


  1. 今日頭條新聞爬取
  2. 將爬取下來的新聞正文部分進行實體分析,並將結果可視化
  3. 用storm框架將爬取的新聞數據存入mysql




from sentence_parser import *
import re
from collections import Counter
from GraphShow import *
from keywords_textrank import *

class CrimeMining:
    def __init__(self):
        self.textranker = TextRank()
        self.parser = LtpParser()
        self.ners = ['nh', 'ni', 'ns']
        self.ner_dict = {
        self.graph_shower = GraphShow()

    def remove_noisy(self, content):
        p1 = re.compile(r'([^)]*)')
        p2 = re.compile(r'\([^\)]*\)')
        return p2.sub('', p1.sub('', content))

    def collect_ners(self, words, postags):
        ners = []
        for index, pos in enumerate(postags):
            if pos in self.ners:
                ners.append(words[index] + '/' + pos)
        return ners

    def seg_content(self, content):
        return [sentence for sentence in re.split(r'[??!!。;;::\n\r]', content) if sentence]

    def process_sent(self, sent):
        words, postags = self.parser.basic_process(sent)
        return words, postags

    def collect_coexist(self, ner_sents, ners):
        co_list = []
        for sent in ner_sents:
            words = [i[0] + '/' + i[1] for i in zip(sent[0], sent[1])]
            co_ners = set(ners).intersection(set(words))
            co_info = self.combination(list(co_ners))
            co_list += co_info
        if not co_list:
            return []
        return {i[0]:i[1] for i in Counter(co_list).most_common()}

    def combination(self, a):
        combines = []
        if len(a) == 0:
            return []
        for i in a:
            for j in a:
                if i == j:
                combines.append('@'.join([i, j]))
        return combines

    def extract_triples(self, words, postags):
        svo = []
        tuples, child_dict_list = self.parser.parser_main(words, postags)
        for tuple in tuples:
            rel = tuple[-1]
            if rel in ['SBV']:
                sub_wd = tuple[1]
                verb_wd = tuple[3]
                obj = self.complete_VOB(verb_wd, child_dict_list)
                subj = sub_wd
                verb = verb_wd
                if not obj:
                    svo.append([subj, verb])
                    svo.append([subj, verb+obj])
        return svo

    def filter_triples(self, triples, ners):
        ner_triples = []
        for ner in ners:
            for triple in triples:
                if ner in triple:
        return ner_triples

    def complete_VOB(self, verb, child_dict_list):
        for child in child_dict_list:
            wd = child[0]
            attr = child[3]
            if wd == verb:
                if 'VOB' not in attr:
                vob = attr['VOB'][0]
                obj = vob[1]
                return obj
        return ''

    def extract_keywords(self, words_list):
        return self.textranker.extract_keywords(words_list, 10)

    def rel_entity_keyword(self, ners, keyword, subsent):
        events = []
        rels = []
        sents = []
        ners = [i.split('/')[0] for i in set(ners)]
        keyword = [i[0] for i in keyword]
        for sent in subsent:
            tmp = []
            for wd in sent:
                if wd in ners + keyword:
            if len(tmp) > 1:
        for ner in ners:
            for sent in sents:
                if ner in sent:
                    tmp = ['->'.join([ner, wd]) for wd in sent if wd in keyword and wd != ner and len(wd) > 1]
                    if tmp:
                        rels += tmp
        for e in set(rels):
            events.append([e.split('->')[0], e.split('->')[1]])
        return events

    def seg_short_content(self, content):
        return [sentence for sentence in re.split(r'[,,??!!。;;::\n\r\t ]', content) if sentence]

    def main(self,content,title):
        if not content:
            return []
        # 對文章進行去噪處理
        content = self.remove_noisy(content)
        # 對文章進行長句切分處理
        sents = self.seg_content(content)
        # 對文章進行短句切分處理
        subsents = self.seg_short_content(content)
        subsents_seg = []
        # words_list存儲整篇文章的詞頻信息
        words_list = []
        # ner_sents保存具有命名實體的句子
        ner_sents = []
        # ners保存命名實體
        ners = []
        # triples保存主謂賓短語
        triples = []
        # 存儲文章事件
        events = []
        for sent in subsents:
            words, postags = self.process_sent(sent)
            words_list += [[i[0], i[1]] for i in zip(words, postags)]
            subsents_seg.append([i[0] for i in zip(words, postags)])
            ner = self.collect_ners(words, postags)
            if ner:
                triple = self.extract_triples(words, postags)
                if not triple:
                triples += triple
                ners += ner
                ner_sents.append([words, postags])

