深度學習 cnn pytorch框架報錯 size mismatch, m1: [ x ], m2: [ x ] Captcha.ImageCaptcha設置生成圖片的大小尺寸


這裏很大程度是因爲圖片大小不一致,可以通過 resize命令來進行圖片的歸一化.

如果是通過captcha庫裏面的ImageCaptcha生成的驗證碼,百度上 沒有任何資料說可以改變圖片大小作爲訓練的.但是直接看他的代碼得知,他是可以設置圖片長寬和大小的

class ImageCaptcha(_Captcha):
    """Create an image CAPTCHA.

    Many of the codes are borrowed from wheezy.captcha, with a modification
    for memory and developer friendly.

    ImageCaptcha has one built-in font, DroidSansMono, which is licensed under
    Apache License 2. You should always use your own fonts::

        captcha = ImageCaptcha(fonts=['/path/to/A.ttf', '/path/to/B.ttf'])

    You can put as many fonts as you like. But be aware of your memory, all of
    the fonts are loaded into your memory, so keep them a lot, but not too

    :param width: The width of the CAPTCHA image.
    :param height: The height of the CAPTCHA image.
    :param fonts: Fonts to be used to generate CAPTCHA images.
    :param font_sizes: Random choose a font size from this parameters.
    def __init__(self, width=200, height=100, fonts=None, font_sizes=None):
        self._width = width
        self._height = height
        self._fonts = fonts or DEFAULT_FONTS
        self._font_sizes = font_sizes or (42, 50, 56)
        self._truefonts = []


基本出現這個錯誤就是圖片大小不一致,或者傳入的圖片處理過程中出錯的. 把圖片輸出一下看看圖片屬性很好排查的

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