在軟件歷史的各種不同階段中,遠在五十年代的UNCOL時期(通用計算語言UNiversal COmputing Language),人們就已經定義了低級指令格式以便能在任何的平臺上解釋,想從此可以對編譯器提供一個可移植的標準.爲了這個目的,1988年成立了包括硬件和軟件公司在內的ACE聯盟.加之JAVA語言帶來了JAVA字節碼的觀念,解釋器正在許多的平臺上被開發.但對於組件作者,這樣的話在開始會需要做更多的工作,而非減少:除非您加倍保證新格式在每個重要的平臺上都同樣有效,並且運行目標代碼就像在特定平臺的解決方案一樣快速,那麼在此之前,您就不能放棄舊有的技術,還必須能輕鬆地把新的目標代碼格式加入到您已經支持的平臺上.因此,就眼前來說,一個號稱能解決所有的移植性問題的解決方案實際上可能產生更多的移植性問題.


[注]60年代,計算機界有過面向通用計算機的統一語言(Universal Computer Oriented Language,UNCOL)用虛擬機實現統一編譯的思想,即各種語言都編譯到UNCOL,然後在本地機上實現UNCOL,但後來沒有流行起來.現在一般還都是針對具體機器、具體的操作系統研製特定語言的編譯系統.


Perhaps more significant, as an argument for source code distribution, is the observation that attempts to protect invention and trade secrets by removing the source form of the implementation may be of limited benefit anyway. Much of the hard work in the construction of a good reusable library lies not in the implementation but in the design of the components’ interfaces and that is the part that you are bound to release anyway. This is particularly clear in the world of data structures and algorithms, where most of the necessary techniques are available in the computing science literature. To design a successful library, you must embed these techniques in modules whose interface will make them useful to the developers of many different applications. This interface design is part of what you must release to the world.



Also note that, in the case of object-oriented modules, there are two forms of component reuse: as a client or, as studied in later chapters, through inheritance. The second form combines reuse with adaptation. Interface descriptions (short forms) are sufficient for client reuse, but not always for inheritance reuse.

也要注意,在面向對象模塊的情況下,有二種組件複用的形式:客戶端複用或經由繼承複用,後者在稍後的章節中學到.第二種形式結合了複用和修改.接口描述 (簡易格式)對客戶端複用是足夠了的,但對繼承複用卻不.


Finally, the educational side: distributing the source of library modules is a good way to provide models of the producer’s best engineering, useful to encourage consumers to develop their own software in a consistent style. We saw earlier that the resulting standardization is one of the benefits of reusability. Some of it will remain even if client developers only have access to the interfaces but nothing beats having the full text.



Be sure to note that even if source is available it should not serve as the primary documentation tool: for that role, we continue to use the module interface.



This discussion has touched on some delicate economic issues, which condition in part the advent of an industry of software components and, more generally, the progress of the software field. How do we provide developers with a fair reward for their efforts and an acceptable degree of protection for their inventions, without hampering the legitimate interests of users? Here are two opposite views:

這個討論已經略微提及了一些微妙的經濟議題,即軟件組件工業出現的部份條件,更概括的講,是軟件領域進步的部份條件.我們如何提供給開發者一個公平的報答,對他們所做的努力,並以一種可接受的程度保護他們的發明,而不阻礙用戶的合法興趣? 這裏有二個對立的觀點:


• At one end of the spectrum you will find the positions of the League for Programming Freedom: all software should be free and available in source form.

在其中的一方,您可以找到自由編程協會的態度: 所有軟件應該是免費的並能得到源代碼形式.


