

    關於Mybaits大家應很熟悉,MyBatis 是封裝jdbc的持久層框架,它支持定製化 SQL、存儲過程以及高級映射。通過XML方式或者註解的方式映射到數據庫以及返回的POJO,詳細的我不介紹了大家可以自行搜索,

     下面代碼爲mybaits的一個簡單xml配置,從代碼上來看沒有具體問題,但是OnLineState 的類型爲int整型

 <select id="selectConcentratorInfo" parameterType="Map" resultType="AttrConcentrator">
        select <include refid="concentratorSql"></include> from attr_Concentrator where DelFlag = 0
        <if test="OnLineState!=null and '' !=OnLineState ">
            and OnLineState = #{OnLineState}


恰巧他的取值範圍爲0和1,當我發現OnLineState 的值爲0的時候<if>條件返回的是false,也就是沒有執行if裏的語句,當時很奇怪,爲什麼OnLineState 是有值的情況下依然不能執行呢,於是跟蹤了下執行

Mybatis在處理 if 標籤時,使用OGNL表達式來處理,並且返回的是表達式的結果

OGNL是Object-Graph Navigation Language的縮寫,它是一種功能強大的表達式語言,通過它簡單一致的表達式語法,可以存取對象的任意屬性,調用對象的方法,遍歷整個對象的結構圖,實現字段類型轉化等功能。它使用相同的表達式去存取對象的屬性。這樣可以更好的取得數據。


// Source code recreated from a .class file by IntelliJ IDEA
// (powered by Fernflower decompiler)

package org.apache.ibatis.ognl;

import java.lang.reflect.Array;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import org.apache.ibatis.ognl.enhance.UnsupportedCompilationException;

public abstract class OgnlOps implements NumericTypes {
    public OgnlOps() {

    public static int compareWithConversion(Object v1, Object v2) {
        int result;
        if (v1 == v2) {
            result = 0;
        } else {
            int t1 = getNumericType(v1);
            int t2 = getNumericType(v2);
            int type = getNumericType(t1, t2, true);
            switch(type) {
            case 6:
                result = bigIntValue(v1).compareTo(bigIntValue(v2));
            case 9:
                result = bigDecValue(v1).compareTo(bigDecValue(v2));
            case 10:
                if (t1 == 10 && t2 == 10) {
                    if (v1 instanceof Comparable && v1.getClass().isAssignableFrom(v2.getClass())) {
                        result = ((Comparable)v1).compareTo(v2);

                    throw new IllegalArgumentException("invalid comparison: " + v1.getClass().getName() + " and " + v2.getClass().getName());
            case 7:
            case 8:
                double dv1 = doubleValue(v1);
                double dv2 = doubleValue(v2);
                return dv1 == dv2 ? 0 : (dv1 < dv2 ? -1 : 1);
                long lv1 = longValue(v1);
                long lv2 = longValue(v2);
                return lv1 == lv2 ? 0 : (lv1 < lv2 ? -1 : 1);

        return result;

    public static boolean isEqual(Object object1, Object object2) {
        boolean result = false;
        if (object1 == object2) {
            result = true;
        } else if (object1 != null && object1.getClass().isArray()) {
            if (object2 != null && object2.getClass().isArray() && object2.getClass() == object1.getClass()) {
                result = Array.getLength(object1) == Array.getLength(object2);
                if (result) {
                    int i = 0;

                    for(int icount = Array.getLength(object1); result && i < icount; ++i) {
                        result = isEqual(Array.get(object1, i), Array.get(object2, i));
        } else {
            result = object1 != null && object2 != null && (object1.equals(object2) || compareWithConversion(object1, object2) == 0);

        return result;

    public static boolean booleanValue(boolean value) {
        return value;

    public static boolean booleanValue(int value) {
        return value > 0;

    public static boolean booleanValue(float value) {
        return value > 0.0F;

    public static boolean booleanValue(long value) {
        return value > 0L;

    public static boolean booleanValue(double value) {
        return value > 0.0D;

