

MultiXact日誌是PG系統用來記錄組合事務ID的一種日誌. 由於PG採用了多版本併發控制, 因此同一個元組相關的事務ID可能有多個, 爲了在加鎖(行共享鎖)的時候統一操作, PG將與該元組相關聯的多個事務ID組合起來用一個MultiXactID代替來管理.同CLOG, SubTrans日誌一樣, MultiXact日誌也是利用SLRU緩衝區來實現.

typedef uint32 TransactionId;

/* MultiXactId must be equivalent to TransactionId, to fit in t_xmax */
typedef TransactionId MultiXactId;

1 MultiXact日誌管理器相關數據結構

MultiXact是一個多對一的映射關係, 需要在事務ID數組中標記哪一段映射到一個MultiXactID(如圖). 所以在映射的過程中需要存儲兩種信息, 即需要標識一段事務ID的偏移量(Offset), 還需要記錄這段偏移量的大小(NMembers).

圖 MultiXactID組合關係
由於需要對MultiXactID的分配進行維護, 於是定義了數據結構MultiXactStateData(數據結構如圖所示).

數據結構 MultiXactStateData

// multixact.c
 * MultiXact state shared across all backends.  All this state is protected
 * by MultiXactGenLock.  (We also use MultiXactOffsetControlLock and
 * MultiXactMemberControlLock to guard accesses to the two sets of SLRU
 * buffers.  For concurrency's sake, we avoid holding more than one of these
 * locks at a time.)
typedef struct MultiXactStateData
	/* 下一個可分配的 MultiXactId */
	MultiXactId nextMXact;

	/* 下一個對應MultiXactId的起始偏移量 */
	MultiXactOffset nextOffset;

	/* Have we completed multixact startup? */
	bool		finishedStartup;

	 * Oldest multixact that is still potentially referenced by a relation.
	 * Anything older than this should not be consulted.  These values are
	 * updated by vacuum.
	MultiXactId oldestMultiXactId;
	Oid			oldestMultiXactDB;

	 * Oldest multixact offset that is potentially referenced by a multixact
	 * referenced by a relation.  We don't always know this value, so there's
	 * a flag here to indicate whether or not we currently do.
	MultiXactOffset oldestOffset;
	bool		oldestOffsetKnown;

	/* support for anti-wraparound measures */
	MultiXactId multiVacLimit;
	MultiXactId multiWarnLimit;
	MultiXactId multiStopLimit;
	MultiXactId multiWrapLimit;

	/* support for members anti-wraparound measures */
	MultiXactOffset offsetStopLimit;	/* known if oldestOffsetKnown */

	 * Per-backend data starts here.  We have two arrays stored in the area
	 * immediately following the MultiXactStateData struct. Each is indexed by
	 * BackendId.
	 * In both arrays, there's a slot for all normal backends (1..MaxBackends)
	 * followed by a slot for max_prepared_xacts prepared transactions. Valid
	 * BackendIds start from 1; element zero of each array is never used.
	 * OldestMemberMXactId[k] is the oldest MultiXactId each backend's current
	 * transaction(s) could possibly be a member of, or InvalidMultiXactId
	 * when the backend has no live transaction that could possibly be a
	 * member of a MultiXact.  Each backend sets its entry to the current
	 * nextMXact counter just before first acquiring a shared lock in a given
	 * transaction, and clears it at transaction end. (This works because only
	 * during or after acquiring a shared lock could an XID possibly become a
	 * member of a MultiXact, and that MultiXact would have to be created
	 * during or after the lock acquisition.)
	 * OldestVisibleMXactId[k] is the oldest MultiXactId each backend's
	 * current transaction(s) think is potentially live, or InvalidMultiXactId
	 * when not in a transaction or not in a transaction that's paid any
	 * attention to MultiXacts yet.  This is computed when first needed in a
	 * given transaction, and cleared at transaction end.  We can compute it
	 * as the minimum of the valid OldestMemberMXactId[] entries at the time
	 * we compute it (using nextMXact if none are valid).  Each backend is
	 * required not to attempt to access any SLRU data for MultiXactIds older
	 * than its own OldestVisibleMXactId[] setting; this is necessary because
	 * the checkpointer could truncate away such data at any instant.
	 * The oldest valid value among all of the OldestMemberMXactId[] and
	 * OldestVisibleMXactId[] entries is considered by vacuum as the earliest
	 * possible value still having any live member transaction.  Subtracting
	 * vacuum_multixact_freeze_min_age from that value we obtain the freezing
	 * point for multixacts for that table.  Any value older than that is
	 * removed from tuple headers (or "frozen"; see FreezeMultiXactId.  Note
	 * that multis that have member xids that are older than the cutoff point
	 * for xids must also be frozen, even if the multis themselves are newer
	 * than the multixid cutoff point).  Whenever a full table vacuum happens,
	 * the freezing point so computed is used as the new pg_class.relminmxid
	 * value.  The minimum of all those values in a database is stored as
	 * pg_database.datminmxid.  In turn, the minimum of all of those values is
	 * stored in pg_control and used as truncation point for pg_multixact.  At
	 * checkpoint or restartpoint, unneeded segments are removed.
	MultiXactId perBackendXactIds[FLEXIBLE_ARRAY_MEMBER];
} MultiXactStateData;

MultiXactStateData用來管理和維護MultiXactID, 另外還需要定義一個統一的接口來操作MultiXactID, 即存儲這種多對一的映射關係, PG定義mXactCacheEnt來完成此工作.

