Gradle Plugin User Guide


Build Variants

One goal of the new build system is to enable creating different versions of the same application.

There are two main use cases:
  1. Different versions of the same application
    For instance, a free/demo version vs the “pro” paid application.
  2. Same application packaged differently for multi-apk in Google Play Store.
    See for more information.
  3. A combination of 1. and 2. 
The goal was to be able to generate these different APKs from the same project, as opposed to using a single Library Projects and 2+ Application Projects.

Product flavors

A product flavor defines a customized version of the application build by the project. A single project can have different flavors which change the generated application.

This new concept is designed to help when the differences are very minimum. If the answer to “Is this the same application?” is yes, then this is probably the way to go over Library Projects.

Product flavors are declared using a productFlavors DSL container:

android {

    productFlavors {
        flavor1 {

        flavor2 {

This creates two flavors, called flavor1 and flavor2.
Note: The name of the flavors cannot collide with existing Build Type names, or with the androidTest sourceSet.

Build Type + Product Flavor = Build Variant

As we have seen before, each Build Type generates a new APK.

Product Flavors do the same: the output of the project becomes all possible combinations of Build Types and, if applicable, Product Flavors.

Each (Build TypeProduct Flavor) combination is called a Build Variant.

For instance, with the default debug and release Build Types, the above example generates four Build Variants:
  • Flavor1 - debug
  • Flavor1 - release
  • Flavor2 - debug
  • Flavor2 - release
Projects with no flavors still have Build Variants, but the single default flavor/config is used, nameless, making the list of variants similar to the list of Build Types.

Product Flavor Configuration

Each flavors is configured with a closure:

android {

    defaultConfig {
        minSdkVersion 8
        versionCode 10

    productFlavors {
        flavor1 {
            packageName "com.example.flavor1"
            versionCode 20

        flavor2 {
            packageName "com.example.flavor2"
            minSdkVersion 14

Note that the android.productFlavors.* objects are of type ProductFlavor which is the same type as the android.defaultConfig object. This means they share the same properties.

defaultConfig provides the base configuration for all flavors and each flavor can override any value. In the example above, the configurations end up being:

  • flavor1
    • packageName: com.example.flavor1
    • minSdkVersion: 8
    • versionCode: 20
  • flavor2
    • packageName: com.example.flavor2
    • minSdkVersion: 14
    • versionCode: 10
Usually, the Build Type configuration is an overlay over the other configuration. For instance, the Build Type's packageNameSuffix is appended to the Product Flavor's packageName.

There are cases where a setting is settable on both the Build Type and the Product Flavor. In this case, it’s is on a case by case basis.

For instance, signingConfig is one of these properties.
This enables either having all release packages share the same SigningConfig, by setting android.buildTypes.release.signingConfig, or have each release package use their own SigningConfig by setting each android.productFlavors.*.signingConfig objects separately.

Sourcesets and Dependencies

Similar to Build TypesProduct Flavors also contribute code and resources through their own sourceSets.

The above example creates four sourceSets:
  • android.sourceSets.flavor1
    Location src/flavor1/
  • android.sourceSets.flavor2
    Location src/flavor2/
  • android.sourceSets.androidTestFlavor1
    Location src/androidTestFlavor1/
  • android.sourceSets.androidTestFlavor2
    Location src/androidTestFlavor2/
Those sourceSets are used to build the APK, alongside android.sourceSets.main and the Build Type sourceSet.

The following rules are used when dealing with all the sourcesets used to build a single APK:
  • All source code (src/*/java) are used together as multiple folders generating a single output.
  • Manifests are all merged together into a single manifest. This allows Product Flavors to have different components and/or permissions, similarly to Build Types.
  • All resources (Android res and assets) are used using overlay priority where the Build Type overrides the Product Flavor, which overrides the main sourceSet.
  • Each Build Variant generates its own R class (or other generated source code) from the resources. Nothing is shared between variants.

Finally, like Build TypesProduct Flavors can have their own dependencies. For instance, if the flavors are used to generate a ads-based app and a paid app, one of the flavors could have a dependency on an Ads SDK, while the other does not.

dependencies {
    flavor1Compile "..."
In this particular case, the file src/flavor1/AndroidManifest.xml would probably need to include the internet permission.