    public static boolean booleanValue(Object value) {
        if (value == null) {
            return false;
        } else {
            Class c = value.getClass();
            if (c == Boolean.class) {
                return (Boolean)value;
            } else if (c == String.class) {
                return Boolean.parseBoolean(String.valueOf(value));
            } else if (c == Character.class) {
                return (Character)value != 0;
            } else if (value instanceof Number) {
                return ((Number)value).doubleValue() != 0.0D;
            } else {
                return true;

    public static long longValue(Object value) throws NumberFormatException {
        if (value == null) {
            return 0L;
        } else {
            Class c = value.getClass();
            if (c.getSuperclass() == Number.class) {
                return ((Number)value).longValue();
            } else if (c == Boolean.class) {
                return (Boolean)value ? 1L : 0L;
            } else {
                return c == Character.class ? (long)(Character)value : Long.parseLong(stringValue(value, true));

    public static double doubleValue(Object value) throws NumberFormatException {
        if (value == null) {
            return 0.0D;
        } else {
            Class c = value.getClass();
            if (c.getSuperclass() == Number.class) {
                return ((Number)value).doubleValue();
            } else if (c == Boolean.class) {
                return (Boolean)value ? 1.0D : 0.0D;
            } else if (c == Character.class) {
                return (double)(Character)value;
            } else {
                String s = stringValue(value, true);
                return s.length() == 0 ? 0.0D : Double.parseDouble(s);

    public static BigInteger bigIntValue(Object value) throws NumberFormatException {
        if (value == null) {
            return BigInteger.valueOf(0L);
        } else {
            Class c = value.getClass();
            if (c == BigInteger.class) {
                return (BigInteger)value;
            } else if (c == BigDecimal.class) {
                return ((BigDecimal)value).toBigInteger();
            } else if (c.getSuperclass() == Number.class) {
                return BigInteger.valueOf(((Number)value).longValue());
            } else if (c == Boolean.class) {
                return BigInteger.valueOf((Boolean)value ? 1L : 0L);
            } else {
                return c == Character.class ? BigInteger.valueOf((long)(Character)value) : new BigInteger(stringValue(value, true));

    public static BigDecimal bigDecValue(Object value) throws NumberFormatException {
        if (value == null) {
            return BigDecimal.valueOf(0L);
        } else {
            Class c = value.getClass();
            if (c == BigDecimal.class) {
                return (BigDecimal)value;
            } else if (c == BigInteger.class) {
                return new BigDecimal((BigInteger)value);
            } else if (c == Boolean.class) {
                return BigDecimal.valueOf((Boolean)value ? 1L : 0L);
            } else {
                return c == Character.class ? BigDecimal.valueOf((long)(Character)value) : new BigDecimal(stringValue(value, true));

    public static String stringValue(Object value, boolean trim) {
        String result;
        if (value == null) {
            result = OgnlRuntime.NULL_STRING;
        } else {
            result = value.toString();
            if (trim) {
                result = result.trim();

        return result;

    public static String stringValue(Object value) {
        return stringValue(value, false);

    public static int getNumericType(Object value) {
        if (value != null) {
            Class c = value.getClass();
            if (c == Integer.class) {
                return 4;

            if (c == Double.class) {
                return 8;

            if (c == Boolean.class) {
                return 0;

            if (c == Byte.class) {
                return 1;

            if (c == Character.class) {
                return 2;

            if (c == Short.class) {
                return 3;

            if (c == Long.class) {
                return 5;

            if (c == Float.class) {
                return 7;

            if (c == BigInteger.class) {
                return 6;

            if (c == BigDecimal.class) {
                return 9;

        return 10;

    public static Object toArray(char value, Class toType) {
        return toArray(new Character(value), toType);

    public static Object toArray(byte value, Class toType) {
        return toArray(new Byte(value), toType);

    public static Object toArray(int value, Class toType) {
        return toArray(new Integer(value), toType);

    public static Object toArray(long value, Class toType) {
        return toArray(new Long(value), toType);

    public static Object toArray(float value, Class toType) {
        return toArray(new Float(value), toType);

    public static Object toArray(double value, Class toType) {
        return toArray(new Double(value), toType);

    public static Object toArray(boolean value, Class toType) {
        return toArray(new Boolean(value), toType);