• At the other end you have the idea of superdistribution, advocated by Brad Cox in several articles and a book. Superdistribution would allow users to duplicate software freely, charging them not for the purchase but instead for each use. Imagine a little counter attached to each software component, which rings up a few pennies every time you make use of the component, and sends you a bill at the end of the month. This seems to preclude distribution in source form, since it would be too easy to remove the counting instructions. Although JEIDA, a Japanese consortium of electronics companies, is said to be working on hardware and software mechanisms to support the concept, and although Cox has recently been emphasizing enforcement mechanisms built on regulations (like copyright) rather than technological devices, superdistribution still raises many technical, logistic, economic and psychological questions.

在另一方,您會得到一個超發佈(superdistribution)的觀念,這是Brad Cox在一些文章和書中所主張的.超發佈允許用戶免費地複製軟件,在每次使用時付費而不是在購買時.設想一個小的計數器附在每個軟件組件上,每一次在您使用組件時記入一些美分,到月底時送您一份帳單.由於發佈源代碼很容易讓人刪除計數指令,所以這似乎排除了這種形式.雖然JEIDA,一個日本電子公司協會,據稱正在以硬件軟件結合的機制支持這種觀念,並且Cox最近一直在強調執行機制建立在規則上(類似版權)而非技術裝置上,但是超發佈仍然引起了許多技術上的,邏輯上的,經濟上的和心理學上的問題.


An assessment



Any comprehensive approach to reusability must, along with the technical aspects, deal with the organizational and economical issues: making reusability part of the software development culture, finding the right cost structure and the right format for component distribution, providing the appropriate tools for indexing and retrieving components. Not surprisingly, these issues have been the focus of some of the main reusability initiatives from governments and large corporations, such as the STARS program of the US Department of Defense (Software Technology for Adaptable, Reliable Systems) and the “software factories” installed by some large Japanese companies.

任何複用性的綜合方案,連同技術方面一起,都會涉及組織和經濟方面的議題:使複用性成爲軟件開發文化的一部分,找出組件發佈的合理費用結構和正確格式,爲索引和檢索組件提供適當的工具.並不令人驚訝的是,這些議題已經是一些主要的複用性行動的中心,其來自於政府和大型公司,像是美國國防部的STARTS程序(可適應的,可靠的系統之軟件技術Software Technology for Adaptable, Reliable Systems)和被一些大型日本公司建立的"軟件工廠".


Important as these questions are in the long term, they should not detract our attention from the main roadblocks, which are still technical. Success in reuse requires the right modular structures and the construction of quality libraries containing the tens of thousands of components that the industry needs.



The rest of this chapter concentrates on the first of these questions it examines why common notions of module are not appropriate for large-scale reusability, and defines the requirements that a better solution — developed in the following chapters — must satisfy.




4.5 技術問題


What should a reusable module look like?



Change and constancy



Software development, it was mentioned above, involves much repetition. To understand the technical difficulties of reusability we must understand the nature of that repetition.



Such an analysis reveals that although programmers do tend to do the same kinds of things time and time again, these are not exactly the same things. If they were, the solution would be easy, at least on paper but in practice so many details may change as to defeat any simple-minded attempt at capturing the commonality.



A telling analogy is provided by the works of the Norwegian painter Edvard Munch, the majority of which may be seen in the museum dedicated to him in Oslo, the birthplace of Simula. Munch was obsessed with a small number of profound, essential themes: love, anguish, jealousy, dance, death¼ He drew and painted them endlessly, using the same pattern each time, but continually changing the technical medium, the colors, the emphasis, the size, the light, the mood.

一個生動的類比是由挪威畫家Edvard Munch的作品所提供的,其中大多數在奧斯陸的博物館中能看到,這也是Simula的誕生地. Munch迷於少數深刻,本質的主題: 愛,苦悶,妒忌,跳舞,死亡他不斷地汲取和繪畫它們,在每段時間內使用相同的圖案,但是不斷地變更技術媒介,顏色,重點,大小,光,情緒等等.


Such is the software engineer’s plight: time and again composing a new variation that elaborates on the same basic themes.



