Mysql 存储过程源码案例

CREATE DEFINER=`myl`@`192.168.2.%` PROCEDURE `pr_investStatistics`(IN `adminId`  bigint)

       declare totalInvestment varchar(255) default '0';

      declare dueinfund varchar(255) default '0';

      declare exceedInvest  varchar(255) default '0';

            select sum(investAmount) INTO @ztouz  from t_invest;

            select f_formatAmount(IFNULL(@ztouz ,0))  into totalInvestment;

            select sum((recivedPrincipal +recievedInterest - hasPrincipal-hasInterest)) into @duein from t_invest;

            select f_formatAmount(IFNULL(@duein ,0))  into dueinfund;

            select sum(stillPrincipal+stillInterest - hasFI) into @excee  from t_repayment where isLate=2 and repayStatus<>2;

            select f_formatAmount(IFNULL(@excee ,0))  into exceedInvest;

        select totalInvestment ,dueinfund ,exceedInvest;  


CREATE DEFINER=`mypol`@`192.163.2.%` PROCEDURE `pr_getBackAcountStatis`(IN `startTime` varchar(50),IN `endTime` varchar(50),IN `title` varchar(1024),IN `in_uid` bigint)
declare borrowId BIGINT default -1;
declare borrowTime  varchar(30) default '';
declare allForPI DECIMAL(18,2) default 0;
declare forpayPI DECIMAL(18,2) default 0;
declare allForPIYear DECIMAL(18,2) default 0;
declare forpayPIYear DECIMAL(18,2) default 0;
declare allForPISixMonth DECIMAL(18,2) default 0;
declare forpayPISixMonth DECIMAL(18,2) default 0;
declare allForPIThreeMonth DECIMAL(18,2) default 0;
declare forpayPIThreeMonth DECIMAL(18,2) default 0;
declare allForPIOneMonth DECIMAL(18,2) default 0;
declare forpayPIOneMonth DECIMAL(18,2) default 0;
declare sqlStr varchar(1024) default '';
declare counts int default 0; 


DECLARE cursor_borrrow CURSOR 
 from t_invest a 
 left join t_borrow b on a.borrowId =
     where a.investor = in_uid and b.borrowStatus = 4 group by;


if( startTime = '') THEN
       set sqlStr = concat(sqlStr,"");
       set sqlStr = concat(sqlStr," and c.publishTime >='",startTime,"'");
end if;

if(endTime = '') THEN
       set sqlStr = concat(sqlStr,"");
       set sqlStr = concat(sqlStr," and c.publishTime <='",endTime,"'");
end if;

if(title = '') THEN
       set sqlStr = concat(sqlStr,"");
       set sqlStr = concat(sqlStr," and c.borrowTitle like '%",title,"%'");
end if;

OPEN cursor_borrrow;
    FETCH cursor_borrrow INTO borrowId,borrowTime; 
while _done <> 1
            set counts = counts +1;
            set borrowId = borrowId;
            set borrowTime = concat('',borrowTime);
            set @forpayPI = 0;

            SET @allForPI_sql=CONCAT("SELECT SUM(a.recivedInterest-a.hasInterest) forpayAmount into @forpayPI FROM t_invest_repayment a");
            SET @allForPI_sql=CONCAT(@allForPI_sql,"  left join t_invest b on a.invest_id = LEFT JOIN t_borrow c ON WHERE (a.recivedInterest-a.hasInterest) > 0 and b.borrowId=",borrowId);
            SET @allForPI_sql=CONCAT(@allForPI_sql," and b.investor = ",in_uid,sqlStr);
            PREPARE allForPISql FROM @allForPI_sql;  
            EXECUTE allForPISql;
            DEALLOCATE PREPARE allForPISql;

            set forpayPI = IFNULL(@forpayPI,0);
            set allForPI = IFNULL(allForPI,0) + IFNULL(forpayPI,0);

            set @forpayPIYear = 0;
            SET @allForPIYear_sql=CONCAT("SELECT SUM(a.recivedInterest-a.hasInterest) forpayAmount into @forpayPIYear FROM t_invest_repayment a");
            SET @allForPIYear_sql=CONCAT(@allForPIYear_sql," left join t_invest b on a.invest_id = LEFT JOIN t_borrow c ON WHERE (a.recivedInterest-a.hasInterest) > 0 and b.borrowId=",borrowId);
            SET @allForPIYear_sql=CONCAT(@allForPIYear_sql," AND a.repayDate >= '",borrowTime,"' AND a.repayDate <= DATE_ADD('",borrowTime,"',INTERVAL 1 YEAR)");
            SET @allForPIYear_sql=CONCAT(@allForPIYear_sql," and b.investor = ",in_uid,sqlStr);
            PREPARE allForPIYearSql FROM @allForPIYear_sql;  
            EXECUTE allForPIYearSql;  
            DEALLOCATE PREPARE allForPIYearSql;