    public static Object convertValue(char value, Class toType) {
        return convertValue(new Character(value), toType);

    public static Object convertValue(byte value, Class toType) {
        return convertValue(new Byte(value), toType);

    public static Object convertValue(int value, Class toType) {
        return convertValue(new Integer(value), toType);

    public static Object convertValue(long value, Class toType) {
        return convertValue(new Long(value), toType);

    public static Object convertValue(float value, Class toType) {
        return convertValue(new Float(value), toType);

    public static Object convertValue(double value, Class toType) {
        return convertValue(new Double(value), toType);

    public static Object convertValue(boolean value, Class toType) {
        return convertValue(new Boolean(value), toType);

    public static Object convertValue(char value, Class toType, boolean preventNull) {
        return convertValue(new Character(value), toType, preventNull);

    public static Object convertValue(byte value, Class toType, boolean preventNull) {
        return convertValue(new Byte(value), toType, preventNull);

    public static Object convertValue(int value, Class toType, boolean preventNull) {
        return convertValue(new Integer(value), toType, preventNull);

    public static Object convertValue(long value, Class toType, boolean preventNull) {
        return convertValue(new Long(value), toType, preventNull);

    public static Object convertValue(float value, Class toType, boolean preventNull) {
        return convertValue(new Float(value), toType, preventNull);

    public static Object convertValue(double value, Class toType, boolean preventNull) {
        return convertValue(new Double(value), toType, preventNull);

    public static Object convertValue(boolean value, Class toType, boolean preventNull) {
        return convertValue(new Boolean(value), toType, preventNull);

    public static Object toArray(char value, Class toType, boolean preventNull) {
        return toArray(new Character(value), toType, preventNull);

    public static Object toArray(byte value, Class toType, boolean preventNull) {
        return toArray(new Byte(value), toType, preventNull);

    public static Object toArray(int value, Class toType, boolean preventNull) {
        return toArray(new Integer(value), toType, preventNull);

    public static Object toArray(long value, Class toType, boolean preventNull) {
        return toArray(new Long(value), toType, preventNull);

    public static Object toArray(float value, Class toType, boolean preventNull) {
        return toArray(new Float(value), toType, preventNull);

    public static Object toArray(double value, Class toType, boolean preventNull) {
        return toArray(new Double(value), toType, preventNull);

    public static Object toArray(boolean value, Class toType, boolean preventNull) {
        return toArray(new Boolean(value), toType, preventNull);

    public static Object convertValue(Object value, Class toType) {
        return convertValue(value, toType, false);

    public static Object toArray(Object value, Class toType) {
        return toArray(value, toType, false);

    public static Object toArray(Object value, Class toType, boolean preventNulls) {
        if (value == null) {
            return null;
        } else {
            Object result = null;
            if (value.getClass().isArray() && toType.isAssignableFrom(value.getClass().getComponentType())) {
                return value;
            } else if (!value.getClass().isArray()) {
                if (toType == Character.TYPE) {
                    return stringValue(value).toCharArray();
                } else if (value instanceof Collection) {
                    return ((Collection)value).toArray((Object[])((Object[])Array.newInstance(toType, 0)));
                } else {
                    Object arr = Array.newInstance(toType, 1);
                    Array.set(arr, 0, convertValue(value, toType, preventNulls));
                    return arr;
            } else {
                result = Array.newInstance(toType, Array.getLength(value));
                int i = 0;

                for(int icount = Array.getLength(value); i < icount; ++i) {
                    Array.set(result, i, convertValue(Array.get(value, i), toType));

                return result == null && preventNulls ? value : result;

    public static Object convertValue(Object value, Class toType, boolean preventNulls) {
        Object result = null;
        if (value != null && toType.isAssignableFrom(value.getClass())) {
            return value;
        } else {
            if (value != null) {
                if (value.getClass().isArray() && toType.isArray()) {
                    Class componentType = toType.getComponentType();
                    result = Array.newInstance(componentType, Array.getLength(value));
                    int i = 0;

                    for(int icount = Array.getLength(value); i < icount; ++i) {
                        Array.set(result, i, convertValue(Array.get(value, i), componentType));
                } else {
                    if (value.getClass().isArray() && !toType.isArray()) {
                        return convertValue(Array.get(value, 0), toType);

                    if (!value.getClass().isArray() && toType.isArray()) {
                        if (toType.getComponentType() == Character.TYPE) {
                            result = stringValue(value).toCharArray();
                        } else if (toType.getComponentType() == Object.class) {
                            if (value instanceof Collection) {
                                Collection vc = (Collection)value;
                                return vc.toArray(new Object[0]);