Take the example mentioned at the beginning of this chapter: table searching. True, the general form of a table searching algorithm is going to look similar each time: start at some position in the table t then begin exploring the table from that position, each time checking whether the element found at the current position is the one being sought, and, if not, moving to another position. The process terminates when it has either found the element or probed all the candidate positions unsuccessfully. Such a general pattern is applicable to many possible cases of data representation and algorithms for table searching, including arrays (sorted or not), linked lists (sorted or not), sequential files, binary trees, B-trees and hash tables of various kinds.



It is not difficult to turn this informal description into an incompletely refined routine:



has (t: TABLE, x: ELEMENT): BOOLEAN is

-- Is there an occurrence of x in t?





pos := INITIAL_POSITION (x, t)


EXHAUSTED (pos, t) or else FOUND ( pos, x, t)


pos := NEXT (pos, x, t)


Result := not EXHAUSTED (pos, t)



(A few clarifications on the notation: from ¼ until ¼ loop ¼ end describes a loop, initialized in the from clause, executing the loop clause zero or more times, and terminating as soon as the condition in the until clause is satisfied. Result denotes the value to be returned by the function. If you are not familiar with the or else operator, just accept it as if it were a boolean or.)

(符號中的一些聲明: from ¼ until ¼ loop ¼ end描述了一個循環,from子句開始,執行loop子句零次或多次,直到條件滿足until子句結束. Result指定了函數返回值.如果您不熟悉or else運算符,就當它是一個布爾類型的or好了.)


Although the above text describes (through its lower-case elements) a general pattern of algorithmic behavior, it is not a directly executable routine since it contains (in upper case) some incompletely refined parts, corresponding to aspects of the table searching problem that depend on the implementation chosen: the type of table elements (ELEMENT), what position to examine first (INITIAL_POSITION), how to go from a candidate position to the next (NEXT), how to test for the presence of an element at a certain position (FOUND), how to determine that all interesting positions have been examined (EXHAUSTED).



Rather than a routine, then, the above text is a routine pattern, which you can only turn into an actual routine by supplying refinements for the upper-case parts.



The reuse-redo dilemma



All this variation highlights the problems raised by any attempt to come up with general-purpose modules in a given application area: how can we take advantage of the common pattern while accommodating the need for so much variation? This is not just an implementation problem: it is almost as hard to specify the module so that client modules can rely on it without knowing its implementation.



These observations point to the central problem of software reusability, which dooms simplistic approaches. Because of the versatility of software — its very softness — candidate reusable modules will not suffice if they are inflexible.



A frozen module forces you into the reuse or redo dilemma: reuse the module exactly as it is, or redo the job completely. This is often too limiting. In a typical situation, you discover a module that may provide you with a solution for some part of your current job, but not necessarily the exact solution. Your specific needs may require some adaptation of the module’s original behavior. So what you will want to do in such a case is to reuse and redo: reuse some, redo some — or, you hope, reuse a lot and redo a little. Without this ability to combine reuse and adaptation, reusability techniques cannot provide a solution that satisfies the realities of practical software development.

一個不可改變的模塊迫使您進入了複用或重做的難題之內: 照現在的樣子完全地複用模塊,否則全部重做.這時常有太多的限制.在一種典型的情形中,您發現一個模塊可能爲您的目前的部份工作的提供瞭解決方案,但卻不是完全的符合.您的特定需求可能需要改寫模塊原來的行爲.因此,在這種情況下您所想做的是複用重做:一部分複用,一部分重做-或者,如您所願,大部分複用,小部分重做.沒有結合複用和改寫這兩者的能力,複用性技術就不能夠提供一種解決方案來滿足現實軟件開發中的真實性.


So it is not by accident that almost every discussion of reusability in this book also considers extendibility (leading to the definition of the term “modularity”, which covers both notions and provided the topic of the previous chapter). Whenever you start looking for answers to one of these quality requirements, you quickly encounter the other.



