

本文講解了如何把一個VisualStudio C++(VC)項目轉爲VSCode(VSC)項目,並使用MSVC編譯。MSVC編譯一個程序分爲編譯(cl.exe)和鏈接(link.exe)的過程。有時候還需要生成靜態庫或動態庫(lib.exe)。如果我們使用VC,這些過程是在背後運作的,如果使用VSC,則不得不瞭解這些命令行背後運作的機理。

本文的示例代碼 fifoapi 可以在我的 github 上免費下載。這個代碼演示瞭如何使用命名管道(named pipe 或 fifo)在進程間(客戶端和服務端)直接傳遞消息。命名管道的細節我已經封裝到 fifoapi 中,用戶可以不用瞭解這些細節就能使用fifo。代碼支持 Windows (提供了VSC工程)和 Linux (目前還未提供 VSC 工程)。

下載 fifoapi

fifo 示例代碼本身就具有相當的實用價值,是我在2020年春節的期間窩在家裏過年,百無聊賴時的作品:用於在一臺機器的不同進程(無依賴關係)之間傳遞消息。你可以爲任何目的使用它,前提是不改變

Copyright © 2008-2080 pepstack.com, [email protected]

無論是 Windows還是Linux,無論服務端還是客戶端,都使用了同一個頭文件:fifo.h。它提供了簡單易用的接口:

  • fifo.h

    const char * fifo_server_get_pipename (fifo_server server);
    int fifo_server_new (const char *pipename, int client_timeout, int connect_timeout, fifo_server *server);
    void fifo_server_runforever (fifo_server server, fifo_onpipemsg_cb pipemsgcb, void *argument);
    void fifo_server_free (fifo_server server);
    const char * fifo_client_get_pipename (fifo_client client);
    int fifo_client_new (const char *pipename, int wait_timeout, fifo_client *client);
    void fifo_client_free (fifo_client client);
    int fifo_client_write (fifo_client client, const fifo_pipemsg_t *msg);
    int fifo_client_read (fifo_client client, fifo_pipemsg_t *msg);

編譯Windows的fifoapi需要 fifo-win.c,編譯Linux的fifo需要 fifo.c。github的示例代碼僅僅顯示瞭如何使用VSCode來構建MSVC項目。以後我會加入mingw和Linux構建的部分。

我首先採用VSCode來構建fifo-win的靜態庫,然後又構建了客戶端(fifoclient.exe)和服務端(fifoserver.exe)的測試程序。當然,構建測試程序不是必須的。工程目錄下的 vscode-msvc-x64.bat 是構建 64 位程序用到的。雙擊 vscode-msvc-x64.bat,進入 cmd 窗口,在這個窗口裏,進入到項目的目錄下面,然後輸入命令:

...\Workspace\fifoapi> code .

就打開了相應的(x86或x64)的VSCode。然後按 Ctrl+Shift+B,選擇合適的 task 去構建。
在這裏插入圖片描述需要注意的是,如果是雙擊 vscode-msvc-x64.bat 打開的項目,不要去構建 x86 的 task。反之亦然。


