理解InfluxDB的logging,關閉HTTP access log

  • Log and trace with InfluxDB

    InfluxDB writes log output, by default, to stderr, all logs are written to stderr.(about stderr see refe No.1).

    You can also redirect the log output, as you would any output to stderr.influxd 2>$HOME/my_log_file

  • HTTP access log

    Use the HTTP access log to log HTTP request traffic separately from the other InfluxDB log output.

    # HTTP access log format, - - [21/Jul/2019:03:01:27 +0000] "GET /query?db=metrics&q=SELECT+MEAN%28value%29+as+average_cpu%2C+MAX%28value%29+as+peak_cpu+FROM+%22foo.load%22+WHERE+time+%3E%3D+now%28%29+-+1m+AND+org_id+%21%3D+%27%27+AND+group_id+%21%3D+%27%27+GROUP+BY+org_id%2Cgroup_id HTTP/1.0" 200 11450 "-" "Baz Service" d6ca5a13-at63-11o9-8942-000000000000 9337349

    When HTTP request logging is enabled, the HTTP logs are intermingled by default with internal InfluxDB logging.By redirecting the HTTP request log entries to a separate file, both log files are easier to read, monitor, and debug.

    How to redirect HTTP request logging:

    Locate the [http] section of your InfluxDB configuration file and set the access-log-path option(Environment variable:INFLUXDB_HTTP_ACCESS_LOG_PATH) to specify the path where HTTP log entries should be written.

    How to disable HTTP request logging:

    Locate the [http] section ,use log-enabled = false(Environment variable : INFLUXDB_HTTP_LOG_ENABLED)



  • 配置文件與環境變量

    All of the configuration settings in the configuration file can be specified either in the configuration file or in an environment variable.

    All of the InfluxDB-specific envirenment variables are prefixed with INFLUXDB_.

    The InfluxDB system has internal defaults for all of the settings in the configuration file. To view the default configuration settings, use the influxd config command(在InfluxDB安裝環境運行,比如運行在Docker的就要進入Docker之後運行).

    The local InfluxDB configuration file is located here:

    • Linux: /etc/influxdb/influxdb.conf
    • macOS: /usr/local/etc/influxdb.conf
  • References

  1. 什麼是stderr
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