        # 獲取文章關鍵詞, 並圖譜組織, 這個可以做
        keywords = [i[0] for i in self.extract_keywords(words_list)]
        for keyword in keywords:
            name = keyword
            cate = '關鍵詞'
            events.append([name, cate])
        # 對三元組進行event構建,這個可以做
        for t in triples:
            if (t[0] in keywords or t[1] in keywords) and len(t[0]) > 1 and len(t[1]) > 1:
                events.append([t[0], t[1]])

        # 獲取文章詞頻信息話,並圖譜組織,這個可以做
        word_dict = [i for i in Counter([i[0] for i in words_list if i[1][0] in ['n', 'v'] and len(i[0]) > 1]).most_common()][:10]
        for wd in word_dict:
            name = wd[0]
            cate = '高頻詞'
            events.append([name, cate])

        # 獲取全文命名實體,這個可以做
        ner_dict = {i[0]:i[1] for i in Counter(ners).most_common()}
        for ner in ner_dict:
            name = ner.split('/')[0]
            cate = self.ner_dict[ner.split('/')[1]]
            events.append([name, cate])

        # 獲取全文命名實體共現信息,構建事件共現網絡
        co_dict = self.collect_coexist(ner_sents, list(ner_dict.keys()))
        co_events = [[i.split('@')[0].split('/')[0], i.split('@')[1].split('/')[0]] for i in co_dict]
        events += co_events
        events_entity_keyword = self.rel_entity_keyword(ners, keywords, subsents_seg)
        events += events_entity_keyword

handler = CrimeMining()

def Entity_extraction(text,title):


import os
from pyltp import Segmentor, Postagger, Parser, NamedEntityRecognizer

class LtpParser():
    def __init__(self):
        LTP_DIR = "./ltp_data"
        self.segmentor = Segmentor()
        self.segmentor.load(os.path.join(LTP_DIR, "cws.model"))

        self.postagger = Postagger()
        self.postagger.load(os.path.join(LTP_DIR, "pos.model"))

        self.parser = Parser()
        self.parser.load(os.path.join(LTP_DIR, "parser.model"))

        self.recognizer = NamedEntityRecognizer()
        self.recognizer.load(os.path.join(LTP_DIR, "ner.model"))

    def basic_parser(self, words):
        postags = list(self.postagger.postag(words))
        netags = self.recognizer.recognize(words, postags)
        return postags, netags

    def get_postag(self, words):
        return list(self.postagger.postag(words))

    def format_entity(self, words, netags, postags):
        name_entity_dist = {}
        name_entity_list = []
        place_entity_list = []
        organization_entity_list = []
        ntag_E_Nh = ""
        ntag_E_Ni = ""
        ntag_E_Ns = ""
        index = 0
        for item in zip(words, netags):
            word = item[0]
            ntag = item[1]
            if ntag[0] != "O":
                if ntag[0] == "S":
                    if ntag[-2:] == "Nh":
                        name_entity_list.append(word+'_%s ' % index)
                    elif ntag[-2:] == "Ni":
                        organization_entity_list.append(word+'_%s ' % index)
                        place_entity_list.append(word + '_%s ' % index)
                elif ntag[0] == "B":
                    if ntag[-2:] == "Nh":
                        ntag_E_Nh = ntag_E_Nh + word + '_%s ' % index
                    elif ntag[-2:] == "Ni":
                        ntag_E_Ni = ntag_E_Ni + word + '_%s ' % index
                        ntag_E_Ns = ntag_E_Ns + word + '_%s ' % index
                elif ntag[0] == "I":
                    if ntag[-2:] == "Nh":
                        ntag_E_Nh = ntag_E_Nh + word + '_%s ' % index
                    elif ntag[-2:] == "Ni":
                        ntag_E_Ni = ntag_E_Ni + word + '_%s ' % index
                        ntag_E_Ns = ntag_E_Ns + word + '_%s ' % index
                    if ntag[-2:] == "Nh":
                        ntag_E_Nh = ntag_E_Nh + word + '_%s ' % index
                        ntag_E_Nh = ""
                    elif ntag[-2:] == "Ni":
                        ntag_E_Ni = ntag_E_Ni + word + '_%s ' % index
                        ntag_E_Ni = ""
                        ntag_E_Ns = ntag_E_Ns + word + '_%s ' % index
                        ntag_E_Ns = ""
            index += 1
        name_entity_dist['nhs'] = self.modify_entity(name_entity_list, words, postags, 'nh')
        name_entity_dist['nis'] = self.modify_entity(organization_entity_list, words, postags, 'ni')
        name_entity_dist['nss'] = self.modify_entity(place_entity_list,words, postags, 'ns')
        return name_entity_dist

