Save Windows XP

Save Windows XP
I vividly remember the first time I used Windows XP. My first reaction: Ugh, these primary colors make Windows look like kid's software. Then I started using it.
It didn't take much mousing around to make me feel right at home. And after a while, I felt relieved. There were the nice, common-sense UI tweaks, but above all, XP felt rock-solid compared to any previous Windows version, so much so that it relieved me of years of worry and anger. Plus, it seemed just as snappy as Windows 98. On my laptop, wireless networking went from being an iffy proposition to a no-brainer. At last, despite the heavy burden of backward compatibility, Microsoft had built a Windows version that was as comfortable, functional, and reliable as my (aging) Honda.
Unfortunately, that model is about to be stripped for parts. On June 30, 2008, Microsoft plans to stop selling XP retail, either shrink-wrapped or on OEM PCs. But here at InfoWorld, we don't think an operating system that has lots of miles left in it should be headed for the scrap heap. That's why we're launching a program to save Windows XP.
The idea is simple: we're hosting a petition to convince Microsoft to keep selling Windows XP indefinitely rather than force users to upgrade to Vista. To help us gain critical mass, go to and sign our petition. We'll send your name to Microsoft -- without your e-mail address, of course -- as a verified cosigner in our mission to keep XP alive. If you'd like to help publicize the Save XP campaign, e-mail us and we'll send you some code snippet you can put on your own site.
Lest you think that XP is already a lost cause, consider that an increasing number of organizations appear to be staying put and refusing to upgrade to Vista. The momentum is already there; we're just providing another way for your voice to be heard. We sincerely hope you'll chime in and sign up to Save XP. Together, we could have a huge impact.[文章来自:]
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