This duality between reuse and adaptation was also present in the earlier discussion of the Open-Closed principle, which pointed out that a successful software component must be usable as it stands (closed) while still adaptable (open).



The search for the right notion of module, which occupies the rest of this chapter and the next few, may be characterized as a constant attempt to reconcile reusability and extendibility, closure and openness, constancy and change, satisfying today’s needs and trying to guess what tomorrow holds in store.




4.6 模塊結構上的五個需求


How do we find module structures that will yield directly reusable components while preserving the possibility of adaptation?



The table searching issue and the has routine pattern obtained for it on the previous page illustrate the stringent requirements that any solution will have to meet. We can use this example to analyze what it takes to go from a relatively vague recognition of commonality between software variants to an actual set of reusable modules. Such a study will reveal five general issues:

• Type Variation.

• Routine Grouping.

• Implementation Variation.

• Representation Independence.

• Factoring Out Common Behaviors.


Ÿ           類型變化

Ÿ           例程分組

Ÿ           實現變化

Ÿ           表示法獨立

Ÿ           合併通用行爲


Type Variation



The has routine pattern assumes a table containing objects of a type ELEMENT. A particular refinement might use a specific type, such as INTEGER or BANK_ACCOUNT, to apply the pattern to a table of integers or bank accounts.



But this is not satisfactory. A reusable searching module should be applicable to many different types of element, without requiring reusers to perform manual changes to the software text. In other words, we need a facility for describing type-parameterized modules, also known more concisely as generic modules. Genericity (the ability for modules to be generic) will turn out to be an important part of the object-oriented method an overview of the idea appears later in this chapter.



Routine Grouping



Even if it had been completely refined and parameterized by types, the has routine pattern would not be quite satisfactory as a reusable component. How you search a table depends on how it was created, how elements are inserted, how they are deleted. So a searching routine is not enough by itself as a unit or reuse. A self-sufficient reusable module would need to include a set of routines, one for each of the operations cited — creation, insertion, deletion, searching.

即使類型已經被完全地細化和參數化, has例程模式也不能完全滿足於當作一個可複用組件.您如何查找一個表要依賴於它被建立的方式,元素被插入的方式和被刪除的方式.因此,一個查詢例程單獨作爲一個單元或複用並不足夠.一個獨立的可複用模塊需要包括一系列的例程,其中一組是運算引用,如創建,插入,刪除,查找.


This idea forms the basis for a form of module, the “package”, found in what may be called the encapsulation languages: Ada, Modula-2 and relatives. More on this below.



Implementation Variation



The has pattern is very general there is in practice, as we have seen, a wide variety of applicable data structures and algorithms. Such variety indeed that we cannot expect a single module to take care of all possibilities it would be enormous. We will need a family of modules to cover all the different implementations.



A general technique for producing and using reusable modules will have to support this notion of module family.



Representation Independence



A general form of reusable module should enable clients to specify an operation without knowing how it is implemented. This requirement is called Representation Independence. Assume that a client module C from a certain application system — an asset management program, a compiler, a geographical information system¼ — needs to determine whether a certain element x appears in a certain table t (of investments, of language keywords, of cities). Representation independence means here the ability for C to obtain this information through a call such as

present := has (t, x)

without knowing what kind of table t is at the time of the call. C’s author should only need to know that t is a table of elements of a certain type, and that x denotes an object of that type. Whether t is a binary search tree, a hash table or a linked list is irrelevant for him he should be able to limit his concerns to asset management, compilation or geography. Selecting the appropriate search algorithm based on t’s implementation is the business of the table management module, and of no one else.

