1. 起源 Entitas 基本认识

这几天打算跟朋友做一个三消类的游戏,我们计划用Unity 开发 C# + XLua,在网上找了一天的好的框架 看了ET 等,总感觉不太顺手,打算从0开始自己搞一套基于ECS的游戏框架,ECS 基于 Entitas https://github.com/sschmid/Entitas-CSharp.git
ECS 是 Entity Component System 的简称

1. Entitas.IComponent, 我们的组件要继承这个类, 组件只用于存储数据

2. Systems

  •  ReactiveSystem 反应系统,下面是官方解释,在有数据变化时会触发,我们需要重写 触发器,筛选器,执行
/// A ReactiveSystem calls Execute(entities) if there were changes based on
/// the specified Collector and will only pass in changed entities.
/// A common use-case is to react to changes, e.g. a change of the position
/// of an entity to update the gameObject.transform.position
/// of the related gameObject.
public class LogSystem : ReactiveSystem<GameEntity>
    public LogSystem(Contexts contexts) : base(contexts.game)
    protected override ICollector<GameEntity> GetTrigger(IContext<GameEntity> context)
        return context.CreateCollector(GameMatcher.HelloWordLog);
    protected override bool Filter(GameEntity entity)
        return entity.hasHelloWordLog;
    protected override void Execute(List<GameEntity> entities)
         foreach (var entity in entities)
  • IInitializeSystem 初始化系统 会执行一次初始化操作 例如我们初始化的时候创建了一个Entity,挂在上HelloWordLog组件,这个时候我们的创建的 ReactiveSystem 就会 调用收集,然后执行,这时候就打印出了 entity的 log组件上的 message
    public class InitSystem : IInitializeSystem
        private GameContext _gameContext;
        public InitSystem(Contexts contexts)
            _gameContext = contexts.game;
        public void Initialize()


  • Feature 特性, 将不同的System添加到Feature以组成新的特性
    public class AddGameSystem : Feature
        public AddGameSystem(Contexts contexts) : base("AddHelloWordSystem")
            Add(new LogSystem(contexts));
            Add(new InitSystem(contexts));


  • Entitas的启动 我们创建新的特性,然后初始化这时候会调用到上面定义的IInitializeSystem 系统 
    public class GameController : MonoBehaviour
        public Systems _systems;
        // Start is called before the first frame update
        void Start()
            var context = Contexts.sharedInstance;
            _systems = new Feature("Systems").Add(new AddGameSystem(context));
        // Update is called once per frame
        void Update()


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