            set forpayPIYear = IFNULL(@forpayPIYear,0);
            set allForPIYear = IFNULL(allForPIYear,0) + IFNULL(forpayPIYear,0);

    set @forpayPISixMonth = 0;
    set @allFORPISixMonth_sql =CONCAT("SELECT SUM(a.recivedInterest-a.hasInterest) forpayAmount into @forpayPISixMonth FROM t_invest_repayment a");
    set @allFORPISixMonth_sql = CONCAT(@allFORPISixMonth_sql," left join t_invest b on a.invest_id = LEFT JOIN t_borrow c ON WHERE (a.recivedInterest-a.hasInterest) > 0 and b.borrowId=",borrowId);
    set @allFORPISixMonth_sql = CONCAT(@allFORPISixMonth_sql," AND a.repayDate >= '",borrowTime,"' AND a.repayDate <= DATE_ADD('",borrowTime,"',INTERVAL 6 MONTH)");
    set @allFORPISixMonth_sql = CONCAT(@allFORPISixMonth_sql," and b.investor = ",in_uid,sqlStr);

    PREPARE allForPISixMonthSql FROM @allFORPISixMonth_sql; 
            EXECUTE allForPISixMonthSql;  
            DEALLOCATE PREPARE allForPISixMonthSql;

            set forpayPISixMonth = IFNULL(@forpayPISixMonth,0);
            set allForPISixMonth = IFNULL(allForPISixMonth,0) + IFNULL(forpayPISixMonth,0);

            set @forpayPIThreeMonth = 0;
            SET @allForPIThreeMonth_sql=CONCAT("SELECT SUM(a.recivedInterest-a.hasInterest) forpayAmount into @forpayPIThreeMonth FROM t_invest_repayment a");
            SET @allForPIThreeMonth_sql=CONCAT(@allForPIThreeMonth_sql," left join t_invest b on a.invest_id = LEFT JOIN t_borrow c ON WHERE (a.recivedInterest-a.hasInterest) > 0 and b.borrowId=",borrowId);
            SET @allForPIThreeMonth_sql=CONCAT(@allForPIThreeMonth_sql," AND a.repayDate >= '",borrowTime,"' AND a.repayDate <= DATE_ADD('",borrowTime,"',INTERVAL 3 MONTH)");
            SET @allForPIThreeMonth_sql=CONCAT(@allForPIThreeMonth_sql," and b.investor = ",in_uid,sqlStr);
            PREPARE allForPIThreeMonthSql FROM @allForPIThreeMonth_sql; 
            EXECUTE allForPIThreeMonthSql;  
            DEALLOCATE PREPARE allForPIThreeMonthSql;

            set forpayPIThreeMonth = IFNULL(@forpayPIThreeMonth,0);
            set allForPIThreeMonth = IFNULL(allForPIThreeMonth,0) + IFNULL(forpayPIThreeMonth,0);

            set @forpayPIOneMonth = 0;
            SET @allForPIOneMonth_sql=CONCAT("SELECT SUM(a.recivedInterest-a.hasInterest) forpayAmount into @forpayPIOneMonth FROM t_invest_repayment a");
            SET @allForPIOneMonth_sql=CONCAT(@allForPIOneMonth_sql," left join t_invest b on a.invest_id = LEFT JOIN t_borrow c ON WHERE (a.recivedInterest-a.hasInterest) > 0 and b.borrowId=",borrowId);
            SET @allForPIOneMonth_sql=CONCAT(@allForPIOneMonth_sql," AND a.repayDate >= '",borrowTime,"' AND a.repayDate <= DATE_ADD('",borrowTime,"',INTERVAL 1 MONTH)");
            SET @allForPIOneMonth_sql=CONCAT(@allForPIOneMonth_sql," and b.investor = ",in_uid,sqlStr);
            PREPARE allForPIOneMonthSql FROM @allForPIOneMonth_sql; 
            EXECUTE allForPIOneMonthSql;  
            DEALLOCATE PREPARE allForPIOneMonthSql;

            set forpayPIOneMonth = IFNULL(@forpayPIOneMonth,0);
            set allForPIOneMonth = IFNULL(allForPIOneMonth,0) + IFNULL(forpayPIOneMonth,0);

          fetch  cursor_borrrow INTO borrowId,borrowTime;                
end while; 
CLOSE cursor_borrrow;

   select allForPIOneMonth,allForPIThreeMonth,allForPIYear,allForPI, allForPISixMonth;

