
vocal organs

20元音 28輔音
元音:氣流無阻 佔據音節 發音之本

[i:] ee ea e ie ei
he she these me tree meet beef see please clean green leave teacher team speak
where’s he? He’s in the tree.
She is reading an interesting notice.

[i] i y e ui u a
sit it is list six mix pig big build busy decide beside orange
Six pigs are sitting in the building.
It’s been a long day without you my friend.

[e] ea e a u ie
head bread pleasure egg red bed desk hotel many any friend
I ate seven eggs for breakfast today.
Isn’t it a pleasure to have a friend coming from afar?

bag hand and hat map bad mad black man cat
The black cat is on the map.
The fat man is carrying a bag on his back.

Green told Bin that there was shit on the sheet.
Do you believe it?
I’m admitted to my dream university.

The bad bed next to the black desk is always cracking.
Welcome to the hotel California!
There are plenty of rooms in it.

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