
Realm backlinks, queries to linking objects, and changes in schema design

In Realm Android 3.4.0-SNAPSHOT, support for queries across backlinks got merged, and with the next release, inverse relations will be out of beta.

This allows us to simplify the Realm schema by replacing many bi-directional links with uni-directional ones, and replace the links “pointing back” with backlinks.


在Realm的Android 3.4.0-嚐鮮版中,已合併對反向連接交叉查詢的支持,在下一個發佈版本中,反向關係將正式可用。


The support for inverse relations was initially added in 3.1.0, but it didn’t support queries across them until now. This essentially means that for any relation you have in your schema (either 0..1 or 0..*), you can now see the objects that are linking to your current object.
For example, we have the following model classes:



public class Dog extends RealmObject {
    private String id;
    private int age;
    // getters, setters

public class Person extends RealmObject {
    private String id;
    private String name;
    // getters, setters

And what we want to specify is that a Person can have multiple dogs. Let’s say that a Dog can only be owned by one person. Previously, you would have to create the following schema:


public class Dog extends RealmObject {
    private String id;
    private int age;
    private Person owner; // <--- !!!
    // getters, setters

public class Person extends RealmObject {
    private String id;
    private String name;
    private RealmList<Dog> dogs;
    // getters, setters

// creating objects
r.executeTransaction((realm) -> {
    Dog dog = realm.createObject(Dog.class, "dogId");
    Person person = realm.createObject(Person.class, "personId");
    dog.setOwner(person); // <--- !!!

// link query
RealmResults<Dog> dogs = realm.where(Dog.class)
                              .equalTo("", "Jack")

And while a Dog is technically owned by a Person, we don’t really need to say that a “Dog belongs to a Person”, right?
We say the Person owns the Dog. Then we implicitly know that the Dog is owned by that given Person.
This is an inverse relationship: if a Person owns a Dog, then that Dog is owned by that Person.

We can now replace manually established bi-directional links, with automatically managed backlinks to linking objects.





public class Dog extends RealmObject {
    private String id;
    private int age;
    @LinkingObjects("dogs") // <-- !
    private final RealmResults<Person> owners = null; // <-- !
    // getters, setters

public class Person extends RealmObject {
    private String id;
    private String name;
    private RealmList<Dog> dogs;
    // getters, setters

// creating objects
r.executeTransaction((realm) -> {
    Dog dog = realm.createObject(Dog.class, "dogId");
    Person person = realm.createObject(Person.class, "personId");
    // dog.getOwners() will automatically contain `person`

// link query
RealmResults<Dog> dogs = realm.where(Dog.class)
                              .equalTo("", "Jack")

Every relationship, either 0..1 or 0..* creates their corresponding backlinks in the target class.
One thing to note is that an inverse relationship can only be seen as 0..* meaning it must be declared as RealmResults<T>. Also, when declared, it is final and the accessors are transformed to return the managed linking objects.
With that, we no longer need to manually manage the owners of the Dog, it’s managed by Realm automatically :)

What’s worth a mention is that backlink fields don’t need to be added with migration, but if you remove the list or property that points back, then of course a migration is needed to remove that field.


要注意一個事情,一個反向關係只能被視作0..*,意思是它必須被聲明爲 RealmResults<T>。當定義它時,應使用final修飾,而且訪問符被轉變以返回可管理連接對象。

有了它,我們不必再手動管理狗的擁有者,它被Realm自動管理了。 :)


Automatic inverse relations will simplify Realm schema design, and schema maintenance. Hopefully this article gave you a quickstart for how to work with @LinkingObjects.



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