CREATE DEFINER=`mygpol`@`1.168.2.%` PROCEDURE `pr_getFinanceStatis`(IN `uId` bigint)

     declare earnInterest DECIMAL(18,2) default 0;

     declare rewardIncome DECIMAL(18,2) default 0;

     declare hasFI DECIMAL(18,2) DEFAULT 0;

     declare investAmount DECIMAL(18,2) default 0;

     declare investCount int default 0;

     declare hasPI DECIMAL(18,2) default 0;

     declare hasCount int default 0;

     declare forPI DECIMAL(18,2) default 0;

     declare forCount int default 0;

     set @investCount = 0;
     set @investAmount = 0;
     set @forPI  = 0;
     set @forCount = 0;
     set @hasPI = 0;
     set @hasCount = 0;
     set @hasFI  = 0;
     set @earnInterest = 0;
     set @rewardIncome = 0;

       SET @invest_sql=CONCAT("SELECT COUNT(*) counts,SUM(a.realAmount) realAmount into @investCount,@investAmount FROM t_invest a LEFT JOIN t_borrow b ON ");
       SET @invest_sql=CONCAT(@invest_sql," WHERE b.borrowStatus in(4,5) AND a.investor =",uId," GROUP BY a.investor ");   
       PREPARE investSql FROM @invest_sql;  
       EXECUTE investSql;  
       DEALLOCATE PREPARE investSql;
       set investCount = @investCount;
       set investAmount = @investAmount;

       SET @forPI_sql=CONCAT("SELECT SUM(a.recivedPrincipal+a.recievedInterest-a.hasPrincipal-a.hasInterest) forPI INTO @forPI FROM t_invest a");
       SET @forPI_sql=CONCAT(@forPI_sql," WHERE  a.investor =",uId," GROUP BY a.investor ");
       PREPARE forPISql FROM @forPI_sql;  
       EXECUTE forPISql;  
       set forPI = @forPI;

       SET @forCount_sql=CONCAT("SELECT SUM(c.counts) counts INTO @forCount FROM( SELECT a.investor, COUNT( counts FROM t_invest a WHERE (a.recivedPrincipal+a.recievedInterest-a.hasPrincipal-a.hasInterest) >0");
       SET @forCount_sql=CONCAT(@forCount_sql,"  GROUP BY a.investor) c where c.investor =",uId," GROUP BY c.investor");
       PREPARE forCountSql FROM @forCount_sql;  
       EXECUTE forCountSql;  
       DEALLOCATE PREPARE forCountSql;
       set forCount = @forCount;

       SET @hasPI_sql=CONCAT("SELECT SUM(c.hasPI) hasPI INTO @hasPI FROM( SELECT a.investor, SUM(a.hasPrincipal+a.hasInterest) hasPI FROM t_invest a  GROUP BY a.investor");
       SET @hasPI_sql=CONCAT(@hasPI_sql," UNION ALL SELECT a.investor,SUM(a.hasPrincipal+a.hasInterest) hasPI FROM t_invest_history a  GROUP BY a.investor) c ");
       SET @hasPI_sql=CONCAT(@hasPI_sql,"WHERE  c.investor =",uId," GROUP BY c.investor");
       PREPARE hasPISql FROM @hasPI_sql;  
       EXECUTE hasPISql;  
       set hasPI = @hasPI;

       SET @hasCount_sql=CONCAT("SELECT SUM(c.counts) counts INTO @hasCount FROM( SELECT a.investor, COUNT( counts FROM t_invest a WHERE a.repayStatus = 2  GROUP BY a.investor");
       SET @hasCount_sql=CONCAT(@hasCount_sql," UNION ALL SELECT a.investor,COUNT( counts FROM t_invest_history a  GROUP BY a.investor) c where c.investor =",uId," GROUP BY c.investor");
       PREPARE hasCountSql FROM @hasCount_sql;  
       EXECUTE hasCountSql;  
       DEALLOCATE PREPARE hasCountSql;
       set hasCount = @hasCount;

