
     * Capture error data for debugging in web console.

    var captures = [];

     * Wait until `window.onload`, so any external scripts
     * you might load have a chance to set their own error handlers,
     * which we don't want to override.

    window.addEventListener('load', onload);

     * Custom global function to standardize
     * window.onerror so it works like you'd think.
     * @see http://www.quirksmode.org/dom/events/error.html

    window.onanyerror = window.onanyerror || onanyerrorx;

     * Hook up all error handlers after window loads.

    function onload() {

     * Handle global window events.

    function handleGlobal() {
        var onerrorx = window.onerror;
        window.addEventListener('error', onerror);

        function onerror(msg, url, line, col, error) {
            window.onanyerror.apply(this, arguments);
            if (onerrorx) return onerrorx.apply(null, arguments);

     * Handle ajax request errors.

    function handleXMLHttp() {
        var sendx = XMLHttpRequest.prototype.send;
        window.XMLHttpRequest.prototype.send = function(){
            return sendx.apply(this, arguments);

     * Handle image errors.

    function handleImage() {
        var ImageOriginal = window.Image;
        window.Image = ImageOverride;

         * New `Image` constructor. Might cause some problems,
         * but not sure yet. This is at least a start, and works on chrome.

        function ImageOverride() {
            var img = new ImageOriginal;
            onnext(function(){ handleAsync(img); });
            return img;

     * Handle script errors.

    function handleScript() {
        var HTMLScriptElementOriginal = window.HTMLScriptElement;
        window.HTMLScriptElement = HTMLScriptElementOverride;

         * New `HTMLScriptElement` constructor.
         * Allows us to globally override onload.
         * Not ideal to override stuff, but it helps with debugging.

        function HTMLScriptElementOverride() {
            var script = new HTMLScriptElement;
            onnext(function(){ handleAsync(script); });
            return script;

     * Handle errors in events.
     * @see http://stackoverflow.com/questions/951791/javascript-global-error-handling/31750604#31750604

    function handleEvents() {
        var addEventListenerx = window.EventTarget.prototype.addEventListener;
        window.EventTarget.prototype.addEventListener = addEventListener;
        var removeEventListenerx = window.EventTarget.prototype.removeEventListener;
        window.EventTarget.prototype.removeEventListener = removeEventListener;

        function addEventListener(event, handler, bubble) {
            var handlerx = wrap(handler);
            return addEventListenerx.call(this, event, handlerx, bubble);

        function removeEventListener(event, handler, bubble) {
            handler = handler._witherror || handler;
            removeEventListenerx.call(this, event, handler, bubble);

        function wrap(fn) {
            fn._witherror = witherror;

            function witherror() {
                try {
                    fn.apply(this, arguments);
                } catch(e) {
                    window.onanyerror.apply(this, e);
                    throw e;
            return fn;

     * Handle image/ajax request errors generically.

    function handleAsync(obj) {
        var onerrorx = obj.onerror;
        obj.onerror = onerror;
        var onabortx = obj.onabort;
        obj.onabort = onabort;
        var onloadx = obj.onload;
        obj.onload = onload;

         * Handle `onerror`.

        function onerror(error) {
            window.onanyerror.call(this, error);
            if (onerrorx) return onerrorx.apply(this, arguments);

         * Handle `onabort`.

        function onabort(error) {
            window.onanyerror.call(this, error);
            if (onabortx) return onabortx.apply(this, arguments);

         * Handle `onload`.
         * For images, you can get a 403 response error,
         * but this isn't triggered as a global on error.
         * This sort of standardizes it.
         * "there is no way to get the HTTP status from a
         * request made by an img tag in JavaScript."
         * @see http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8108636/how-to-get-http-status-code-of-img-tags/8108646#8108646

        function onload(request) {
            if (request.status && request.status >= 400) {
                window.onanyerror.call(this, request);
            if (onloadx) return onloadx.apply(this, arguments);

     * Generic error handler.
     * This shows the basic implementation,
     * which you could override in your app.

    function onanyerrorx(entity) {
        var display = entity;

        // ajax request
        if (entity instanceof XMLHttpRequest) {
            // 400: http://example.com/image.png
            display = entity.status + ' ' + entity.responseURL;
        } else if (entity instanceof Event) {
            // global window events, or image events
            var target = entity.currentTarget;
            display = target;
        } else {
            // not sure if there are others

        console.log('[onanyerror]', display, entity);

     * Capture stuff for debugging purposes.
     * Keep them in memory so you can reference them
     * in the chrome debugger as `onanyerror0` up to `onanyerror99`.

    function capture(entity) {
        if (captures.length > 100) captures.unshift();

        // keep the last ones around
        var i = captures.length;
        while (--i) {
            var x = captures[i];
            window['onanyerror' + i] = x;

     * Wait til next code execution cycle as fast as possible.

    function onnext(fn) {
        setTimeout(fn, 0);



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