一個可複用模塊的通用形式應該使客戶端能夠使用一個運算而不必知道它是如何實現的.這個需求稱之爲表示法獨立.假設一個來自某個應用程序系統的客戶端模塊C-一個資產管理程序,一個編譯器,一個地理信息系統-需要確定某個元素x是否出現在表t中(投資表,語言關鍵字表,城市表).在這裏,表示法獨立意謂着,通過如 present := has (t, x) 這樣的調用C獲得信息的能力,在調用的時候不需要知道表t的類型.C的作者應該只需要知道t是具有某種類型元素的一個表,而x表示那個類型的一個對象.是否t是一個二進制查詢樹,一個哈希表或一個鏈表對他來說無關緊要;他應該能夠把他的重點放在資產管理,編譯或地理學上.基於t的實現選擇適當的查尋算法是表管理模塊的事務,而和其它模塊無關.


This requirement does not preclude letting clients choose a specific implementation when they create a data structure. But only one client will have to make this initial choice after that, none of the clients that perform searches on t should ever have to ask what exact kind of table it is. In particular, the client C containing the above call may have received t from one of its own clients (as an argument to a routine call) then for C the name t is just an abstract handle on a data structure whose details it may not be able to access.



You may view Representation Independence as an extension of the rule of Information Hiding, essential for smooth development of large systems: implementation decisions will often change, and clients should be protected. But Representation Independence goes further. Taken to its full consequences, it means protecting a module’s clients against changes not only during the project lifecycle but also during execution — a much smaller time frame! In the example, we want has to adapt itself automatically to the run-time form of table t, even if that form has changed since the last call.

您可以把表示法獨立看成是信息隱藏規則的一個擴展,對大系統的平滑開發很有必要: 實現的結果將會經常被改變,而且客戶端應該被保護.但是表示法獨立更進一步.利用其全面的作用,這意味着保護模塊的客戶端免於變化,不只有在項目週期期間而且也在執行期間-一個更加小的時間範圍! 在這個例子中,我們希望has對錶t的運行時形式能自動地自適應,即使那種形式由於上一個調用後已經改變了.


Satisfying Representation Independence will also help us towards a related principle encountered in the discussion of modularity: Single Choice, which directed us to stay away from multi-branch control structures that discriminate among many variants, as in

滿足表示法獨立也將會幫助我們使用一項相關原則,這就是我們在模塊性的討論中遇到的: 單選(Single Choice),它指導我們避免在許多變體之間作出區分的多分支控制結構, 如


if t is an array managed by open hashing” then

“Apply open hashing search algorithm”

elseif t is a binary search tree” then

“Apply binary search tree traversal”





It would be equally unpleasant to have such a decision structure in the module itself (we cannot reasonably expect a table management module to know about all present and future variants) as to replicate it in every client. The solution is to hide the multi-branch choice completely from software developers, and have it performed automatically by the underlying run-time system. This will be the role of dynamic binding, a key component of the object-oriented approach, to be studied in the discussion of inheritance.

至於在每個客戶端中重複它,在模塊本身中有這樣的一個選擇結構會相當地令人不愉快(我們不能夠期待一個表的管理模塊知道所有的已有的和將來的變體). 解決方案要對軟件開發者完全地隱藏多分支選擇,而且內在的運行時系統會自動地完成這種選擇.這將是動態綁定的任務,其是面向對象方式的一個關鍵組件,這會在繼承的討論中學習到.


Factoring Out Common Behaviors



If Representation Independence reflects the client’s view of reusability — the ability to ignore internal implementation details and variants –, the last requirement, Factoring Out Common Behaviors, reflects the view of the supplier and, more generally, the view of developers of reusable classes. Their goal will be to take advantage of any commonality that may exist within a family or sub-family of implementations.



The variety of implementations available in certain problem areas will usually demand, as noted, a solution based on a family of modules. Often the family is so large that it is natural to look for sub-families. In the table searching case a first attempt at classification might yield three broad sub-families:



• Tables managed by some form of hash-coding scheme.

• Tables organized as trees of some kind.

• Tables managed sequentially.

Ÿ           由一些哈希碼方案結構所處理的表

Ÿ           由幾種樹類型所組織的表

Ÿ           順序處理


Each of these categories covers many variants, but it is usually possible to find significant commonality between these variants. Consider for example the family of sequential implementations — those in which items are kept and searched in the order of their original insertion.