                            return new Object[]{value};
                    } else {
                        if (toType == Integer.class || toType == Integer.TYPE) {
                            result = new Integer((int)longValue(value));

                        if (toType == Double.class || toType == Double.TYPE) {
                            result = new Double(doubleValue(value));

                        if (toType == Boolean.class || toType == Boolean.TYPE) {
                            result = booleanValue(value) ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE;

                        if (toType == Byte.class || toType == Byte.TYPE) {
                            result = new Byte((byte)((int)longValue(value)));

                        if (toType == Character.class || toType == Character.TYPE) {
                            result = new Character((char)((int)longValue(value)));

                        if (toType == Short.class || toType == Short.TYPE) {
                            result = new Short((short)((int)longValue(value)));

                        if (toType == Long.class || toType == Long.TYPE) {
                            result = new Long(longValue(value));

                        if (toType == Float.class || toType == Float.TYPE) {
                            result = new Float(doubleValue(value));

                        if (toType == BigInteger.class) {
                            result = bigIntValue(value);

                        if (toType == BigDecimal.class) {
                            result = bigDecValue(value);

                        if (toType == String.class) {
                            result = stringValue(value);
            } else if (toType.isPrimitive()) {
                result = OgnlRuntime.getPrimitiveDefaultValue(toType);
            } else if (preventNulls && toType == Boolean.class) {
                result = Boolean.FALSE;
            } else if (preventNulls && Number.class.isAssignableFrom(toType)) {
                result = OgnlRuntime.getNumericDefaultValue(toType);

            if (result == null && preventNulls) {
                return value;
            } else if (value != null && result == null) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unable to convert type " + value.getClass().getName() + " of " + value + " to type of " + toType.getName());
            } else {
                return result;

    public static int getIntValue(Object value) {
        try {
            if (value == null) {
                return -1;
            } else if (Number.class.isInstance(value)) {
                return ((Number)value).intValue();
            } else {
                String str = String.class.isInstance(value) ? (String)value : value.toString();
                return Integer.parseInt(str);
        } catch (Throwable var2) {
            throw new RuntimeException("Error converting " + value + " to integer:", var2);

    public static int getNumericType(Object v1, Object v2) {
        return getNumericType(v1, v2, false);

    public static int getNumericType(int t1, int t2, boolean canBeNonNumeric) {
        if (t1 == t2) {
            return t1;
        } else if (canBeNonNumeric && (t1 == 10 || t2 == 10 || t1 == 2 || t2 == 2)) {
            return 10;
        } else {
            if (t1 == 10) {
                t1 = 8;

            if (t2 == 10) {
                t2 = 8;

            if (t1 >= 7) {
                if (t2 >= 7) {
                    return Math.max(t1, t2);
                } else if (t2 < 4) {
                    return t1;
                } else {
                    return t2 == 6 ? 9 : Math.max(8, t1);
            } else if (t2 >= 7) {
                if (t1 < 4) {
                    return t2;
                } else {
                    return t1 == 6 ? 9 : Math.max(8, t2);
            } else {
                return Math.max(t1, t2);

    public static int getNumericType(Object v1, Object v2, boolean canBeNonNumeric) {
        return getNumericType(getNumericType(v1), getNumericType(v2), canBeNonNumeric);

    public static Number newInteger(int type, long value) {
        switch(type) {
        case 0:
        case 2:
        case 4:
            return new Integer((int)value);
        case 1:
            return new Byte((byte)((int)value));
        case 3:
            return new Short((short)((int)value));
        case 6:
            return BigInteger.valueOf(value);
        case 7:
            if ((long)((float)value) == value) {
                return new Float((float)value);
        case 8:
            if ((long)((double)value) == value) {
                return new Double((double)value);
        case 5:
            return new Long(value);