 * Definitions for the backend-local MultiXactId cache.
 * We use this cache to store known MultiXacts, so we don't need to go to
 * SLRU areas every time.
 * The cache lasts for the duration of a single transaction, the rationale
 * for this being that most entries will contain our own TransactionId and
 * so they will be uninteresting by the time our next transaction starts.
 * (XXX not clear that this is correct --- other members of the MultiXact
 * could hang around longer than we did.  However, it's not clear what a
 * better policy for flushing old cache entries would be.)	FIXME actually
 * this is plain wrong now that multixact's may contain update Xids.
 * We allocate the cache entries in a memory context that is deleted at
 * transaction end, so we don't need to do retail freeing of entries.
typedef struct mXactCacheEnt
	MultiXactId multi;
	int			nmembers;
	dlist_node	node;
	MultiXactMember members[FLEXIBLE_ARRAY_MEMBER];
} mXactCacheEnt;

MultiXact日誌存儲在PGDATA/pg_multixact/目錄下, 其中會有兩個子目錄members和offset, 分別存儲XactID成員和偏移量.

[postgres@localhost ~/db1_normal/pg_multixact]$ ls
members  offsets
[postgres@localhost ~/db1_normal/pg_multixact]$ 


/* We need four bytes per offset */
#define MULTIXACT_OFFSETS_PER_PAGE (BLCKSZ / sizeof(MultiXactOffset))

#define MultiXactIdToOffsetPage(xid) \
	((xid) / (MultiXactOffset) MULTIXACT_OFFSETS_PER_PAGE)
#define MultiXactIdToOffsetEntry(xid) \
	((xid) % (MultiXactOffset) MULTIXACT_OFFSETS_PER_PAGE)
#define MultiXactIdToOffsetSegment(xid) (MultiXactIdToOffsetPage(xid) / SLRU_PAGES_PER_SEGMENT)
/* page in which a member is to be found */
#define MXOffsetToMemberPage(xid) ((xid) / (TransactionId) MULTIXACT_MEMBERS_PER_PAGE)
#define MXOffsetToMemberSegment(xid) (MXOffsetToMemberPage(xid) / SLRU_PAGES_PER_SEGMENT)

/* Location (byte offset within page) of flag word for a given member */
#define MXOffsetToFlagsOffset(xid) \
	((((xid) / (TransactionId) MULTIXACT_MEMBERS_PER_MEMBERGROUP) % \
#define MXOffsetToFlagsBitShift(xid) \
	(((xid) % (TransactionId) MULTIXACT_MEMBERS_PER_MEMBERGROUP) * \

/* Location (byte offset within page) of TransactionId of given member */
#define MXOffsetToMemberOffset(xid) \
	(MXOffsetToFlagsOffset(xid) + MULTIXACT_FLAGBYTES_PER_GROUP + \
	 ((xid) % MULTIXACT_MEMBERS_PER_MEMBERGROUP) * sizeof(TransactionId))

MultiXact日誌的緩衝區用兩個SLRU緩衝區來實現, 分別是MultiXactOffsetCtl和MultiXactMemberCtl, 分別記錄Members和Offsets. 在Postmaster啓動後, 就註冊在共享內存中, 管理全局的MultiXactID.

// multixact.c
 * Links to shared-memory data structures for MultiXact control
static SlruCtlData MultiXactOffsetCtlData;
static SlruCtlData MultiXactMemberCtlData;

#define MultiXactOffsetCtl	(&MultiXactOffsetCtlData)
#define MultiXactMemberCtl	(&MultiXactMemberCtlData)
// slru.h
 * SlruCtlData is an unshared structure that points to the active information
 * in shared memory.
typedef struct SlruCtlData
	SlruShared	shared;

	 * This flag tells whether to fsync writes (true for pg_xact and multixact
	 * stuff, false for pg_subtrans and pg_notify).
	bool		do_fsync;

	 * Decide which of two page numbers is "older" for truncation purposes. We
	 * need to use comparison of TransactionIds here in order to do the right
	 * thing with wraparound XID arithmetic.
	bool		(*PagePrecedes) (int, int);

	 * Dir is set during SimpleLruInit and does not change thereafter. Since
	 * it's always the same, it doesn't need to be in shared memory.
	char		Dir[64];
} SlruCtlData;


<PG數據庫內核分析> 7.11.4 MultiXact日誌管理器

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