
From this you can start to make some attempts to read a certain type of file. There are a
number of file conversion utilities available to you under Linux, and even more available on
the Internet, as well as a number of file viewers for various formats. Sometimes it may require
more than one step to get to a place where you can really work with the data – try to think
Occasionally, you will come across files which have been encrypted or password protected.
The complication that this presents varies, from encryption that is easily broken to stuff that
would even give the NSA ( or GCHQ or whatever your local government agency happens to
be ) a headache. There are again a number of tools available on the Internet that you can
use to try to break the encryption on a file. It pays to examine the area surrounding the
computer that you are dealing with. People aren't very good at remembering passwords, it
may well be written down somewhere nearby. Common choices for passwords also involve :
pets, relatives, dates ( marriage, date of birth ), telephone numbers, car registrations, and
other simple combinations ( 123456, abcdef, qwerty etc. ). People are also reluctant to use
more than one or two passwords for everything, so if you can reverse engineer a password on
one file or application, try it on the others. It is highly likely to be the same.



有時候你會遇到被加密了的文件,密文的複雜度各種各樣,有些密文很好解密,但有些及時給美國國家安全局(不管哪個國家的安全局)都不能解決。網上一樣的有對加密文件進行解密的工具。這些工具檢查待解密電腦周圍的環境。人們不是很擅長記密碼,有可能將密碼寫下來放到附近某個地方。密碼設置一般包含下面內容:寵物名,親戚名,一些特殊日期(結婚日期,出生日期),電話號碼,車牌號,以及其它簡單組合數(123456、abcdef、qwerty 等等)。人們一般不會設置很多的祕密,如果你解開了某個工程師的文件密碼或者應用程序密碼,用這個密碼試試解別的加密文件,很有可能這個密碼就能解碼。


For these Exercises, we will learn about password cracking. While it is legal to crack your own
passwords if you forget them, it is not legal in some countries to figure out how something else
is encrypted, in order to protect the other material from being cracked.
DVD movies are encrypted to prevent them from being stolen off the DVD and sold. While
this is an excellent use of encryption, it is illegal for anyone to research how that encryption is
used. This leads to your first exercise:
1. What is "DeCSS" and how does it relate to DVD encryption? Search on "decss" to learn
2. Knowing that something is password protected means learning how to open that file. This is
known as "cracking" the password. Find information about cracking various types of
passwords. To do this search for "cracking XYZ passwords" where XYZ is the password type you
are looking for. Do this for the following password types:

               a. MD5

               b. Adobe PDF
               c. Excel
3. If the encryption method is too strong to be broken, it may be necessary to perform a
“dictionary attack” ( sometimes known as “brute force”). Find out what a dictionary attack is.







               a. MD5

               b. Adobe PDF
               c. Excel



8.2.3 Finding a Needle in a Haystack
Commercial forensic software includes powerful search tools that allow you to search for
many combinations and permutations of factors. Without these expensive commercial tools
you need to be a little more resourceful. Linux provides you with plenty of scope to construct
similar tools using standard utilities. The following text details the use of find, grep and strings,
and then describes the use of the pipe to combine them. find
              find [path...][expression]

find is used to locate files meeting certain criteria within the operating system. It is not
designed for looking within the files. There must be a million permutations of expressions that
can be combined to search for a file.

1. Read the manual page for find. Complete the “Effect” for each “Expression” in the table
below. (Hint: Where a number is given as an argument, it can be specified as follows: +n – for
greater than n; -n – for less than n; n – for exactly n.)


8.2.3 大海撈針

商業診斷軟件包含強大的搜索工具,可以搜索許多因子的組合體和排列體。如果沒有這些昂貴的商業工具,你需要動一點腦筋。Linux系統可以用標準工具組建相似的搜索工具。下面文本信息告訴你怎樣使用find、grep、strings,用pipe組合這些工具。 find

            find [path...][expression]




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