    public static Number newReal(int type, double value) {
        return (Number)(type == 7 ? new Float((float)value) : new Double(value));

    public static Object binaryOr(Object v1, Object v2) {
        int type = getNumericType(v1, v2);
        return type != 6 && type != 9 ? newInteger(type, longValue(v1) | longValue(v2)) : bigIntValue(v1).or(bigIntValue(v2));

    public static Object binaryXor(Object v1, Object v2) {
        int type = getNumericType(v1, v2);
        return type != 6 && type != 9 ? newInteger(type, longValue(v1) ^ longValue(v2)) : bigIntValue(v1).xor(bigIntValue(v2));

    public static Object binaryAnd(Object v1, Object v2) {
        int type = getNumericType(v1, v2);
        return type != 6 && type != 9 ? newInteger(type, longValue(v1) & longValue(v2)) : bigIntValue(v1).and(bigIntValue(v2));

    public static boolean equal(Object v1, Object v2) {
        if (v1 == null) {
            return v2 == null;
        } else if (v1 != v2 && !isEqual(v1, v2)) {
            if (v1 instanceof Number && v2 instanceof Number) {
                return ((Number)v1).doubleValue() == ((Number)v2).doubleValue();
            } else {
                return false;
        } else {
            return true;

    public static boolean less(Object v1, Object v2) {
        return compareWithConversion(v1, v2) < 0;

    public static boolean greater(Object v1, Object v2) {
        return compareWithConversion(v1, v2) > 0;

    public static boolean in(Object v1, Object v2) throws OgnlException {
        if (v2 == null) {
            return false;
        } else {
            ElementsAccessor elementsAccessor = OgnlRuntime.getElementsAccessor(OgnlRuntime.getTargetClass(v2));
            Enumeration e = elementsAccessor.getElements(v2);

            Object o;
            do {
                if (!e.hasMoreElements()) {
                    return false;

                o = e.nextElement();
            } while(!equal(v1, o));

            return true;

    public static Object shiftLeft(Object v1, Object v2) {
        int type = getNumericType(v1);
        return type != 6 && type != 9 ? newInteger(type, longValue(v1) << (int)longValue(v2)) : bigIntValue(v1).shiftLeft((int)longValue(v2));

    public static Object shiftRight(Object v1, Object v2) {
        int type = getNumericType(v1);
        return type != 6 && type != 9 ? newInteger(type, longValue(v1) >> (int)longValue(v2)) : bigIntValue(v1).shiftRight((int)longValue(v2));

    public static Object unsignedShiftRight(Object v1, Object v2) {
        int type = getNumericType(v1);
        if (type != 6 && type != 9) {
            return type <= 4 ? newInteger(4, (long)((int)longValue(v1) >>> (int)longValue(v2))) : newInteger(type, longValue(v1) >>> (int)longValue(v2));
        } else {
            return bigIntValue(v1).shiftRight((int)longValue(v2));

    public static Object add(Object v1, Object v2) {
        int type = getNumericType(v1, v2, true);
        switch(type) {
        case 6:
            return bigIntValue(v1).add(bigIntValue(v2));
        case 7:
        case 8:
            return newReal(type, doubleValue(v1) + doubleValue(v2));
        case 9:
            return bigDecValue(v1).add(bigDecValue(v2));
        case 10:
            int t1 = getNumericType(v1);
            int t2 = getNumericType(v2);
            if ((t1 == 10 || v2 != null) && (t2 == 10 || v1 != null)) {
                return stringValue(v1) + stringValue(v2);
            } else {
                throw new NullPointerException("Can't add values " + v1 + " , " + v2);
            return newInteger(type, longValue(v1) + longValue(v2));

    public static Object subtract(Object v1, Object v2) {
        int type = getNumericType(v1, v2);
        switch(type) {
        case 6:
            return bigIntValue(v1).subtract(bigIntValue(v2));
        case 7:
        case 8:
            return newReal(type, doubleValue(v1) - doubleValue(v2));
        case 9:
            return bigDecValue(v1).subtract(bigDecValue(v2));
            return newInteger(type, longValue(v1) - longValue(v2));