       SET @hasFI_sql=CONCAT("SELECT SUM(a.hasFI) hasFI into @hasFI FROM t_invest a WHERE  a.investor =",uId,"  GROUP BY a.investor");
       PREPARE hasFISql FROM @hasFI_sql;  
       EXECUTE hasFISql;  
       set hasFI = @hasFI;

       SET @earnInterest_sql=CONCAT("SELECT SUM(c.hasInterest) hasPrincipal INTO @earnInterest FROM( SELECT a.investor, SUM(a.hasInterest) hasInterest FROM t_invest a  GROUP BY a.investor");
       SET @earnInterest_sql=CONCAT(@earnInterest_sql," UNION ALL SELECT a.investor,SUM(a.hasInterest) hasInterest FROM t_invest_history a  GROUP BY a.investor) c ");
       SET @earnInterest_sql=CONCAT(@earnInterest_sql,"WHERE  c.investor =",uId," GROUP BY c.investor");
       PREPARE earnInterestSql FROM @earnInterest_sql;    
       EXECUTE earnInterestSql;  
       DEALLOCATE PREPARE earnInterestSql;
       set earnInterest = @earnInterest;

       SET @rewardIncome_sql=CONCAT("SELECT SUM(c.reward) reward INTO @rewardIncome FROM( SELECT a.investor, SUM(a.reward) reward FROM t_invest a  GROUP BY a.investor");
       SET @rewardIncome_sql=CONCAT(@rewardIncome_sql," UNION ALL SELECT a.investor,SUM(a.reward) reward FROM t_invest_history a  GROUP BY a.investor) c ");
       SET @rewardIncome_sql=CONCAT(@rewardIncome_sql,"WHERE  c.investor =",uId," GROUP BY c.investor");
       PREPARE rewardIncomeSql FROM @rewardIncome_sql;    
       EXECUTE rewardIncomeSql;  
       DEALLOCATE PREPARE rewardIncomeSql;
       set rewardIncome = @rewardIncome;

       select  earnInterest as earnInterest,rewardIncome as rewardIncome,hasFI as hasFI,investAmount as investAmount,
       investCount as investCount,hasPI as hasPI,hasCount as hasCount,forPI as forPI,forCount as forCount;
CREATE DEFINER=`myl`@`192.168.2.%` PROCEDURE `pr_getUserInfo`(IN `user` bigint,IN `timeStart` varchar(50),IN `timeEnd` varchar(50))

     declare createTime date default null;

     declare vipCreateTime datetime default null;

     declare lastDate datetime default null;

     declare borrowNum varchar(50) default null;

     declare investNum varchar(50) default null;

     declare unReadCount varchar(50) default null;
         declare a varchar(50) default null;
         declare b varchar(50) default null;
         declare c varchar(50) default null;
         declare d varchar(50) default null;
         declare e varchar(50) default null;
         declare f varchar(50) default null;
         declare g varchar(50) default null;
         declare h varchar(50) default null;
         declare i varchar(50) default null;
         declare j varchar(50) default null;
         declare k varchar(50) default null;

       set @createTime = '';
       set @vipCreateTime = '';
       set @lastDate = '';
       SET @user_sql='SELECT a.username,a.createTime,a.rating as rating,f_rating(a.rating) as vip,f_credit_rating(a.creditrating) AS credit,';
       SET @user_sql=CONCAT(@user_sql,'a.creditrating,a.creditLimit,a.lastIP,DATE_ADD(a.vipCreateTime, INTERVAL 1 YEAR) AS vipCreateTime,');
       SET @user_sql=CONCAT(@user_sql,'a.vipStatus,b.personalHead,a.lastDate into @username,@createTime,@rating,@vip,@credit,@crediting,@creditLimit,');
       set @user_sql=concat(@user_sql,'@lastIP,@vipCreateTime,@vipStatus,@personalHead,@lastDate');
       SET @user_sql=CONCAT(@user_sql,' FROM t_user a LEFT JOIN t_person b ON = b.userId where',user);
       PREPARE userSql FROM @user_sql;    
       EXECUTE userSql;  
       set createTime = @createTime;
       set vipCreateTime = @vipCreateTime;
       set lastDate = @lastDate;

       set @borrowNum = 0;
       SET @borrow_sql=CONCAT('SELECT COUNT(*) counts into @borrowNum FROM t_borrow a WHERE a.publisher = ',user,' GROUP BY a.publisher');
       PREPARE borrowSql FROM @borrow_sql;    
       EXECUTE borrowSql;  
       DEALLOCATE PREPARE borrowSql;
       set borrowNum = @borrowNum;