這裏提供一下 tasks.json 全文,供快速參考。

  • tasks.json

        // See https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=733558 
        // for the documentation about the tasks.json format
        "version": "2.0.0",
        "tasks": [
                "type": "shell",
                "label": "win-all-debug-obj",
                "problemMatcher": ["$msCompile"],
                "command": "cl.exe",
                "args": [
                    "/MTd", "/D", "_DEBUG",
                    "/Fo:", "${workspaceFolder}\\build\\fifo-win.obj",
                    "/c", "${workspaceFolder}\\src\\fifo-win.c"
                "detail": "> compile Windows x86(32bits) debug objects: fifo-win.obj"
                "type": "shell",
                "label": "win-all-rels-obj",
                "problemMatcher": ["$msCompile"],
                "command": "cl.exe",
                "args": [
                    "/MT", "/D", "NDEBUG",
                    "/Fo:", "${workspaceFolder}\\build\\fifo-win.obj",
                    "/c", "${workspaceFolder}\\src\\fifo-win.c"
                "detail": "> compile Windows x86(32bits) release objects: fifo-win.obj"
                "type": "shell",
                "label": "win-x86-debug-staticlib",
                "dependsOn": [
                "problemMatcher": ["$msCompile"],
                "group": {
                    "kind": "build",
                    "isDefault": true
                "command": "lib.exe",
                "args": [
                "detail": "> build Windows x86(32bits) debug staticlib: fifo-win_x86d.lib"
                "type": "shell",
                "label": "win-x86-rels-staticlib",
                "dependsOn": [
                "problemMatcher": ["$msCompile"],
                "group": {
                    "kind": "build",
                    "isDefault": true
                "command": "lib.exe",
                "args": [
                "detail": "> build windows x86(32bits) release staticlib: fifo-win_x86.lib"
                "type": "shell",
                "label": "win-x64-debug-staticlib",
                "dependsOn": [
                "problemMatcher": ["$msCompile"],
                "group": {
                    "kind": "build",
                    "isDefault": true
                "command": "lib.exe",
                "args": [
                "detail": "> build Windows x64 debug staticlib: fifo-win_x64d.lib"
                "type": "shell",
                "label": "win-x64-rels-staticlib",
                "dependsOn": [
                "problemMatcher": ["$msCompile"],
                "command": "lib.exe",
                "group": {
                    "kind": "build",
                    "isDefault": true
                "args": [
                "detail": "> build Windows x64 release staticlib: fifo-win_x64.lib"
                "type": "shell",
                "label": "win-all-debug-examples-obj",
                "problemMatcher": ["$msCompile"],
                "command": "cl.exe",
                "args": [
                    "/Zi", "/MTd", "/D", "_DEBUG", "/EHsc",
                "detail": "> compile Windows x64 debug examples objects"
                "type": "shell",
                "label": "win-all-rels-examples-obj",
                "problemMatcher": ["$msCompile"],
                "command": "cl.exe",
                "args": [
                    "/Zi", "/MT", "/D", "NDEBUG", "/EHsc",
                "detail": "> compile Windows x64 release examples objects"
                "label": "win-x64-debug-fifoclient",
                "dependsOn": [
                "dependsOrder": "sequence",
                "problemMatcher": ["$msCompile"],
                "group": {
                    "kind": "build",
                    "isDefault": true
                "command": "link.exe",
                "args": [
                "detail": "> build Windows x64 debug app: fifoclient.exe"
                "label": "win-x64-debug-fifoserver",
                "dependsOn": [
                "dependsOrder": "sequence",
                "problemMatcher": ["$msCompile"],
                "group": {
                    "kind": "build",
                    "isDefault": true
                "command": "link.exe",
                "args": [
                "detail": "> build Windows x64 debug app: fifoserver.exe"
                "label": "win-x64-rels-fifoclient",
                "dependsOn": [
                "dependsOrder": "sequence",
                "problemMatcher": ["$msCompile"],
                "group": {
                    "kind": "build",
                    "isDefault": true
                "command": "link.exe",
                "args": [
                "detail": "> build Windows x64 release app: fifoclient.exe"
                "label": "win-x64-rels-fifoserver",
                "dependsOn": [
                "dependsOrder": "sequence",
                "problemMatcher": ["$msCompile"],
                "group": {
                    "kind": "build",
                    "isDefault": true
                "command": "link.exe",
                "args": [
                "detail": "> build Windows x64 release app: fifoserver.exe"
                "label": "win-x86-debug-fifoclient",
                "dependsOn": [
                "dependsOrder": "sequence",
                "problemMatcher": ["$msCompile"],
                "group": {
                    "kind": "build",
                    "isDefault": true
                "command": "link.exe",
                "args": [
                "detail": "> build Windows x86 debug app: fifoclient.exe"
                "label": "win-x86-debug-fifoserver",
                "dependsOn": [
                "dependsOrder": "sequence",
                "problemMatcher": ["$msCompile"],
                "group": {
                    "kind": "build",
                    "isDefault": true
                "command": "link.exe",
                "args": [
                "detail": "> build Windows x86 debug app: fifoserver.exe"
                "label": "win-x86-rels-fifoclient",
                "dependsOn": [
                "dependsOrder": "sequence",
                "problemMatcher": ["$msCompile"],
                "group": {
                    "kind": "build",
                    "isDefault": true
                "command": "link.exe",
                "args": [
                "detail": "> build Windows x86 release app: fifoclient.exe"
                "label": "win-x86-rels-fifoserver",
                "dependsOn": [
                "dependsOrder": "sequence",
                "problemMatcher": ["$msCompile"],
                "group": {
                    "kind": "build",
                    "isDefault": true
                "command": "link.exe",
                "args": [
                "detail": "> build Windows x86 release app: fifoserver.exe"
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