    def modify_entity(self, entity_list, words, postags, tag):
        entity_modify = []
        if entity_list:
            for entity in entity_list:
                entity_dict = {}
                subs = entity.split(' ')[:-1]
                start_index = subs[0].split('_')[1]
                end_index = subs[-1].split('_')[1]
                entity_dict['stat_index'] = start_index
                entity_dict['end_index'] = end_index
                if start_index == entity_dict['end_index']:
                    consist = [words[int(start_index)] + '/' + postags[int(start_index)]]
                    consist = [words[index] + '/' + postags[index] for index in range(int(start_index), int(end_index)+1)]
                entity_dict['consist'] = consist
                entity_dict['name'] = ''.join(tmp.split('_')[0] for tmp in subs) + '/' + tag
        return entity_modify

    def rebuild_wordspostags(self, name_entity_dist, words, postags):
        pre = ' '.join([item[0] + '/' + item[1] for item in zip(words, postags)])
        post = pre
        for et, infos in name_entity_dist.items():
            if infos:
                for info in infos:
                    post = post.replace(' '.join(info['consist']), info['name'])
        post = [word for word in post.split(' ') if len(word.split('/')) == 2 and word.split('/')[0]]
        words = [tmp.split('/')[0] for tmp in post]
        postags = [tmp.split('/')[1] for tmp in post]

        return words, postags

    def syntax_parser(self, words, postags):
        arcs = self.parser.parse(words, postags)
        words = ['Root'] + words
        postags = ['w'] + postags
        tuples = list()
        for index in range(len(words)-1):
            arc_index = arcs[index].head
            arc_relation = arcs[index].relation
            tuples.append([index+1, words[index+1], postags[index+1], words[arc_index], postags[arc_index], arc_index, arc_relation])

        return tuples

    def build_parse_child_dict(self, words, postags, tuples):
        child_dict_list = list()
        for index, word in enumerate(words):
            child_dict = dict()
            for arc in tuples:
                if arc[3] == word:
                    if arc[-1] in child_dict:
                        child_dict[arc[-1]] = []
            child_dict_list.append([word, postags[index], index, child_dict])

        return child_dict_list

    def parser_main(self, words, postags):
        tuples = self.syntax_parser(words, postags)
        child_dict_list = self.build_parse_child_dict(words, postags, tuples)
        return tuples, child_dict_list

    def basic_process(self, sentence):
        words = list(self.segmentor.segment(sentence))
        postags, netags = self.basic_parser(words)
        name_entity_dist = self.format_entity(words, netags, postags)
        words, postags = self.rebuild_wordspostags(name_entity_dist, words, postags)
        return words, postags


import jieba.posseg as pseg
from collections import defaultdict
import sys

class textrank_graph:
    def __init__(self):
        self.graph = defaultdict(list)
        self.d = 0.85 #d是阻尼係數,一般設置爲0.85
        self.min_diff = 1e-5 #設定收斂閾值

    def addEdge(self, start, end, weight):
        self.graph[start].append((start, end, weight))
        self.graph[end].append((end, start, weight))

