OpenOffice Basic

How to find/replace with hyperlinks in Writer 怎樣獲取超鏈接

sub markHyperlink
dim oParaEnum as object
dim oPortEnum as object
dim oPara as object
dim oPort as object

oParaEnum = thisComponent.text.createEnumeration()

do while oParaEnum.hasMoreElements()
oPara = oParaEnum.nextElement

if oPara.supportsService("") then
rem if you're sure you'll never use a table for whatever reason, you can get rid of this if clause
oPortEnum = oPara.createEnumeration

do while oPortEnum.hasMoreElements()
oPort = oPortEnum.nextElement()

if isHyperlink(oPort) then
rem please note that 'isHyperlink()' is a stand in for however you end up determining whether something is a hyperlink
thisComponent.text.insertString(oPort.getStart(), ">>", false)


end sub

function isHyperlink(oTextPortion as object) as boolean
with oTextPortion
if .hyperlinkTarget = "" and .hyperlinkName = "" and .hyperlinkURL = "" then
isHyperlink = false
isHyperlink = true
end with
end function

How to output string to file with Star Basic

input1 =  text.dbg_methods
n = FreeFile                    'Always find the next free file number
FileName = ConvertToURL(CurDir) & "/delme.txt"
Open FileName For Output As #n
Write #n, input1
close #n

How to modify the border of texttable in openoffice word processing

Sub Main
'   oDoc = ThisComponent
   oDoc = StarDesktop.loadComponentFromURL( "private:factory/swriter", "_blank", 0, Array()
   ' Create a table
   oTable = oDoc.createInstance( "" )
   ' Initialise table to have seven rows, five columns
   oTable.initialize( 7, 5 )
   ' Get view cursor
   oViewCursor = oDoc.getCurrentController().getViewCursor()
   ' Get text of the document.
   oText = oDoc.getText()
   'Insert table into text at current view cursor position.
   oText.insertTextContent( oViewCursor, oTable, False )
   ' Now let's have some fun with the table.
   ' Fill in all the cells.
   For nRow = 0 To oTable.getRows().getCount() - 1
      For nCol = 0 To oTable.getColumns().getCount() - 1
         oCell = oTable.getCellByPosition( nCol, nRow )
         ' Get the cell's text.
         oText = oCell.getText()
         ' Get a cursor on the cell's text.
         oCursor = oText.createTextCursor()
         ' Insert something random
         oText.insertString( oCursor, "$"+CSTR( Int( Rnd() * 10000 ) ), False )
         ' For some rows, make the number format be Currency.
         If nRow <= 3 Then
            oCell.NumberFormat =
            oCell.NumberFormat =
         oCell.LeftBorder   = MakeCellBorderLine( RGB(255,255,255), 0, 10, 0 )
         oCell.RightBorder  = MakeCellBorderLine( RGB(255,255,255), 0, 10, 0 )
         oCell.TopBorder    = MakeCellBorderLine( RGB(255,255,255), 0, 10, 0 )
         oCell.BottomBorder = MakeCellBorderLine( RGB(255,255,255), 0, 10, 0 )
End Sub
Function MakeCellBorderLine( nColor, nInnerLineWidth, nOuterLineWidth, nLineDistance ) _
   oBorderLine = createUnoStruct( "" )
   With oBorderLine
      .Color = nColor
      .InnerLineWidth = nInnerLineWidth
      .OuterLineWidth = nOuterLineWidth
      .LineDistance = nLineDistance
   End With
   MakeCellBorderLine = oBorderLine
End Function

Question: Why we can not modify the border using these code:

oCell.BottomBorder .Color = rgb(128,0,200) and so on.



TextField of OpenOffice swriter can be a password control by Only changing the Model.EchoChar to specific char.

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