Additional sourcesets are also created for each variants:
  • android.sourceSets.flavor1Debug
    Location src/flavor1Debug/
  • android.sourceSets.flavor1Release
    Location src/flavor1Release/
  • android.sourceSets.flavor2Debug
    Location src/flavor2Debug/
  • android.sourceSets.flavor2Release
    Location src/flavor2Release/
These have higher priority than the build type sourcesets, and allow customization at the variant level.

Building and Tasks

We previously saw that each Build Type creates its own assemble<name> task, but that Build Variants are a combination of Build Type and Product Flavor.

When Product Flavors are used, more assemble-type tasks are created. These are:
  1. assemble<Variant Name>
  2. assemble<Build Type Name>
  3. assemble<Product Flavor Name>
#1 allows directly building a single variant. For instance assembleFlavor1Debug.

#2 allows building all APKs for a given Build Type. For instance assembleDebug will build both Flavor1Debug and Flavor2Debug variants.

#3 allows building all APKs for a given flavor. For instance assembleFlavor1 will build both Flavor1Debug and Flavor1Release variants.

The task assemble will build all possible variants.


Testing multi-flavors project is very similar to simpler projects.

The androidTest sourceset is used for common tests across all flavors, while each flavor can also have its own tests.

As mentioned above, sourceSets to test each flavor are created:
  • android.sourceSets.androidTestFlavor1
    Location src/androidTestFlavor1/
  • android.sourceSets.androidTestFlavor2
    Location src/androidTestFlavor2/

Similarly, those can have their own dependencies:
dependencies {
    androidTestFlavor1Compile "..."

Running the tests can be done through the main deviceCheck anchor task, or the main androidTest tasks which acts as an anchor task when flavors are used.

Each flavor has its own task to run tests: androidTest<VariantName>. For instance:
  • androidTestFlavor1Debug
  • androidTestFlavor2Debug
Similarly, test APK building tasks and install/uninstall tasks are per variant:
  • assembleFlavor1Test
  • installFlavor1Debug
  • installFlavor1Test
  • uninstallFlavor1Debug
  • ...
Finally the HTML report generation supports aggregation by flavor.
The location of the test results and reports is as follows, first for the per flavor version, and then for the aggregated one:
  • build/androidTest-results/flavors/<FlavorName>
  • build/androidTest-results/all/
  • build/reports/androidTests/flavors<FlavorName>
  • build/reports/androidTests/all/
Customizing either path, will only change the root folder and still create sub folders per-flavor and aggregated results/reports.

Multi-flavor variants

In some case, one may want to create several versions of the same apps based on more than one criteria.
For instance, multi-apk support in Google Play supports 4 different filters. Creating different APKs split on each filter requires being able to use more than one dimension ofProduct Flavors.

Consider the example of a game that has a demo and a paid version and wants to use the ABI filter in the multi-apk support. With 3 ABIs and two versions of the application, 6 APKs needs to be generated (not counting the variants introduced by the different Build Types).
However, the code of the paid version is the same for all three ABIs, so creating simply 6 flavors is not the way to go.
Instead, there are two dimensions of flavors, and variants should automatically build all possible combinations.

This feature is implemented using Flavor Dimensions. Flavors are assigned to a specific dimension
android {

    flavorDimensions "abi", "version"

    productFlavors {
        freeapp {
            flavorDimension "version"

        x86 {
            flavorDimension "abi"

The android.flavorDimensions array defines the possible dimensions, as well as the order. Each defined Product Flavor is assigned to a dimension.

From the following dimensioned Product Flavors [freeapp, paidapp] and [x86, arm, mips] and the [debug, release] Build Types, the following build variants will be created:
  • x86-freeapp-debug
  • x86-freeapp-release
  • arm-freeapp-debug
  • arm-freeapp-release
  • mips-freeapp-debug
  • mips-freeapp-release
  • x86-paidapp-debug
  • x86-paidapp-release
  • arm-paidapp-debug
  • arm-paidapp-release
  • mips-paidapp-debug
  • mips-paidapp-release
The order of the dimension as defined by android.flavorDimensions is very important.

Each variant is configured by several Product Flavor objects:
  • android.defaultConfig
  • One from the abi dimension
  • One from the version dimension
The order of the dimension drives which flavor override the other, which is important for resources when a value in a flavor replaces a value defined in a lower priority flavor.
The flavor dimension is defined with higher priority first. So in this case:
abi > version > defaultConfig

Multi-flavors projects also have additional sourcesets, similar to the variant sourcesets but without the build type:

  • android.sourceSets.x86Freeapp
    Location src/x86Freeapp/
  • android.sourceSets.armPaidapp
    Location src/armPaidapp/
  • etc...
These allow customization at the flavor-combination level. They have higher priority than the basic flavor sourcesets, but lower priority than the build type sourcesets.

