Paper intensive reading (五):A Review on Role of Microbiome in Obesity and Antiobesity Properties

論文題目:A Review on Role of Microbiome in Obesity and Antiobesity Properties of Probiotic Supplements

Published 9 May 2019

Bhagavathi Sundaram Sivamaruthi, Periyanaina Kesika, Natarajan Suganthy, and Chaiyavat Chaiyasut

Chiang Mai University

Published in BioMed Research International

Google citation: 4


Probiotics are now recognized for several health benefits and they have been recommended as a complementary therapeutic agent for metabolic disorders. Obesity is an altered health condition, which is a resultant of irregular energy intake and energy balance, changes in gut microbiota, and improper diet with the influence of genetic makeup and environmental factors(肥胖是腸道菌羣變化的結果?). Several studies revealed the influence of probiotic  suuplementation on obesity-associated consequences in vitro, in vivo, and in human clinical studies. The current manuscript discussed the factors influencing the occurrence of obesity, the interplay between microbiome and obesity, the effect of the probiotic intervention on the health status of obese people, and possible mechanism of antibesity activity of probiotics. The literature survey revealed that the antiobese activity of probiotics might be associated with their ability to alter the intestinal microbiota, remodeling of energy metabolism, alter the expression of genes related to thermogenesis(生熱作用), glucose metabolism, and lipid metabolism(脂質代謝), and change the parasympathetic(副交感神經系統) nerve activity.  Further intense research is necessary to figure out the best probiotic or synbiotic mixture and optimum dosage and the duration of the intervention to reduce obesity and prevent the recurring of obese condition.


1. Introduction 

2. Obesity: Influencing Factors and Consequences

3. Microbiome

3.1 Development and Composition of Gut Microbiota 腸道菌羣的發育和組成

3.2 Host-Gut Microbiota Metabolite Interaction 宿主-腸道菌羣代謝物相互作用

3.3 Gut Microbiota and Obesity 腸道菌羣與肥胖

4. Influence of Probiotic Supplementation on Health Status of Obese People 益生菌補充劑對肥胖人羣的健康狀況的影響

5. In Vivo Studies Using Laboratory Animal Models 使用實驗動物模型進行體內研究

6. Conclusion and Future Perspectives


1. Introduction 

GM is involved in the energy balancing, intestinal integrity, and immunity against invading pathogens; thereby GM controls the overall health status of the host. 這個結論是業界公認的嗎?

GM can be positively altered by the supplementation of probiotics, a group of beneficial microbes that confers health benefits when consumed in an adequate amount. 補充益生菌有益健康,在很多疾病上有研究表明

Obesity is an altered health condition, which is a resultant of irregular energy intake and energy balance, changes in GM, and improper diet with the influence of genetic makeup and environmental factors. 腸道菌羣變化是肥胖的原因?

The overweight with some ill-health conditions such as diabetes, hypertension, and cardiovascular diseases is considered as morbid obesity. 還有很多病變性肥胖

GM is one of the influencing environmental factors involved in the initiation of obesity mainly by disturbing the food intake and energy balance. 腸道菌羣在肥胖方面的影響主要是干擾食物攝入和能量平衡

The published scientific documents have been searched and retrieved from Scopus, Web of Science, PubMed, and Google Scholar using the search terms “Probiotic” and “obesity.” 這篇review的文獻查找方法,其實這些工作是不是現在可以用Python寫?如果後續有時間的話,可以嘗試一下,或者我覺得應該有已經寫好的工具,因爲區別就在於關鍵詞嘛

2. Obesity: Influencing Factors and Consequences

Several factors are associated with the development of obesity. 各種因素啊

3. Microbiome

Each individual has unique GM composition influenced by several endogenous and exogenous factors such as gestational age, mode of delivery, breastfeeding, antibiotic exposure, diet, and lifestyle. 腸道菌羣的個性化

The colonization of GM is not uniform throughout the gastrointestinal tract(胃腸道) with limited distribution in stomach and small intestine(小腸) followed by a dense and diverse population in the colon(結腸) due to the absence of digestive secretion, slow peristalsis(蠕動), and rich nutrient supply. 腸道菌羣分佈的部位,結腸處最密集

recent scientific investigations have shown that GM has emerged as a prime endogenous factor influencing obesity. 近期研究表明,腸道菌羣是肥胖症的主要內源性因素。

3.1 Development and Composition of Gut Microbiota

In the first year of child life, the microbial composition varies according to developmental changes, host genotype, and food intake, which stabilizes similar to adult microbiota by the age of 3 years. 之前不是一個文獻說2.5歲趨於穩定?