       set @investNum = 0;
       SET @invest_sql=CONCAT('SELECT COUNT(*) counts into @investNum FROM t_invest a WHERE a.investor = ',user,' GROUP BY a.investor');
       PREPARE investSql FROM @invest_sql;    
       EXECUTE investSql;  
       DEALLOCATE PREPARE investSql;
       set investNum = @investNum;

       set @unReadCount = 0;
       SET @mail_sql=CONCAT('select count(*) counts into @unReadCount from  t_mail a where a.mailStatus = 1 and a.reciver = ',user,' group by a.reciver');
       PREPARE mailSql FROM @mail_sql;    
       EXECUTE mailSql;  
       set unReadCount = @unReadCount;

       set @waitBorrowCount = 0;
       SET @waitborrow_sql=CONCAT('select count(*) counts into @waitBorrowCount from  t_borrow a where a.borrowStatus = 1 and a.publisher = ',user,' group by a.publisher');
       PREPARE waitborrowSql FROM @waitborrow_sql;    
       EXECUTE waitborrowSql;  
       DEALLOCATE PREPARE waitborrowSql;

       set @repayCount = 0;
       SET @repay_sql=CONCAT(" select sum(t.counts) counts into @repayCount from (select count(*) counts,b.publisher from t_repayment a left join t_borrow b on where b.borrowStatus = 4");
       SET @repay_sql=CONCAT(@repay_sql," and b.publisher = ",user," and a.repayDate>='",timeStart,"'and a.repayDate <='",timeEnd,"' and a.repayStatus = 1 group by b.publisher) t group by t.publisher");
       PREPARE repaySql FROM @repay_sql;    
       EXECUTE repaySql; 

       set @forpayCount = 0;
       SET @forpay_sql=CONCAT(" select sum(t.counts) counts into @forpayCount from (select count(*) counts,a.investor FROM t_invest a LEFT JOIN t_repayment b ON a.borrowId = b.borrowId LEFT JOIN t_borrow c ON b.borrowId =");
       SET @forpay_sql=CONCAT(@forpay_sql," LEFT JOIN t_user d ON a.investor = WHERE b.repayStatus = 1 and a.investor =",user);
       SET @forpay_sql=CONCAT(@forpay_sql," and b.repayDate>='",timeStart,"'and b.repayDate <='",timeEnd,"' group by a.investor) t group by t.investor");
       PREPARE forpaySql FROM @forpay_sql;    
       EXECUTE forpaySql; 
       DEALLOCATE PREPARE forpaySql;

       set @lateRepayCount = 0;
       SET @laterepay_sql=CONCAT(" select sum(t.counts) counts into @lateRepayCount from (select count(*) counts,b.publisher from t_repayment a left join t_borrow b on where b.borrowStatus = 4");
       SET @laterepay_sql=CONCAT(@laterepay_sql," and b.publisher = ",user," and a.repayDate>='",timeStart,"'and a.repayDate <='",timeEnd,"' and a.repayStatus = 1");
       set @laterepay_sql=CONCAT(@laterepay_sql," and a.isLate = 2 group by a.borrowId) t group by t.publisher");
       PREPARE laterepaySql FROM @laterepay_sql;    
       EXECUTE laterepaySql; 
       DEALLOCATE PREPARE laterepaySql;

       set @materis = 0;
       SET @maters_sql=CONCAT(" select count(*) counts into @materis from t_materialsauth where imgPath is not null and userId =",user,"  group by userId;");
       PREPARE matersSql FROM @maters_sql;    
       EXECUTE matersSql; 
       DEALLOCATE PREPARE matersSql;

             set a = @rating;
             set b = @vip;
             set c = @credit;
             set d = @crediting;
             set e = @creditLimit;
             set f = @vipStatus;
             set g = @waitBorrowCount;
       set h = @repayCount;
       set i = @forpayCount;
       set j = @lateRepayCount;
       set k = @materis;

       select @username as username,DATE_FORMAT(createTime,'%Y-%m-%d') as createTime,a as rating,b as vip,c as credit,d as crediting,e as creditLimit,@lastIP as lastIP,
       DATE_FORMAT(vipCreateTime,'%Y-%m-%d %T')AS vipCreateTime,f as vipStatus,@personalHead as personalHead,DATE_FORMAT(lastDate,'%Y-%m-%d %T') as lastDate,borrowNum as borrowNum,investNum as investNum,
       unReadCount as unReadCount,g as waitBorrowCount,h as repayCount,i as forpayCount,j as lateRepayCount,k as materis;   
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