    def rank(self):
        weight_deafault = 1.0 / (len(self.graph) or 1.0)
        #nodeweight_dict, 存儲節點的權重
        nodeweight_dict = defaultdict(float)
        outsum_node_dict = defaultdict(float)
        for node, out_edge in self.graph.items():
            #是 [('是', '全國', 1), ('是', '調查', 1), ('是', '失業率', 1), ('是', '城鎮', 1)]
            nodeweight_dict[node] = weight_deafault
            outsum_node_dict[node] = sum((edge[2] for edge in out_edge), 0.0)
        sorted_keys = sorted(self.graph.keys())
        step_dict = [0]
        for step in range(1, 1000):
            for node in sorted_keys:
                s = 0
                for e in self.graph[node]:
                    s += e[2] / outsum_node_dict[e[1]] * nodeweight_dict[e[1]]
                #計算公式:(1-d) + d*s
                nodeweight_dict[node] = (1 - self.d) + self.d * s

            if abs(step_dict[step] - step_dict[step - 1]) <= self.min_diff:

        #利用Z-score進行權重歸一化,也稱爲離差標準化,是對原始數據的線性變換,使結果值映射到[0 - 1]之間。
        (min_rank, max_rank) = (sys.float_info[0], sys.float_info[3])
        for w in nodeweight_dict.values():
            if w < min_rank:
                min_rank = w
            if w > max_rank:
                max_rank = w

        for n, w in nodeweight_dict.items():
            nodeweight_dict[n] = (w - min_rank/10.0) / (max_rank - min_rank/10.0)

        return nodeweight_dict

class TextRank:
    def __init__(self):
        self.candi_pos = ['n', 'v']
        self.stop_pos = ['nt']
        self.span = 5

    def extract_keywords(self, word_list, num_keywords):
        g = textrank_graph()
        cm = defaultdict(int)
        for i, word in enumerate(word_list):
            if word[1][0] in self.candi_pos and len(word[0]) > 1:
                for j in range(i + 1, i + self.span):
                    if j >= len(word_list):
                    if word_list[j][1][0] not in self.candi_pos or word_list[j][1] in self.stop_pos or len(word_list[j][0]) < 2:
                    pair = tuple((word[0], word_list[j][0]))
                    cm[(pair)] +=  1

        for terms, w in cm.items():
            g.addEdge(terms[0], terms[1], w)
        nodes_rank = g.rank()
        nodes_rank = sorted(nodes_rank.items(), key=lambda asd:asd[1], reverse=True)

        return nodes_rank[:num_keywords]


class GraphShow():
    def __init__(self):
        self.base = '''
      <script type="text/javascript" src="VIS/dist/vis.js"></script>
      <link href="VIS/dist/vis.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
      <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=gba">

    <div id="VIS_draw"></div>

    <script type="text/javascript">
      var nodes = data_nodes;
      var edges = data_edges;

      var container = document.getElementById("VIS_draw");

      var data = {
        nodes: nodes,
        edges: edges

      var options = {
          nodes: {
              shape: 'circle',
              size: 15,
              font: {
                  size: 15
          edges: {
              font: {
                  size: 10,
                  align: 'center'
              color: 'red',
              arrows: {
                  to: {enabled: true, scaleFactor: 1.2}
              smooth: {enabled: true}
          physics: {
              enabled: true

      var network = new vis.Network(container, data, options);

    def create_page(self, events,title):
        nodes = []
        for event in events:
        node_dict = {node: index for index, node in enumerate(nodes)}

        data_nodes = []
        data_edges = []
        for node, id in node_dict.items():
            data = {}
            data["group"] = 'Event'
            data["id"] = id
            data["label"] = node

        for edge in events:
            data = {}
            data['from'] = node_dict.get(edge[0])
            data['label'] = ''
            data['to'] = node_dict.get(edge[1])

        self.create_html(data_nodes, data_edges,title)

    def create_html(self, data_nodes, data_edges,title):
        f = open('./html/'+title+'.html', 'w+')
        html = self.base.replace('data_nodes', str(data_nodes)).replace('data_edges', str(data_edges))
        f.write(html.encode("gbk", 'ignore').decode("gbk", "ignore"))





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