Possible representations for a sequential table include an array, a linked list and a file. But regardless of these differences, clients should be able, for any sequentially managed table, to examine the elements in sequence by moving a (fictitious) cursor indicating the position of the currently examined element. In this approach we may rewrite the searching routine for sequential tables as:




-- Is there an occurrence of x in t?


from start until

after or else found (x)




Result := not after



This form relies on four routines which any sequential table implementation will be able to provide:

start, a command to move the cursor to the first element if any.

forth, a command to advance the cursor by one position. (Support for forth is of course one of the prime characteristics of a sequential table implementation.)

after, a boolean-valued query to determine if the cursor has moved past the last element this will be true after a start if the table was empty.

found (x), a boolean-valued query to determine if the element at cursor position has value x.


·        start,一個移動光標至第一個元素的命令

·        forth ,一個移動光標前進至下一個元素的命令(支持forth當然是一個順序表實現的首要特性)


·        found (x),一個布爾值,其值決定於是否光標所在位置的元素含有值x.




At first sight, the routine text for has at the bottom of the preceding page resembles the general routine pattern used at the beginning of this discussion, which covered searching in any table (not just sequential). But the new form is not a routine pattern any more it is a true routine, expressed in a directly executable notation (the notation used to illustrate object-oriented concepts in part C of this book). Given appropriate implementations for the four operations start, forth, after and found which it calls, you can compile and execute the latest form of has.

乍一看,在前一頁的has例程代碼好似最初討論所採用的通用例程模式,其覆蓋了在任何表中的查詢(不僅僅是順序表).但是新的形式不再是一個例程模式;它是一個真實的例程,直接地表示了可執行符號(這些符號在本書的C部份用來描述面向對象的概念).對所調用的四個運算start, forth, afterfound,給定適當的實現後,您就能編譯而且執行has最後的形式.


For each possible sequential table representation you will need a representation for the cursor. Three example representations are by an array, a linked list and a file.



The first uses an array of capacity items, the table occupying positions 1 to count. Then you may represent the cursor simply as an integer index ranging from 1 to count + 1. (The last value is needed to represent a cursor that has moved “after” the last item.)

第一個使用了一個 capacity項的數組,表的位置是從1count. 您可以用index簡單的表示光標,它是一個從1到count + 1的整數.(最後的整數值表示移動光標到最後一條之後).



The second representation uses a linked list, where the first cell is accessible through a reference first_cell and each cell is linked to the next one through a reference right. Then you may represent the cursor as a reference cursor.



The third representation uses a sequential file, in which the cursor simply represents the current reading position.


The implementation of the four low-level operations start, forth, after and found will be different for each variant. The following table gives the implementation in each case. (The notation t @ i denotes the i-th element of array t, which would be written t [i] in Pascal or C Void denotes a void reference the Pascal notation f­, for a file f, denotes the element at the current file reading position.)

這四個底層的操作start, forth, afterfound,其實現對每一個變體來說都是不同的.下表給出了它們的實現.(符號t @ i表示數組ti個元素,PascalC中寫作t [i]Void表示一個空引用;對於文件fPascal符號f­指示了在當前文件中讀位置上的元素.)



The challenge of reusability here is to avoid unneeded duplication of software by taking advantage of the commonality between variants. If identical or near-identical fragments appear in different modules, it will be difficult to guarantee their integrity and to ensure that changes or corrections get propagated to all the needed places once again, configuration management problems may follow.



All sequential table variants share the has function, differing only by their implementation of the four lower-level operations. A satisfactory solution to the reusability problem must include the text of has in only one place, somehow associated with the general notion of sequential table independently of any choice of representation. To describe a new variant, you should not have to worry about has any more all you will need to do is to provide the appropriae versions of start, forth, after and found.


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