遠程MS SQL數據庫和本地MS SQL數據庫 WEB管理(1)-- 表結構和數據類型


<% Option Explicit %>
'landman MSN:[email protected]
'蘭州百科信息網 www.ailz.net
'遠程MS SQL數據庫和本地MS SQL數據庫 WEB管理(1)-- 表結構和數據類型對比
'遠程MS SQL數據庫和本地MS SQL數據庫 WEB管理(2)-- 數據手動同步
'遠程MS SQL數據庫和本地MS SQL數據庫 WEB管理(3)-- 數據自動同步
Dim Conn1, ConnStr1,i
 ConnStr1  =  "Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Password=12345;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=xxxx;Initial Catalog=xxx;Data Source=xx;Connect Timeout=15"
Set Conn1 = server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
Conn1.Open ConnStr1 
Dim ConnStr2,Conn2
ConnStr2  =   "Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Password=12345;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=xxxxxx;Initial Catalog=xxxx;Data Source=xxxxxxx;Connect Timeout=15"
Set Conn2  = server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
 Conn2.Open ConnStr2
 Dim Rs1,Sql1,Rs2,Sql2,sql0,rs01,rs02
'sql0="SELECT name FROM sysobjects WHERE (xtype = 'u') AND (status > 0) "

'4月14日修正 此處有一個小Bug

sql0="SELECT name FROM sysobjects WHERE (xtype = 'u') AND (status > 0) "

Response.Write "<h3>遠程數據庫www.ailz.net</h3>"
set rs01=Conn1.Execute(sql0)
Do while not rs01.eof
 sql1="SELECT *   FROM  ["&rs01("name")&"]"
 set Rs1=Conn1.execute(Sql1)

 Response.Write "<table border=1 cellpadding=1 cellspace=1 bordercolor=blue><th colspan="&rs1.Fields.Count&" align=left>"&rs01("name")&"</th><tr>"
  for i=0 to  rs1.Fields.Count-1
   Response.Write "<td>"&rs1(i).Name&"</td>"
   Response.Write "</tr><tr>"
  for i=0 to  rs1.Fields.Count-1
   Response.Write "<td>"&rs1(i).Type&":"&FieldType(rs1(i).Type)&"</td>"
   Response.Write "</tr><tr>"
  '   此處爲列出各字段的所有數據
  'do while not rs1.eof
  ' i=0
  ' for i=0 to  rs1.Fields.Count-1
  ' Response.Write  "<td>"&Rs1(i)&"</td>"
  ' Next
  ' Response.Write "</tr><tr>"
  ' Rs1.movenext
 Response.Write "</table>"

Response.Write "<div style='color:red'><h3>本地數據庫xbka</h3>"
set rs02=Conn2.Execute(sql0)
Do while not rs02.eof
 sql2="SELECT *  FROM ["&rs02("name")&"]"
 set Rs2=conn2.execute(Sql2)
 Response.Write "<table border=1 cellpadding=1 cellspace=1 bordercolor=green><th colspan="&rs2.Fields.Count&" align=left>"&rs02("name")&"</th><tr>"
 for i=0 to  rs2.Fields.Count-1
  Response.Write "<td >"&rs2(i).Name&"</td>"
 Response.Write "</tr><tr>"
 for i=0 to  rs2.Fields.Count-1
  Response.Write "<td>"&FieldType(rs2(i).Type)&"</td>"
 Response.Write "</tr><tr>"
 '   此處爲列出各字段的所有數據
 ' do while not rs2.eof
 '   i=0
 '  for i=0 to  rs2.Fields.Count-1
 '  Response.Write  "<td>"&Rs2(i)&"</td>"
 '  next
 '  Response.Write "</tr><tr>"
 '  Rs2.movenext
 ' loop
 Response.Write "</table>"

set rs1=nothing
set rs2=nothing
Set Conn1 = Nothing
Set Conn2 = Nothing

'* 名稱:FieldType
'* 功能:返回字段類型
'* 用法:FieldType(nType as integer)
 Function FieldType(nType)
    Select Case nType
        Case 128
            FieldType = "BINARY"
        Case 11
            FieldType = "BIT"
        Case 129
            FieldType = "CHAR"
        Case 135
            FieldType = "DATETIME"
        Case 131
            FieldType = "DECIMAL"
        Case 5
            FieldType = "FLOAT"
        Case 205
            FieldType = "IMAGE"
        Case 3
            FieldType = "INT"
        Case 6
            FieldType = "MONEY"
        Case 130
            FieldType = "NCHAR"
        Case 203
            FieldType = "NTEXT"
        Case 131
            FieldType = "NUMERIC"
        Case 202
            FieldType = "NVARCHAR"
        Case 4
            FieldType = "REAL"
        Case 135
            FieldType = "SMALLDATETIME"
        Case 2
            FieldType = "SMALLMONEY"
        Case 6
            FieldType = "TEXT"
        Case 201
            FieldType = "TIMESTAMP"
        Case 128
            FieldType = "TINYINT"
        Case 17
            FieldType = "UNIQUEIDENTIFIER"
        Case 72
            FieldType = "VARBINARY"
        Case 204
            FieldType = "VARCHAR"
        Case 200
            FieldType = "VARCHAR"
    End Select
End Function




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