Advanced Build Customization

Running ProGuard

The ProGuard plugin is applied automatically by the Android plugin, and the tasks are created automatically if the Build Type is configured to run ProGuard through the minifyEnabled property.

android {
    buildTypes {
        release {
            minifyEnabled true
            proguardFile getDefaultProguardFile('proguard-android.txt')

    productFlavors {
        flavor1 {
        flavor2 {
            proguardFile 'some-other-rules.txt'

Variants use all the rules files declared in their build type, and product flavors.

There are 2 default rules files
  • proguard-android.txt
  • proguard-android-optimize.txt
They are located in the SDK. Using getDefaultProguardFile() will return the full path to the files. They are identical except for enabling optimizations.

Shrinking Resources

You can also remove unused resources, automatically, at build time. For more information, see the Resource Shrinking document.

Build options

Java Compilation options

android {
    compileOptions {
        sourceCompatibility = "1.6"
        targetCompatibility = "1.6"
Default value is “1.6”. This affect all tasks compiling Java source code.

aapt options

android {
    aaptOptions {
        noCompress 'foo', 'bar'
        ignoreAssetsPattern "!.svn:!.git:!.ds_store:!*.scc:.*:<dir>_*:!CVS:!thumbs.db:!picasa.ini:!*~"

This affects all tasks using aapt.

dex options

android {
    dexOptions {
        incremental false
        preDexLibraries = false
        jumboMode = false
        javaMaxHeapSize "2048M"
This affects all tasks using dex.

Manipulating tasks

Basic Java projects have a finite set of tasks that all work together to create an output.
The classes task is the one that compile the Java source code.
It’s easy to access from build.gradle by simply using classes in a script. This is a shortcut for project.tasks.classes.

In Android projects, this is a bit more complicated because there could be a large number of the same task and their name is generated based on the Build Types and Product Flavors.

In order to fix this, the android object has two properties:
  • applicationVariants (only for the app plugin)
  • libraryVariants (only for the library plugin)
  • testVariants (for both plugins)
All three return a DomainObjectCollection of ApplicationVariantLibraryVariant, and TestVariant objects respectively.

Note that accessing any of these collections will trigger the creations of all the tasks. This means no (re)configuration should take place after accessing the collections.

The DomainObjectCollection gives access to all the objects directly, or through filters which can be convenient.

android.applicationVariants.all { variant ->

All three variant classes share the following properties:

 Property Name  Property Type  Description
 name  String  The name of the variant. Guaranteed to be unique.
 description  String  Human readable description of the variant.
 dirName  String  subfolder name for the variant. Guaranteed to be unique. Maybe more than one folder, ie “debug/flavor1”
 baseName  String  Base name of the output(s) of the variant. Guaranteed to be unique.
 outputFile  File  The output of the variant. This is a read/write property
 processManifest  ProcessManifest  The task that processes the manifest.
 aidlCompile  AidlCompile  The task that compiles the AIDL files.
 renderscriptCompile  RenderscriptCompile  The task that compiles the Renderscript files.
 mergeResources  MergeResources  The task that merges the resources.
 mergeAssets  MergeAssets  The task that merges the assets.
 processResources  ProcessAndroidResources  The task that processes and compile the Resources.
 generateBuildConfig  GenerateBuildConfig  The task that generates the BuildConfig class.
 javaCompile  JavaCompile  The task that compiles the Java code.
 processJavaResources  Copy  The task that process the Java resources.
 assemble  DefaultTask  The assemble anchor task for this variant.

The ApplicationVariant class adds the following:

 Property Name  Property Type  Description
 buildType  BuildType  The BuildType of the variant.
 productFlavors  List<ProductFlavor>  The ProductFlavors of the variant. Always non Null but could be empty.
 mergedFlavor  ProductFlavor  The merging of android.defaultConfig and variant.productFlavors
 signingConfig  SigningConfig  The SigningConfig object used by this variant
 isSigningReady  boolean  true if the variant has all the information needed to be signed.
 testVariant  BuildVariant  The TestVariant that will test this variant.
 dex  Dex  The task that dex the code. Can be null if the variant is a library.
 packageApplication  PackageApplication  The task that makes the final APK. Can be null if the variant is a library.
 zipAlign  ZipAlign  The task that zipaligns the apk. Can be null if the variant is a library or if the APK cannot be signed.
 install  DefaultTask  The installation task. Can be null.
 uninstall  DefaultTask  The uninstallation task.

