Build an IRC Server with Ircd Hybrid and Anope on Ubuntu 14.04

IRCD Hybrid是一个自由和开放源码轻量级互联网中继聊天 (IRC) 守护进程。IRCD Hybrid是被熟知的是快速和高性能。有了Anope的支持,Ircd Hybrid的性能可以得到更好提升。IRCD Hybrid Anope 服务相结合,可以搭建出功能丰富、高性能 IRC 服务器。

在这篇文章中,我将逐步介绍如何配置 Ubuntu 14.04 linux发行版上的 IRC Hybrid Anope服务。

Step 1 - Installation of the required dependencies

$ sudo apt-get install build-essential cmake openssllibssl-dev

Step 2 - Download and install IRCD-Hybrid

$ cd/tmp/


$ tar –xvf8.2.8.tar.gz

$ cdircd-hybrid-8.2.8/

$ sudoapt-get install build-essential

$./configure --prefix="/home/ infomgr /ircd"

$ make

$ makeinstall

Step3 - Download and install Anope Services

1. Download anope withthe wget command and extract the tar.gz file:

cd /tmp
tar -xzf 2.0.2.tar.gz

2. Then enter the anope directory.

cd anope-2.0.2-source/

3. And compile and install anope. These are the same steps thatwe  used to install ircd-hybrid. I will install it under user "infomgr"as well into the directory "services".

Now run this as "root" privileges:


and you will be asked "where do you want to install"anope. Enter the following directory "/home/ infomgr /services/" andthen press "Enter".


Next enter the "build"directory and then use a command "make && make install" tocompile and install anope services.

cd build
make && make install

When the installation is complete, go to the infomgr homedirectory and change the owner for directory "services" touser "infomgr".

cd /home/ infomgr /
chown -R infomgr: infomgr services/

Step4 - Configure IRCD-Hybrid

1. Before you edit the configuration file, please generate apassword with "mkpasswd"commandin the "bin" directory.This password is used later for the admin/operator access.

cd ~/ircd/bin
type your password


2. Now switch to user infomgr  to configure ircd-hybrid. Please go to thedirectory " ircd /etc/" and copy afile "reference.conf" toa new file "ircd.conf".

su - infomgr
cd ircd/etc/
cp reference.conf ircd.conf

3. Edit the file ircd.conf with the vim editor.

vim ircd.conf

Go to line 40 - the serverinfoblock - and change it to your server info, below myexample:

name = "infomgr.local";
description = "ircd-hybrid Infomgr server";
network_name = "InfomgrNet";
network_desc = "This is Infomgr Network";

Now edit the admin info in line 195:

name = "Infomgr Admin";
description = "Infomgr Server Administrator";
email = "<[email protected]>";

and in the auth block on line 428,comment "flag" theoption:

# flags = need_ident;

and set the oprator oradmin for irc server in line 437 :

name = "infomgr"; #operator username
user = "*@192.168.1.*"; # this is my network IP
password = "$1$zylz9BKK$AQg/dc/Ig04YuvPgkCtFK0"; #password generated with mkpasswd
encrypted = yes;

And finally you have to "define a server to connectto" in the connect block line 566.The configuration is use by ircd-hybrid for the connection to anope :

name = "services.infomgr.local";
host = ""; #server ip
send_password = "12345"; #use your password
accept_password = "12345";
port = 6666;

Then save the configuration file.

4. Start ircd-hybrid in bin directory

cd ~/ircd/bin/


Try connect to your IRC server with an IRC client like mIRC,hexchat or xchat.


Login with user infomgr, try tobe an operator/admin.

/oper infomgr aqwe123


Step5 - Configure Anope Services

1. Go to the anope installation directory as user "infomgr"and copy the file "example.conf"tothe new file "services.conf".

su infomgr
cd ~/services/conf
cp example.conf services.conf

2. Edit the configuration file with the vim editor.

vim services.conf

Edit the uplink block in line 154 -this is used by anope for the connection to ircd. Make sure this configuration matcheswith connect block in the ircd configuration.

#Server IP
host = ""
port = 6666 
#default port is 7000
password = "12345"

Then change the serverinfo block in line 198 andmake sure it is matches with the connect block inthe ircd-hybrid configuration.

name = "services.infomgr.local"

Finally you have to define the ircd software that you use in the moduleblock in line 260. Change "inspircd20" to "hybrid".

name = "hybrid"

Save the configuration file.

3. Run the anope services.

cd ~/services/bin
./anoperc start

Now you can check that the anope services are connectedwith ircd-hybrid. Connect to the IRC server and check with this command:

/whois ChanServ


Step6 - Add SSL to IRCD-Hybrid

1. Before you edit the ircd-hybrid configuration, you have togenerate a SSL certificate for ircd. Please go to the "hybrid/etc/" directory.

cd ~/ircd/etc/

And generate a private rsa.key withthe openssl command, change the permission to 600 withchmod:

openssl genrsa -out rsa.key 2048
chmod 600 rsa.key

Now generate the SSL certificate for the encrypted clientconnection with our rsa.key private key:

openssl req -new -days 365 -x509 -key rsa.key -out cert.pem

Enter your data like Country etc. when requested by OpenSSL.

and the last, generate a dhparam file with command :

openssl dhparam -out dhparam.pem 2048

Just wait, because it will take some time.


2. Now go to the ircd directory and edit the configurationfile "ircd.conf".

cd ~/ircd/etc/
vim ircd.conf

Uncomment thessl configuration in the serverinfo block:

rsa_private_key_file = "etc/rsa.key"; # Line 114
ssl_certificate_file = "etc/cert.pem"; # Line 136
ssl_dh_param_file = "etc/dhparam.pem"; # Line 151

And finally you have to comment the hostin the listenblock at line 353.

# host = "";

Save and exit.

3. Restart ircd-hybrid and anope:

killall ircd
~/services/bin/anoperc start


Step7 - Testing

Try to connect to your IRC server with an IRC client, I'll beusing Hexchat here and seewhat happens:

/server -ssl 6697

note :6697 is default port for SSL Connection on ircd-hybrid.


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