    public static Object multiply(Object v1, Object v2) {
        int type = getNumericType(v1, v2);
        switch(type) {
        case 6:
            return bigIntValue(v1).multiply(bigIntValue(v2));
        case 7:
        case 8:
            return newReal(type, doubleValue(v1) * doubleValue(v2));
        case 9:
            return bigDecValue(v1).multiply(bigDecValue(v2));
            return newInteger(type, longValue(v1) * longValue(v2));

    public static Object divide(Object v1, Object v2) {
        int type = getNumericType(v1, v2);
        switch(type) {
        case 6:
            return bigIntValue(v1).divide(bigIntValue(v2));
        case 7:
        case 8:
            return newReal(type, doubleValue(v1) / doubleValue(v2));
        case 9:
            return bigDecValue(v1).divide(bigDecValue(v2), 6);
            return newInteger(type, longValue(v1) / longValue(v2));

    public static Object remainder(Object v1, Object v2) {
        int type = getNumericType(v1, v2);
        switch(type) {
        case 6:
        case 9:
            return bigIntValue(v1).remainder(bigIntValue(v2));
            return newInteger(type, longValue(v1) % longValue(v2));

    public static Object negate(Object value) {
        int type = getNumericType(value);
        switch(type) {
        case 6:
            return bigIntValue(value).negate();
        case 7:
        case 8:
            return newReal(type, -doubleValue(value));
        case 9:
            return bigDecValue(value).negate();
            return newInteger(type, -longValue(value));

    public static Object bitNegate(Object value) {
        int type = getNumericType(value);
        switch(type) {
        case 6:
        case 9:
            return bigIntValue(value).not();
            return newInteger(type, ~longValue(value));

    public static String getEscapeString(String value) {
        StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer();
        int i = 0;

        for(int icount = value.length(); i < icount; ++i) {

        return new String(result);

    public static String getEscapedChar(char ch) {
        String result;
        switch(ch) {
        case '\b':
            result = "\b";
        case '\t':
            result = "\\t";
        case '\n':
            result = "\\n";
        case '\f':
            result = "\\f";
        case '\r':
            result = "\\r";
        case '"':
            result = "\\\"";
        case '\'':
            result = "\\'";
        case '\\':
            result = "\\\\";
            if (Character.isISOControl(ch)) {
                String hc = Integer.toString(ch, 16);
                int hcl = hc.length();
                result = "\\u";
                if (hcl < 4) {
                    if (hcl == 3) {
                        result = result + "0";
                    } else if (hcl == 2) {
                        result = result + "00";
                    } else {
                        result = result + "000";

                result = result + hc;
            } else {
                result = new String(ch + "");

        return result;

    public static Object returnValue(Object ignore, Object returnValue) {
        return returnValue;

    public static RuntimeException castToRuntime(Throwable t) {
        if (RuntimeException.class.isInstance(t)) {
            return (RuntimeException)t;
        } else if (OgnlException.class.isInstance(t)) {
            throw new UnsupportedCompilationException("Error evluating expression: " + t.getMessage(), t);
        } else {
            return new RuntimeException(t);



          在doubleValue方法中,首先判斷類型,"“空字符串會判斷s.length() == 0這時候顯然返回true,然後”“字符串對等的double值就是0.0,

          所以v1 == v2 結果爲true,compareWithConversion方法的最終返回值爲0,即相等. 





解決方案一:去掉爲空的判斷,這樣的話如果OnLineState 有值爲0的話也會過濾掉,所以此方案僅適用於值不包含0的情況

 <select id="selectConcentratorInfo" parameterType="Map" resultType="AttrConcentrator">
        select <include refid="concentratorSql"></include> from attr_Concentrator where DelFlag = 0
        <if test="OnLineState!=null">
            and OnLineState = #{OnLineState}



 <select id="selectConcentratorInfo" parameterType="Map" resultType="AttrConcentrator">
        select <include refid="concentratorSql"></include> from attr_Concentrator where DelFlag = 0
         <if test="OnLineState== 0 or (OnLineState!= null and OnLineState!= '')">
	         and OnLineState = #{OnLineState}



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