The LibraryVariant class adds the following:

 Property Name  Property Type  Description
 buildType  BuildType  The BuildType of the variant.
 mergedFlavor  ProductFlavor  The defaultConfig values
 testVariant  BuildVariant  The Build Variant that will test this variant.
 packageLibrary  Zip  The task that packages the Library AAR archive. Null if not a library.

The TestVariant class adds the following:

 Property Name  Property Type  Description
 buildType  BuildType  The BuildType of the variant.
 productFlavors  List<ProductFlavor>  The ProductFlavors of the variant. Always non Null but could be empty.
 mergedFlavor  ProductFlavor  The merging of android.defaultConfig and variant.productFlavors
 signingConfig  SigningConfig  The SigningConfig object used by this variant
 isSigningReady  boolean  true if the variant has all the information needed to be signed.
 testedVariant  BaseVariant  The BaseVariant that is tested by this TestVariant.
 dex  Dex  The task that dex the code. Can be null if the variant is a library.
 packageApplication  PackageApplication  The task that makes the final APK. Can be null if the variant is a library.
 zipAlign  ZipAlign  The task that zipaligns the apk. Can be null if the variant is a library or if the APK cannot be signed.
 install  DefaultTask  The installation task. Can be null.
 uninstall  DefaultTask  The uninstallation task.
 connectedAndroidTest  DefaultTask  The task that runs the android tests on connected devices.
 providerAndroidTest  DefaultTask  The task that runs the android tests using the extension API.

API for Android specific task types.
  • ProcessManifest
    • File manifestOutputFile
  • AidlCompile
    • File sourceOutputDir
  • RenderscriptCompile
    • File sourceOutputDir
    • File resOutputDir
  • MergeResources
    • File outputDir
  • MergeAssets
    • File outputDir
  • ProcessAndroidResources
    • File manifestFile
    • File resDir
    • File assetsDir
    • File sourceOutputDir
    • File textSymbolOutputDir
    • File packageOutputFile
    • File proguardOutputFile
  • GenerateBuildConfig
    • File sourceOutputDir
  • Dex
    • File outputFolder
  • PackageApplication
    • File resourceFile
    • File dexFile
    • File javaResourceDir
    • File jniDir
    • File outputFile
      • To change the final output file use "outputFile" on the variant object directly.
  • ZipAlign
    • File inputFile
    • File outputFile
      • To change the final output file use "outputFile" on the variant object directly.

The API for each task type is limited due to both how Gradle works and how the Android plugin sets them up.
First, Gradle is meant to have the tasks be only configured for input/output location and possible optional flags. So here, the tasks only define (some of) the inputs/outputs.

Second, the input for most of those tasks is non-trivial, often coming from mixing values from the sourceSets, the Build Types, and the Product Flavors. To keep build files simple to read and understand, the goal is to let developers modify the build by tweak these objects through the DSL, rather than diving deep in the inputs and options of the tasks and changing them.

Also note, that except for the ZipAlign task type, all other types require setting up private data to make them work. This means it’s not possible to manually create new tasks of these types.

This API is subject to change. In general the current API is around giving access to the outputs and inputs (when possible) of the tasks to add extra processing when required). Feedback is appreciated, especially around needs that may not have been foreseen.

For Gradle tasks (DefaultTask, JavaCompile, Copy, Zip), refer to the Gradle documentation.

BuildType and Product Flavor property reference

coming soon.
For Gradle tasks (DefaultTask, JavaCompile, Copy, Zip), refer to the Gradle documentation.

Using sourceCompatibility 1.7

With Android KitKat (buildToolsVersion 19) you can use the diamond operator, multi-catch, strings in switches, try with resources, etc. To do this, add the following to your build file:

android {
    compileSdkVersion 19
    buildToolsVersion "19.0.0"

    defaultConfig {
        minSdkVersion 7
        targetSdkVersion 19

    compileOptions {
        sourceCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_7
        targetCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_7

Note that you can use minSdkVersion with a value earlier than 19, for all language features except try with resources. If you want to use try with resources, you will need to also use a minSdkVersion of 19.

You also need to make sure that Gradle is using version 1.7 or later of the JDK. (And version 0.6.1 or later of the Android Gradle plugin.)

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