Linux-man page(Linux在線手冊) 的簡單使用

Linux-man page(Linux在線手冊) 的簡單使用


命令: man 7 man
The manual sections are traditionally defined as follows:

              1 Commands
                        Those commands that can be executed by the user from
                        within a shell.(使用者在shell環境中可以操作的指令或可執文件)

              2 System calls
                        Those functions which must be performed by the kernel.

              3 Library calls
                        Most of the libc functions, such as qsort(3).

              4 Special files
                        Files found in /dev.(裝置檔案的說明,通常在/dev下的文件)

              5 File formats and conventions
                        The format for /etc/passwd and other human-readable

              6 Games

              7 Conventions and miscellaneous
                        A description of the standard file system layout, net-
                        work protocols, ASCII and other character codes, this
                        man page, and other things.(慣例與協定等,例如Linux檔案系統、網路協定、ASCII code等等的說明)

              8 System management commands
                        Commands like mount(8), many of which only root can

              9 Kernel routines
                        This is an obsolete manual section.   Once it was
                        thought a good idea to document the Linux kernel here,
                        but in fact very little has been documented, and the
                        documentation that exists is outdated already. There
                        are better sources of information for kernel develop-

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       man page通常是放在/usr/share/man這個目錄裏頭,然而,我們可以通過修改他的man page搜尋路徑來改善這個目錄的問題(但這也太無聊了吧)! 修改/etc/man.config (有的版本爲man.conf或manpath.conf)即可!

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