. In healthy adult individuals, the microbiota of the gut is in a symbiotic relationship with the host, which depends on host lifestyle, diet, and antibiotics, while in elderly people the composition of microbiota changes depending upon the alteration in digestive physiology and diet. 健康的成年人的腸道菌羣決定因素,跟老年人的還有點區別

GM belongs to the phyla Bacteroidetes, Firmicutes, Actinobacteria, Proteobacteria, and Verrucomicrobia among which, Bacteroidetes and Firmicutes account for 90% of the total bacterial species [82]這個之前的文獻上有圖的

Healthy human GM is characterized by a high ratio of Bacteroidetes to Firmicutes, while in obese individuals inverse ratio is observed with a high prevalence of Firmicutes [85] 這篇文獻裏面肯定仔細研究了健康人羣的腸道菌羣分佈

These data strongly link that certain bacterial phyla/class/species colonized in the gut acts as a driving force leading to the onset of obesity.

3.2 Host-Gut Microbiota Metabolite Interaction

Mounting evidence revealed that metabolites derived by fermentation of food by GM play a vital role in regulating the host metabolism with perspective to obesity. 發酵食品


SCF derived from GM regulates host metabolism by interaction with complex metabolic pathways intertwined with the nervous, endocrine, and immune system. 

In healthy individuals SCF modulates the gut integrity, gut hormone production, and immune function, while in diseased state SCF exhibits a protective effect against diabetes, ulcerative colitis, colorectal cancer, and neurodegenerative disorders 健康個體,疾病個體

Understanding the mechanism of interaction of SCFs with its receptor will help in exploring the therapeutic way for the treatment of obesity and health-related disorders.

3.3 Gut Microbiota and Obesity

GM leads to host obesity through various routes such as by altering the intestinal permeability(滲透性) leading to endotoxemia(肉毒素血癥), enhanced calorie provision, and endocannabinoid system (eCB,內源性大麻素系統) stimulation and by regulating the lipid metabolism(脂質代謝) by enhancing lipoprotein lipase(脂肪酶) activity and lipogenesis(脂肪生成)

endocannabinoid system (eCB,內源性大麻素系統) 很多文獻都簡稱ECS啊????

 the role of SCF in obesity a puzzle 相關研究的結果有衝突之處

Overall the studies reveal that GM activates the eCB system, which increases intestinal permeability promoting LPS migration into the circulatory system causing endotoxemia. Increased LPS, in turn, alters the tight junction integrity of the intestinal membrane enhancing increased release of LPS into circulation creating virtuous circle promoting adipogenesis.

The gut microbiome is a complex microbial world having both beneficial and harmful microbes and manipulation of these microbes for the therapeutic purpose is possible only if the precise role of each and every individual microbe is known.

GM, its metabolite, and host are interplaying systems; therefore integration of this system will give us a comprehensive idea of the function of each building block of this system [117118]. 系統集成

4. Influence of Probiotic Supplementation on Health Status of Obese People

Table 1: Influence of probiotic supplementation on obese people. 


5. In Vivo Studies Using Laboratory Animal Models

Table 2: Effects of probiotic supplementation on obese-experimental animal model.  6個study

6. Conclusion and Future Perspectives

The detailed literature survey showed that the beneficial impact of probiotic supplementation in obese people has been associated with several factors such as nature of the probiotic strain, composition of the probiotic formula (single or multistrain; with or without prebiotics), duration of the intervention, dose, and other aided activities like calorie/dietary restrictions and weight loss medications. 詳細的文獻調查顯示,補充益生菌對肥胖人羣的有益影響與多種因素有關,例如益生菌菌株的性質,益生菌配方的組成(單菌株或多菌株;有或沒有益生元),干預時間, 劑量以及其他輔助活動,例如卡路里/飲食限制和減肥藥。


 Most importantly probiotic intervention greatly modified the composition of intestinal microbiota 益生菌可以干預腸道菌羣組成

increased the load of Bifidobacterium(雙歧桿菌), Lactobacillus(乳酸菌), Proteobacteria(變形菌門), Bacteroidetes(擬桿菌門), and Peptococcaceae(消化球菌科) members and reduced the amount of Firmicutes(厚壁菌門), Clostridium(梭菌屬), and Actinobacteria(放線菌)

To conclude, as GM plays a key role in host metabolism, modulation of its composition represents a promising strategy for the treatment of obesity.

Further studies are necessary to evaluate the best combination of probiotic strains or synbiotic preparation to extend the health benefits of probiotics in obese individuals. 益生菌菌株或合生元的結合來延伸益生菌對肥胖者的健康益處





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